Social History of Medicine is concerned with all aspects of health, illness, and medical treatment in the past. It is committed to publishing work on the social history of medicine from a variety of disciplines. The journal offers its readers substantive and lively articles on a variety of themes, critical assessments of archives and sources, conference reports, up-to-date information on research in progress, a discussion point on topics of current controversy and concern, review articles, and wide-ranging book reviews.
Editorial Note
Editorial: The Roy Porter Prize Pratik Chakrabarti; Patricia Skinner; Dora Vargha
Original Articles
Russia and the Medical Drug Trade in the Seventeenth Century Clare Griffin
The Sounds and Sights of Natural Childbirth: Films and Records in Antenatal Preparation Classes, 1950s–1980s Paula A Michaels
Roy Porter Student Prize Essay, Gilding the Pill: The Sensuous Consumption of Patent Medicines, 1815–1841 Erica M Storm
Mining Evidence: South Africa’s Gold Mines and the Career of A. J. Orenstein Jock McCulloch
Maternal Mortality, Dublin, 1864–1902 Ciara Breathnach; Brian Gurrin
Order and Cleanliness: The Gendered Role of Operating Room Nurses in the United States (1870s–1930s) Thomas Schlich; Audrey Hasegawa
Roy Porter Student Prize Essay, Professional Entrepreneurs: Women Veterinary Surgeons as Small Business Owners in Interwar Britain Julie Hipperson
Baltic Drugs Traffic, 1650–1850. Sound Toll Registers Online as a Source for the Import of Exotic Medicines in the Baltic Sea Area Jan Willem Veluwenkamp; Werner Scheltjens
Book Reviews
J. C. McKeown, A Cabinet of Ancient Medical Curiosities: Strange Tales and Surprising Facts from the Healing Arts of Greece and Rome Patricia Baker
Stephen Brogan, The Royal Touch in Early Modern England: Politics, Medicine, and Sin Viktoria von Hoffmann
Joel Peter Eigen, Mad-Doctors in the Dock. Defending the Diagnosis, 1760–1913 Jade Shepherd
Michael Zeheter, Epidemics, Empire and Environments: Cholera in Madras and Quebec City, 1818–1910 David McLean
Jonathan Lamb, Scurvy: The Disease of Discovery Erich Weidenhammer
Ornella Moscucci, Gender and Cancer in England, 1860–1948 Agnes Arnold-Forster
Jeanne Kisacky, Rise of the Modern Hospital. An Architectural History of Health and Healing, 1870–1940 Alistair Fair
Gunnar Stolberg, Christina Vanja, Florian Bruns and Fritz Dross (eds), Patientengeschichte in Hospital, Heilstätte und Krankenhaus. Historia Hospitalium. Jahrbuch der deutschen Gesellschaft für Krankenhausgeschichte Axel C Hüntelmann
Josep L. Barona, The Rockefeller Foundation, Public Health and International Diplomacy, 1920–1945 Anne-Emanuelle Birn
Thuy Linh Nguyen, Childbirth, Maternity and Medical Pluralism in French Colonial Vietnam, 1880–1945 Claire Edington
Magaly Tornay, Zugriffe auf das Ich: Psychoaktive Stoffe und Personenkonzepte in der Schweiz, 1945 bis 1980 Kathryn Schoefert
Andrew J. Hogan, Life Histories of Genetic Disease: Patterns and Prevention in Postwar Medical Genetics Stephen Pemberton
Bruce M. Z. Cohen, Psychiatric Hegemony: A Marxist Theory of Mental Illness Paul H Mason
Joseph E. Davis and Ana Marta González (eds), To Fix or To Heal: Patient Care, Public Health, and the Limits of Biomedicine Harold Braswell
Anthony Ryan Hatch, Blood Sugar: Racial Pharmacology and Food Justice in Black America Jonathan Kahn
Daniel E. Dawes, 150 Years of ObamaCare Jonathan Bell
Sarah Lamb (ed), Successful Aging as a Contemporary Obsession. Global Perspectives Pat Thane
Sharrona Pearl, Face/On: Face Transplants and the Ethics of the Other Fay Bound Alberti
Sarah Chaney, Psyche on the Skin: A History of Self-Harm Leigh Dale
Maria Malatesta (ed), Doctors and Patients: History, Representation, Communication. From Antiquity to the Present Catriona Gilmour Hamilton