Slovanský přehled 103 (2017), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Slovanský přehled 103 (2017), 1
Weiterer Titel 

Prague 2017: Academia
three times yearly
100 CZK



SLOVANSKÝ PŘEHLED / SLAVONIC REVIEW. Journal for the History of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe
Czech Republic
Historický ústav AV CR, v. v. i.; Published by the Institut of History, Prague; Adress: Prosecká 76, 190 00 Praha 9, Tel.: 532 290 509, E-mail:
Friedl, Jiří




Nevydařená výprava. Českoslovenští horníci v sovětském Rusku 1921–1922
S. 11–63

ЯНАК Душан
Неудачная экспедиция. Чехословацкие горняки в Cоветской России 1921–1922 гг.
A Botched Mission: Czechoslovak Miners in Soviet Russia 1921–1922
This study portrays the beginnings of what has been termed industrial immigration from Czechoslovakia to Soviet Russia in the interwar period. On the basis of materials mainly drawn from Russian archives, it tracks a group of 14 miners and mining engineers primarily from the Kladno mining district, but also from the North Bohemian mining district, and eight members of their familieS. They departed for the Soviet Donbass region in June 1921 with a vision of earning good income for a period of one year and of the possibility of permanently settling there, but after only a few months some already began returning to their homeland disillusioned and lacking fundS. By tracking the fates of individual members of this expedition we elucidate the causes for the failure of this particular program as well as other unsuccessful attempts at employing foreign experts in Soviet industry at the beginning of the 1920S.
Key words: Soviet Russia, Donbass, employment migration, Czechoslovak miners

Books and Rifles: The Political Activity of Yugoslav Communist Students in Prague from 1927 until 1937 (Part I)
S. 65–103

Книги и ружья: политическая активность югославских коммунистических студентов в Праге с 1827 по 1937 гг. (Первая часть)
Books and Rifles: The Political Activity of Yugoslav Communist Students in Prague from 1927 until 1937 (Part I)
This work deals with the previously under-researched topic of the Yugoslav communist student émigrés in Prague in the interwar period who would go on to become the political and intellectual elite of socialist Yugoslavia in the post-World War II era. Drawing primarily on sources from the National Archive in Prague and the Archive of Yugoslavia in Belgrade, as well as memoirs of the movement’s participants, this paper attempts to retrace their political activities and intellectual development through a period in which Comintern policy changed frequently, forcing the young communists to adapt to a constantly changing political climate. The first part of the article examines their attempts to take over the legal organizations of Yugoslav students in Prague, as well as their cooperation with the non-communist left which occurred in spite of Comintern’s ultra-left policies in the period between 1928 and 1935. This twofold strategy helped them to ultimately gain the upper hand in their frequent confrontations with the representatives of the Yugoslav Legation in Prague.
Keywords: Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Communism in Yugoslavia, Spanish Civil War, Student Movement in Yugoslavia, Student Movement in Prague, First Czechoslovak Republic

DLÁBIK Ľubomír
Problematika maďarského menšinového školstva na Slovensku: vplyv na migračné tlaky a možnosti uplatnenia sa absolventov v pracovnom procese
S. 105–146

ДЛАБИК Любомир
Проблематика образовательной системы венгерского меньшинства в Словакии: влияние на миграционное давление и возможность трудоустройства выпускников в рабочем процессе
The Issue of Hungarian Minority Education in Slovakia: Its Impact on Migration Processes and the Flexibility of Graduates on the Slovak LaborMarket
This study clarifies the issue of the triadic nexus among Slovakia, Hungary and the Hungarian minority which affects education and economic access in areas of Slovakia inhabited by the Hungarian minority, which has deleterious impacts on the graduates of minority schools on the Slovak labor market. It identifies this relationship as one of the factors that may have had contributed to reducing the number of members of the Hungarian minority in Slovakia. The main focus is on the trilateral approach to education in the Hungarian-language minority schools in Slovakia in terms of how they teach the state language: having three different approaches to minority education has led to inefficiencies in the minority schools’ Slovak language programS. In conjunction with Slovakia’s current economic policies towards the areas inhabited by the Hungarian minority, the negative outcomes thus created may increase migratory pressures on graduates of minority schools when they seek a university education or employment. Their deficient language skills reduce their competitiveness and flexibility compared to linguistically better-equipped individualS. The statistical data in education, employment, and population movements that are analyzed and compared herein are freely available, and confirm this hypothesiS.
Key words: Slovakia, Hungary, Minority, Education, Triadic Nexus

