The Journal of Modern History is recognized as the leading American journal for the study of European intellectual, political, and cultural history. The Journal's geographical and temporal scope-the history of Europe since the Renaissance-makes it unique: the JMH explores not only events and movements in specific countries, but also broader questions that span particular times and places.
Front MatterThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: Inside Front Cover-v.;af=T
Cover ImageThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2;af=T
The Geography of Conscience: A Seventeenth-Century Atlantic Jew and the Inquisition Miriam BodianThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 247–281.;af=T
The Institutional Afterlife of Christian England Daniel S. LossThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 282–313.;af=T
Protestants, Decolonization, and European Integration, 1885–1961 Udi GreenbergThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 314–354.;af=T
Germany and the Aftermath of the Second World War Pertti AhonenThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 355–387.;af=T
Peter N. Miller, Peiresc’s Mediterranean World Daniel StolzenbergThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 388–390.;af=T
Nicholas Terpstra, Religious Refugees in the Early Modern World: An Alternative History of the Reformation Marc R. ForsterThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 390–392.;af=T
Roman Studer, The Great Divergence Reconsidered: Europe, India, and the Rise to Global Economic Power; Peer Vries, State, Economy, and the Great Divergence: Great Britain and China, 1680s–1850s R. Bin WongThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 392–394.;af=T
Robert Zaretsky, Boswell’s Enlightenment Philip CarterThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 395–396.;af=T
J. G. A. Pocock, Barbarism: Triumph in the West Paul MonodThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 396–398.;af=T
Marnin Young, Realism in the Age of Impressionism: Painting and the Politics of Time Daniel ShermanThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 398–399.;af=T
Richard Bessel, Violence: A Modern Obsession Dirk BonkerThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 400–401.;af=T
Christopher Dillon, Dachau and the SS: A Schooling in Violence; Kim Wünschmann, Before Auschwitz: Jewish Prisoners in the Prewar Concentration Camps; Marc Buggeln, Slave Labor in Nazi Concentration Camps; Wolf Gruner and Jörg Osterloh, eds., The Greater German Reich and the Jews: Nazi Persecution Policies in the Annexed Territories, 1935–1945; Jonas Kreienbaum, “Ein trauriges Fiasko”: Koloniale Konzentrationslager im südlichen Afrika 1900–1908 Alan KramerThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 402–412.;af=T
Paul Misner, Catholic Labor Movements in Europe: Social Thought and Action, 1914–1965 James ChappelThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 412–414.;af=T
Adam Daniel Rotfeld and Anatoly Torkunov, eds., White Spots–Black Spots: Difficult Matters in Polish-Russian Relations, 1918–2008 Padraic KenneyThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 414–416.;af=T
Amy Blakeway, Regency in Sixteenth-Century Scotland Keith M. BrownThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 416–417.;af=T
J. Sears McGee, An Industrious Mind: The Worlds of Sir Simonds D’Ewes Mark GoldieThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 418–419.;af=T
Peter Lake and Isaac Stephens, Scandal and Religious Identity in Early Stuart England: A Northamptonshire Maid’s Tragedy Dan BeaverThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 419–421.;af=T
Ingrid H. Tague, Animal Companions: Pets and Social Change in Eighteenth-Century Britain Neil PembertonThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 421–423.;af=T
W. G. Runciman, Very Different, but Much the Same: The Evolution of English Society since 1714 Theodore KoditschekThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 423–425.;af=T
Richard Bourke, Empire and Revolution: The Political Life of Edmund Burke James J. SackThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 425–426.;af=T
Christine L. Corton, London Fog: The Biography Christopher KentThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 427–428.;af=T
Nancy W. Ellenberger, Balfour’s World: Aristocracy and Political Culture at the Fin de Siècle Victor H. FeskeThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 428–430.;af=T
Alan Allport, Browned Off and Bloody-Minded: The British Soldier Goes to War, 1939–1945 Richard VinenThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 430–432.;af=T
Sabine Arnaud, L’invention de l’hystérie au temps des Lumières (1670–1820); Sabine Arnaud, On Hysteria: The Invention of a Medical Category between 1670 and 1820 Anthony La VopaThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 432–435.;af=T
Christopher H. Johnson, Becoming Bourgeois: Love, Kinship, and Power in Provincial France, 1670–1880 Carol E. HarrisonThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 435–436.;af=T
Fayçal Falaky, Social Contract, Masochist Contract: Aesthetics of Freedom and Submission in Rousseau Jennifer J. PopielThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 437–438.;af=T
