DULOVIČ Erik„Nelze-li zachovati dosavadní hranici…“ K účasti českých vedcov pri riešení československo-poľského územného sporu o Oravu a Spiš v rokoch 1918–1920 s. 245–277
“If the present border cannot be preserved…” On the Participation of Czech Scholars in Resolving the Czechoslovak-Polish Territorial Conflict over Orava and Spiš in the Years 1918–1920
ДУЛОВИЧ Эрик„Если нельзя оставить прежние границы…“ Об участии чешских ученых в решении чехословацко-польского Оравско-Спишского территориального спора в 1918–1920 гг.
The territorial conflict over Orava and Spiš gained crucial importance after the First World War, even though it was a less important aspect of Czechoslovakia and Poland’s negotiations over the question of Cieszyn Silesia. This study discusses the genesis of the problem and the content of analyses by Czech scholars writing on the Orava-Spiš territorial issue, which they had addressed under the auspices of the Office for Preparations for the Peace Conference and from within the corps of expert advisors to the Czechoslovak delegation in Paris. Papers by Viktor Dvorský, Lubor Niederle, Karel Chotek, and Adolf Černý, from the fields of geography, ethnography, and linguistics drew upon research and methodological standpoints from the period before the founding of Czechoslovakia. During the final diplomatic negotiations for demarcating the Czechoslovak-Polish borders in July 1920, Minister of Foreign Affairs Edvard Beneš supported his position on the question of Orava and Spiš with the military-strategic perspective of the geographer V. Dvorský. Key words: Czechoslovak-Polish territorial conflict, Orava, Spiš, Viktor Dvorský, Lubor Niederle, Karel Chotek
KULIGOWSKI PiotrReligious language in politics: The case of Polish radicals in exile, 1828–1852 s. 279–302
КУЛИГОВСКИ ПетрРелигиозный язык в политике: Случай польских радикалов в изгнании, 1828–1852 гг.
The aim of this article is to examine the issue of religious language within the framework of the discourse of Polish radicals in exile in the period 1828–1852. The first part defines the research question concerning the structures of discourses, types of arguments, and the meaning of key concepts. The next part sketches the development of religious language from the very beginning of the exile period (using the sojourn of Ludwik Królikowski and Bogdan Jański in Paris as an example) until the most elaborate stage of this discourse’s development in the 1840s. The third part touches upon different dimensions of religious language, its critics, the reasons for its use by its proponents, and the question of conceptual transfers from other linguistic contexts. In the conclusion I discuss the role of religious language as a medium of political modernization. Key words: conceptual change, history of Poland, radicalism, religious language, 19th century
KOŠŤÁLOVÁ PetraJeruzalém očima arménského poutníka: fenomén arménského poutnictví a Arméni v Jeruzalémě s. 303–326
Jerusalem in the Eyes of an Armenian Pilgrim: The Phenomenon of Armenian Pilgrimage and Armenians in Jerusalem
КОШТАЛОВА ПетраИерусалим глазами армянского паломника: феномен армянского паломничества и армяне в Иерусалиме
Jerusalem is one of the most important sites associated with monotheistic religions in the world; for the Armenian Apostolic Church it is a holy city, surb kaghak, whose significance for the Armenian community is indisputable even today. Here is situated the hajoc tagh – as the Armenian Quarter with its center at the Monastery of St. James is called – and it is also the seat of the Armenian Apostolic Seat of St. James; the head of the Patriarchate. For centuries, Jerusalem and its pilgrimage sites were the destinations of ukht, Armenian holy pilgrimage. Pilgrims (mahtes) attempted to complete a precisely planned itinerary of holy sites (tnorinakank). The text by Shimon of Lvov, an Armenian pilgrim from the beginning of the 17th century (who was also a contemporary of Kryštof Harant of Polžice and Bezdružice) and the one by the Italian traveler Pietro della Valle provide a view insight the Armenian quarter in Jerusalem right during the period of its great transformation. Within the canon of period Armenian literature and the history of the Armenian community in Jerusalem, Šimon Polský’s travel memoir remains the key reference work. Key words: Jerusalem, Armenians, Armenian quarter, Armenian Apostolic Church, travel journals