Recenze / Reviews / Рецензии

MAGOCSI Paul Robert, With Their Backs to the MountainS. A History of Carpathian Rus’ and Carpatho-Rusyns
(Peter Švorc)
S. 147–156

V. LESKINEN Marija – CHAVANOVA Olga V. (red.), Romanovy v doroge. Putešestvija i pojezdki členov carskoj semji po Rossii i za granicu
(Zbyněk Vydra)
S. 156–158

BARON Roman – MADECKI Roman – MALICKI Jan et al., Czeskie badania nad Polską w kontekście Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej [Czech Studies on Poland in the Context of Central and Eastern Europe, Polish]
(Artur Patek)
S. 159–165

GROTT Bogumił, Dylematy polskiego nacjonalizmu: powrót do tradycji czy przebudowa narodowego ducha
(Rafał Łętocha)
S. 165–172

PRZEPERSKI Michał, Nieznośny ciężar braterstwa. Konflikty polsko-czeskie w XX wieku
(Jiří Friedl)
S. 172–177

ČAPSKÝ Martin, Město pod vládou kazatelů. Charizmatičtí náboženští vůdci ve střetu s městskou radou v pozdně středověkých českých korunních zemích
(Michaela Kosařová)
S. 177–181

WAIC Marek et al., In the shadow of totalitarism: sport and the olympic movement in the „Visegrád countries“ 1945–1989
(Jana Hůrská)
S. 181–185

Matěj SPURNÝ, Most do budoucnosti: laboratoř socialistické modernity na severu Čech
(Ludmila Tomášková)
S. 185–188

Stijn VERVAET, Centar i periferija u Austro-Ugarskoj. Dinamika izgradnje nacionalnih identiteta u Bosni i Hercegovini od 1878. do 1918. godine na primjeru književnih tekstova
(Petr Stehlík)
S. 188–192

Vojislav ŠIKOPARIJA, Sećanja srpskog oficira 1910–1918
(Jan Pelikán)
S. 192–197

Vladimir ŠEKS, 1991. Moja sječanja na stvaranje Hrvatske i domovinski rat
(Jan Pelikán)
S. 197–200

Zprávy / Notices / Сообшения
S. 201–204

Zprávy z vědeckého života / Reports from the scholarly life / Cообщения из научной жизни

Jubileum profesora Jaroslava Pánka
Professor Jaroslav Pánek’s Jubilee
(Ladislav Hladký)
Юбилей профессора Ярослава Панка
(Ладислав Гладки)
S. 205–206

Životní jubileum profesora Jaroslava Vaculíka
Professor Jaroslav Vaculík’s Jubilee
(Radomír Vlček)
Жизненный юбилей профессора Ярослава Вацулика
(Радомир Влчек)
S. 206–207

Akademik Mikuláš Nevrlý storočný
Mikuláš Nevrlý, Academic (One Hundred Years Old)
(Michal Roman)
Академик Микола Неврлий столетний
(Михал Роман)
S. 207–209

Za Mečislavem Borákem
In Memory of Mečislav Borák
(Jiří Friedl)
В память Мечислава Борака
(Йиржи Фридл)
S. 210–212

Janusz Tazbir (5. 8. 1927–3. 5. 2016)
Janusz Tazbir (5 August 1927 – 3 May 2016)
(Miloš Řezník)
Януш Тазбир (5. 8. 1927–3. 5. 2016)
(Милош Ржезник)
S. 212–218

