JAN CIGLBAUERK dějinám hudby na kolejích pražské univerzity v jejím nejstarším období (Towards a History of Music in the Colleges of the Medieval Prague University) pp. 7–18
This study analyses the music and liturgy of the Rečkova kolej pražské univerzity (Reček College, or its official Latin name Collegium sanctissimae virginis Mariae domus nationis Bohemicae), based on an almost complete set of complementary non-musical sources, whose contents are unique in the Central European context. The collection includes founding documents, statutes and library catalogues, which illustrate liturgical life in a late Medieval college. The only type of sources that is missing are musical manuscripts. Nevertheless, their content can easily be reconstructed by existing manuscripts with similar repertoire.
Keywords: Medieval University – Music at University – University College Liturgy – Bohemia – Prague – Cantio – Conductus – Sol nascitur – Collegium Reczkonis
DANIELA DVOŘÁKOVÁ„Consilium itinerarii“ benátskeho lekára pre vyslancov k cisárovi Žigmundovi do Uhorska v rokoch 1434–1435. Príspevok k cestovaniu a životospráve cestovateľa v stredoveku (The “Consilium itinerarii” by a Venetian Physician for the Embassy to Emperor Sigismund in Hungary in 1434–1435. A contribution on health advise given to travellers in the Middle Ages) pp. 19–45
The topic of the contribution is travel and the regimen of travellers in the medieval period, drawing on examples of several fifteenth-century missions from Italy to Austria and Hungary. The core of interest lies with the mission of Venetian envoys Andre Donato and Geronimo Contarini who travelled to Hungary in 1434 to meet emperor Sigismund of Luxemburg. The work will analyse a unique source that survived their diplomatic mission: the so-called travel plan (consilium itinerarii); a kind of guide and travel regimen for the long and arduous journey through the Alpine passes written by the notable Venetian physician Pietro Tomasii.
Keywords: consilium itinerarii – Travelling in the Middle Ages – Sigismund of Luxembourg – Venice – Ungarn
ZDENĚK BERANMoc a bezmoc šlechtičen v husitských Čechách (The Power and Powerlessness of Noble Women in Hussite Bohemia) pp. 47–69
The study analyses the roles of noble women in the public sphere and their specific share of power in Hussite Bohemia. It is based on theological literature and normative sources contrasted with reports from chronicles, diplomatic materials, and correspondence between nobles. The study covers the period up to the end of the 15th century and the role of women in the beginning of the formation of the Unity of the Brethren. The main focus is on the activities of noble women (in the reformation, revolution, wars, and during the years of confessional peace), while analysing the mutual relationship between the genders and the late medieval social networks in Bohemia while closely examining the characteristic phenomenon of religiously mixed marriages.
Keywords: Noble Women – Social Networks – Late Middle Ages – Bohemia – Hussite Revolution – Johana of Rožmitál
Pavel Soukup, Jan Hus po 600 letech. Úroda jednoho výročí (Jan Hus 600 Years Later. The Fruits of an Anniversary) pp. 71–85
Martin Wihoda, První česká království (Andrzej Pleszczyński) pp. 87–90
Lukáš Reitinger, Vratislav II. První král Čechů (Jan Zelenka) pp. 90–94
Jiří Fajt, Dlouhý stín císaře Karla IV. K recepci lucemburské panovnické reprezentace v severovýchodních teritoriích Svaté říše římské (František Šmahel) pp. 94–98
Václav Mencl, 5 městských reservací Jihomoravského kraje. Znojmo, Jihlava, Telč, Mikulov, Kroměříž. Komentované vydání, edd. Aleš Flídr – Zdeňka Míchalová – Zdeněk Vácha (Dalibor Prix) pp. 98–101
František Hoffmann (Martin Nodl) pp. 143–145
Josef Válka (František Šmahel) pp. 146–149
Stanisław Bylina (František Šmahel) pp. 150–153