Early Medieval Europe provides an indispensable source of information and debate on the history of Europe from the later Roman Empire to the eleventh century. The journal is a thoroughly interdisciplinary forum, encouraging the discussion of archaeology, numismatics, palaeography, diplomatic, literature, onomastics, art history, linguistics and epigraphy, as well as more traditional historical approaches. It covers Europe in its entirety, including material on Iceland, Ireland, the British Isles, Scandinavia and Continental Europe (both west and east).
Original Articles
Mistranslations of Josephus and the expansion of public charity in late antiquity (pages 139–161) Mark AndersonVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12198
The military, the clergy and Christian faith in sixth-century Gaul (pages 162–185) Laury SartiVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12199
Local meetings and meeting places in early medieval León (pages 186–207) Álvaro Carvajal CastroVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12200
Angli and Saxones in Æthelweard's Chronicle (pages 208–223) George MolyneauxVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12201
Book reviews
The Art, Literature and Material Culture of the Medieval World. Transition, Transformation and Taxonomy. Edited by Meg Boulton and Jane Hawkes, with Melissa Herman. Dublin: Four Courts Press. 2015. xiv + 344 pp. + 76 b/w figures and 24 colour plates. €65.00 / £50. ISBN 978 I 84682 561 3. (pages 224–226) Anna GannonVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12202
Vikings in the South: Voyages to Iberia and the Mediterranean. By Ann Christys. Studies in Early Medieval History. London, New Delhi, New York and Sydney: Bloomsbury. 2015. xiii + 134 pp. + 8 b/w figures. £70 (hardback); £22.99 (paperback). ISBN 978 1 47421 376 9 (hardback); 978 1 47421 375 2 (paperback). (pages 226–228) Howard B. ClarkeVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12203
Sermo Doctorum: Compilers, Preachers, and their Audiences in the Early Medieval West. Edited by Maximilian Diesenberger, Yitzhak Hen and Marianne Pollheimer. Sermo: Studies on Patristic, Medieval, and Reformation Sermons and Preaching 9. Turnhout: Brepols. 2013. ix + 452 pp. + 2 b/w figures + 5 b/w tables. €110. ISBN 978 2 503 53515 9. (pages 228–231) Joanna ThornboroughVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12204
Rome and Religion in the Medieval World: Studies in Honor of Thomas F.X. Noble. Edited by Valerie L. Garver and Owen M. Phelan. Farnham: Ashgate. 2014. xxviii + 349 pp. £80. ISBN 9781472421128. (pages 231–233) Francesca TintiVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12205
Abortion in the Early Middle Ages, c.500–900. By Zubin Mistry. Woodbridge, Suffolk and Rochester, NY: The Boydell Press, in association with York Medieval Press. 2015. xiii + 342 pp. £60. ISBN 978 1903153574. (pages 233–236) Maeve CallanVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12206
Les Vandales et l'Empire romain. By Yves Modéran. Edited by Michel-Yves Perrin. Arles: Éditions Errance. 2014. 302 pp. €35. ISBN 978 2 87772 435 7. (pages 236–238) Jonathan P. ConantVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12207
The Formation of the English Kingdom in the Tenth Century. By George Molyneaux. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. 2015. xv + 302pp. £65. ISBN 978 0 19 871791 1. (pages 238–240) Barbara YorkeVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12208
Muslim and Christian Contact in the Middle Ages: A Reader. Edited by Jarbel Rodriguez. Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures 18. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2015. xiv + 440 pp. $44.95. ISBN 9781442600669. (pages 241–242) Jamie WoodVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12209
Hincmar of Rheims: Life and work. Edited by Rachel Stone and Charles West. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2015. xv + 309 pp. £75. ISBN 978 0 7190 9140 7. (pages 242–244) Ingrid RemboldVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12210
Deeds of the Saxons. By Widukind of Corvey. Translated with introduction and notes by Bernhard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press. 2014. xxxvii + 168 pp. incl., 2 genealogical charts. $29.95. ISBN 978 0 8132 2693 4. (pages 245–247) John W. BernhardtVersion of Record online: 9 APR 2017 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12211