Early Medieval Europe provides an indispensable source of information and debate on the history of Europe from the later Roman Empire to the eleventh century. The journal is a thoroughly interdisciplinary forum, encouraging the discussion of archaeology, numismatics, palaeography, diplomatic, literature, onomastics, art history, linguistics and epigraphy, as well as more traditional historical approaches. It covers Europe in its entirety, including material on Iceland, Ireland, the British Isles, Scandinavia and Continental Europe (both west and east).
Issue Information
Issue Information Pages: 415–416 / First Published: 10 October 2018
Original Articles
Damasus and the derelict relics Nicola Denzey Lewis Pages: 417–439 / First Published: 10 October 2018
Acca of Hexham through the eyes of the Venerable Bede Paul Hilliard Pages: 440–461 / First Published: 10 October 2018
The earliest Welsh genealogies: textual layering and the phenomenon of ‘pedigree growth’ Ben Guy Pages: 462–485 / First Published: 10 October 2018
A defence against the arrows of the disturbance to come: royal protection and the consolidation of monastic reform under Count Arnulf I of Flanders (918–65) Brigitte Meijns Pages: 486–517 / First Published: 10 October 2018
Re‐evaluating English personal naming on the eve of the Conquest James Chetwood Pages: 518–547 / First Published: 10 October 2018
Book reviews
Anticipating Sin in Medieval Society. Childhood, Sexuality, and Violence in the Early Penitentials. By Erin V. Abraham. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 2017. 194 pp. €75. ISBN 978 94 6298371 7. Rob Meens Pages: 548–550 / First Published: 10 October 2018
La fin de l'Empire romain d'Occident: Rome et les Wisigoths de 382 à 531. By Christine Delaplace. Rennes: Presses Universitairs de Rennes. 2015. 373 pp. €21. ISBN 978 2 7535 4295 2. Stuart McCunn Pages: 550–552 / First Published: 10 October 2018
Saxon Identities, AD 150–900. By Robert Flierman. Studies in Early Medieval History. London and New York: Bloomsbury. 2017. xiii + 274 pp. + 3 b/w figures. £85. ISBN 9781350019454. Ingrid Rembold Pages: 552–555 / First Published: 10 October 2018
Freunde Roms und Völker der Finsternis. Die päpstliche Konstruktion von Anderen im 8. und 9. Jahrhundert. By Clemens Gantner. Vienna, Cologne and Weimar: Böhlau. 2014. 322 pp. + 5 tables + 2 figures. €39 (DE). ISBN 978 3 205 79593 3. Katharina Gahbler Pages: 555–557 / First Published: 10 October 2018
Religious Franks: Religion and Power in the Frankish Kingdoms: Studies in Honour of Mayke de Jong. Edited by Rob Meens, Dorine van Espelo, Bram van den Hoven van Genderen, Janneke Raaijmakers, Irene van Renswoude and Carine van Rhijn. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2016. xxv + 559 pp. £75 (hardback); £32.50 (paperback); £90 (ebook). ISBN 978 07190 9763 8 (hardback); 978 15261 1854 7 (paperback); 978 17849 9795 3 (ebook). Richard Broome Pages: 557–560 / First Published: 10 October 2018
Early Medieval Monetary History: Studies in Memory of Mark Blackburn. Edited by Rory Naismith, Martin Allen and Elina Screen. Studies in Early Medieval Britain and Ireland. Farnham: Ashgate. 2014. 646 pp., 10 colour plates. £90. ISBN 9781409456681. Robert Kool Pages: 560–562 / First Published: 10 October 2018
The Formation of Christian Europe: The Carolingians, Baptism, and the Imperium Christianum. By Owen M. Phelan. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. 2014. ix + 312 pp. £65. ISBN 978 0 19 871803 1. Robert Flierman Pages: 563–565 / First Published: 10 October 2018
Angels in Early Medieval England. By Richard Sowerby. Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2016. xv + 261 pp. + 12 b/w figures. £60. ISBN 9780198785378. Eoghan Ahern Pages: 565–567 / First Published: 10 October 2018
Slavery in Árpád‐era Hungary in a Comparative Context. By Cameron Sutt. East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages 450–1450, 31. Leiden: Brill. 2015. 241 pp. €119. ISBN 9789004248331. Janel M. Fontaine Pages: 567–570 / First Published: 10 October 2018
Jeux lombards. Alliances, parenté et politique en Italie méridionale de la fin du VIIIe siècle à la conquête normande. By Aurélie Thomas. Collection de l’ École Française de Rome 501. Rome: École Française de Rome. 2016.547 pp. €45. ISBN 978 2 7283 1042 5 Vito Loré Pages: 570–572 / First Published: 10 October 2018
Index of reviews
Index of reviews for Volume 26 Pages: 573–576 / First Published: 10 October 2018