Václav A. Černý (27. května 1931– 21. ledna 2017)
Václav A. Černý (27 May 1931– 21 January 2017)
(Petra Koštálová – Vojtěch Kubec)
Вацлав А. Черны (27-го мая 1931 – 21-го января 2017)
(Петра Кошталова – Войтех Кубец)
S. 218–220

Sedmé mezinárodní balkanistické sympozium v Brně
Seventh International Balkan Studies Symposium in Brno
(Ladislav Hladký)
Седьмой международный симпозиум балканистов в Брно
(Ладислав Гладки)
S. 221–

Tradice českých/československých bádání o dějinách a kultuře východní Evropy
Traditions of Czech/Czechoslovak Research in the History and Culture of Eastern Europe
(Radomír Vlček)
Традиции чешских / чехословацких исследований истории и культуры Восточной Европы
(Радомир Влчек)

Pokušení anarchie: pojmy – historické příklady: východní inspirace
The Allure of Anarchy: Concepts – Historical Examples: Eastern Inspirations
(Jakub Rumanovský)
Искушение анархией: понятия – исторические примеры: вдохновение с востока
(Якуб Румановский)

Dvanáctý ročník pražské Konference mladých slavistů
Twelfth Annual Conference of Young Slavicists in Prague
(Adriana Kokuňková – Marek Příhoda – Petra Steinbergerová – Naďa Vaverová)
Двенадцатый год пражской Конференции молодых славистов
(Адриана Кокунькова – Марек Пршигода – Петра Штайнбергерова – Надя Ваверова)

Konference o mírových iniciativách za první světové války na papežské koleji Santa Maria dell’Anima v Římě
Conference on Peace Initiatives During the First World War at the Church of Santa Maria dell’Anima in Rome
(František Šístek)
Конференция, посвященная мировым инициативам в Первой мировой войне в папской коллегии Санта-Мария-дель-Анима в Риме
(Франтишек Шистек)

Dědictví první světové války: reprezentace a reinterpretace. Sarajevo, 5.–8. října 2016
The Legacy of the First World War: Representation and Reinterpretation. Sarajevo, 5 –8 October 2016
(František Šístek)
Наследие Первой мировой войны: репрезентация и реинтерпретация. Сараево, 5–8 октября 2016
(Франтишек Шистек)

Mezinárodní workshop Mezinárodní asociace pro studium jihovýchodní Evropy (AIESEE) „Balkánští Židé a problém menšin v jihovýchodní Evropě“, Varšava, 7.–11. listopadu 2016
International Workshop by the International Association of South-East European Studies (AIESEE) on “Balkan Jews and the Problem of Minorities in Southeast Europe”, Warsaw, 7 – 11 November 2016
(Kateřina Králová)
Международный workshop Международной ассоциации по изучению Юго-Восточной Европы (AIESEE) „Балканские евреи и проблема меньшинств в Юго-Восточной Европе", Варшава 7–11 ноября 2016
(Катерина Кралова)

Democratic Transformation in Post-Conflict Societies: A Path to Ensured Success?
Mezinárodní konference, Fakulta sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy, 26.–27. září 2016
Democratic Transformation in Post-Conflict Societies: A Path to Ensured Success?
An International Conference at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, 26 –27 September 2016
(Nikola Karasová)
Democratic Transformation in Post-Conflict Societies: A Path to Ensured Success?
Международная конференция, факультет социальных наук Карлова университета, 26–27 сентября 2016
(Никола Карасова)

Zpráva z konference Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA) 2016 v Lublani
Report from the 2016 Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA) Conference in Ljubljana
(Přemysl Rosůlek)
Обзор конференции Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA) 2016 в Любляне
(Пршемысл Росулек)

Zpráva z konference o politické mobilizaci a anti-minoritním diskurzu v Kluži
Report from the Conference on Political Mobilization and Anti-Minority Discourse in Cluj-Napoca
(Přemysl Rosůlek)
Обзор конференции о политической мобилизации и антиминоритарном дискурсе в Клуж-Напоке
(Пршемысл Росулек)

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