Daniel Heimmermann, Work, Regulation, and Identity in Provincial France: The Bordeaux Leather Trades, 1740–1815 Philippe MinardThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 439–440.;af=T
Dana Simmons, Vital Minimum: Need, Science, and Politics in Modern France John CarsonThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 440–442.;af=T
David Todd, Free Trade and Its Enemies in France, 1814–1851 Richard WhatmoreThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 442–444.;af=T
Alexia M. Yates, Selling Paris: Property and Commercial Culture in the Fin-de-Siècle Capital Michael MillerThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 444–446.;af=T
David Drake, Paris at War, 1939–1944 Robert GildeaThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 446–448.;af=T
Eric T. Jennings, Free French Africa in World War II: The African Resistance Tony ChaferThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 448–449.;af=T
Daniella Doron, Jewish Youth and Identity in Postwar France: Rebuilding Family and Nation Sylvia SchaferThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 450–451.;af=T
Emile Chabal, A Divided Republic: Nation, State, and Citizenship in Contemporary France Julian BourgThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 451–453.;af=T
Richard C. Keller, Fatal Isolation: The Devastating Paris Heat Wave of 2003 Ronen SteinbergThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 453–455.;af=T
Patrick Baker, Italian Renaissance Humanism in the Mirror Douglas BiowThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 455–457.;af=T
Courtney Quaintance, Textual Masculinity and the Exchange of Women in Renaissance Venice Paula C. ClarkeThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 457–459.;af=T
Roberto Bizzocchi, A Lady’s Man: The Cicisbei, Private Morals, and National Identity in Italy P. Renée BaernsteinThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 459–460.;af=T
Emanuela Scarpellini, Food and Foodways in Italy from 1861 to the Present Carol HelstoskyThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 460–462.;af=T
Jesús Astigarraga, ed., The Spanish Enlightenment Revisited Sophus A. ReinertThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 462–463.;af=T
David Clay Large, The Grand Spas of Central Europe: A History of Intrigue, Politics, Art, and Healing Michael HauThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 464–465.;af=T
Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger, The Emperor’s Old Clothes: Constitutional History and the Symbolic Language of the Holy Roman Empire Joseph F. PatrouchThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 465–467.;af=T
John M. Efron, German Jewry and the Allure of the Sephardic Harriet Pass FreidenreichThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 467–469.;af=T
John Deak, Forging a Multinational State: State Making in Imperial Austria from the Enlightenment to the First World War Gary B. CohenThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 469–471.;af=T
Iryna Vushko, The Politics of Cultural Retreat: Imperial Bureaucracy in Austrian Galicia, 1772–1867 Franz A. J. SzaboThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 471–472.;af=T
Keely Stauter-Halsted, The Devil’s Chain: Prostitution and Social Control in Partitioned Poland James BjorkThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 473–474.;af=T
Sigrid Bauschinger, Die Cassirers: Unternehmer, Kunsthändler, Philosophen; Biographie einer Familie Matthew JefferiesThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 475–476.;af=T
Tait Keller, Apostles of the Alps: Mountaineering and Nation Building in Germany and Austria, 1860–1939 Peter H. HansenThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 476–478.;af=T
Patrick J. Houlihan, Catholicism and the Great War: Religion and Everyday Life in Germany and Austria-Hungary, 1914–1922 Alexander WatsonThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 478–480.;af=T
Christian Wicke, Helmut Kohl’s Quest for Normality: His Representation of the German Nation and Himself; Hans-Peter Schwarz, Helmut Kohl: Eine politische Biographie Noel D. CaryThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 480–483.;af=T
Sean A. Forner, German Intellectuals and the Challenge of Democratic Renewal: Culture and Politics after 1945 Benjamin ZiemannThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 484–485.;af=T
Brigitte Le Normand, Designing Tito’s Capital: Urban Planning, Modernism, and Socialism in Belgrade Dejan DjokićThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 485–487.;af=T
Edward Cohn, The High Title of a Communist: Postwar Party Discipline and the Values of the Soviet Regime David BrandenbergerThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 487–488.;af=T
Sonja Luehrmann, Religion in Secular Archives: Soviet Atheism and Historical Knowledge Heather J. ColemanThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 488–490.;af=T
Slava Gerovitch, Soviet Space Mythologies: Public Images, Private Memories, and the Making of a Cultural Identity Stephen BrainThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 490–492.;af=T
Alfred J. Rieber, Stalin and the Struggle for Supremacy in Eurasia Ronald Grigor SunyThe Journal of Modern History, Vol. 89, No. 2: 492–494.;af=T