The Institute for Social Movements of Ruhr-Universität Bochum is glad to inform you of the launch of MTS 56 (2016). It is available in print as well as online.
Table of Contents
Enrico Dal LagoEmancipation from Slavery and Serfdom, and Land Rights, pp. 5–23.
Traugott JähnichenProtestantism and the Trade Union Movement in the 20th Century – from ideological Confrontation to Socio-Political Cooperation, pp. 25–44.
Jared R. DonellyThrough the Iron Curtain. West German Activists and the 1961 San Francisco to Moscow Walk for Peace, pp. 45–71.
Benedikt SeppBeyond the Buttocks as a Political-Geographical Model – A Praxeological Approach to West Germany’s National Revolutionaries, pp. 73–92.
Stephen MilderFrom Whyl to Wall Street, pp. 93–113.
Gildas BrégainComparative Study of Two Protest Marches for Disabled People’s Rights (Spain 1933 – Bolivia 2011), pp. 115–140.
Konrad Gutkowski and Dagmar KiftOn “Events Heard” – researching and Re-using Industrial Soundscapes, pp. 141–147.
Raffael BeierWorkshop Report, pp. 149–153.
Stefan BergerWhat is New in the History of Social Movements?, pp. 155–167.