POSPÍŠIL Ivo – ZELENKA MilošLooking at the Past and Present of Czech and Slovak Literary Development from the Central European and European Perspective s. 327–351
ПОСПИШИЛ Иво – ЗЕЛЕНКА МилошВзгляд на прошлое и будущее чешского и словацкого литературного развития в центральноевропейской и европейской перспективе
The year 1918, which brought the split of the Habsburg monarchy and the rise of Czechoslovakia, represented the final completion of the constitution of the modern nation-state society. This complicated process, not very precisely named by its contemporaries as “national revival”, was a result in both the Slavic and non-Slavic Central European milieux of the complicated emancipation movement of the Czech and Slovak nations. This newly-founded state had been based upon a kinship of language and ethnicity, but its peoples still had differing historical and confessional traditions as well as developmental potentialities. Therefore, the official ideology of unitarian Czechoslovakism held up the construction of a higher-level Czechoslovak unity in the cultural sphere, but in reality, there were more diverse literary discourses which proliferated both in integrational and disintegrational forms, as well as artistic poetics, ethnic minorities, and several co-existing languages. In the interwar period of 1918–1939, there was a dynamized literary development freeing the creative potential of artistic generations and single subjects; this was politically influenced by Masaryk’s idea of democratic community in the geopolitical space between the West and the East in both cultures. This situation in Czech and Slovak literatures contributed to more intensive self-reflection of European ideological and aesthetic currents through which both literatures moved closer to world literature in their most celebrated creations. Key Words: 1918 in literature, Czech and Slovak literature, Central Europe, national revival, interwar Czechoslovakia, Slavic literary studies
GĄSIOR GrzegorzŽelezničáři pod zvláštním dohledem. Akce přeložení polských železničářů z Těšínska v letech 1935–1936 a otázka jejich pozdějšího návratu s. 353–400
Railway Workers Under Special Supervision: The Operation of Transferring Polish Railway Workers from Cieszyn Silesia in the Years 1935–1936 and the Question of Their Later Return
ГОНСИОР ГжегожЖелезнодорожники под пристальным наблюдением. Операция перевода польских железнодорожников из Тешинской Силезии в 1935-1936 гг. и вопрос их последующего возвращения.
During the period of the First Republic, a numerous Polish was living in the territory of Cieszyn Silesia, a region which always had great economic and strategic importance for the Czechoslovak Republic. After the deterioration of Czechoslovak-Polish relations and the initiation of Polish diversion operations in Cieszyn Silesia in 1935, the Czechoslovak authorities reached for repressive measures against members of the Polish minority; among these actions, they launched an operation of transferring railway workers of Polish nationality into the midlands in the years 1935–1936. This article is based in study of official government documents, particularly from the Ministry of Railways, the Police Office in Moravian Ostrava, nationalist associations (Slezská Matice osvěty lidové) and also the Polish general consulate in Moravian Ostrava. The selection of documents makes up a significant portion of the article. Key words: History, 20th century, Czechoslovakia, Cieszyn Silesia, railways Polish minority.
RECENZE / REVIEWS / РЕЦЕНЗИИBRENTON Tony (ed.), Was Revolution Inevitable? Turning Points of the Russian Revolution (Zbyněk Vydra) s. 401–404
SWAIN Geoffrey, A Short History of Russian Revolution; SWAIN, Goeffrey Stručné dějiny Ruské revoluce (Radomír Vlček) s. 404–410
MOSKOVIĆ Boris, Mezi Titem a Tudjmanem. Chorvatsko v letech 1989–1990 (Václav Štěpánek) s. 410–413
REPE Božo, Milan Kučan. Prvi predsednik (Michal Janíčko) s. 413–421
Od Moravy k Moravě III. Z historie česko-srbských vztahů, eds. Václav ŠTĚPÁNEK a Ladislav HLADKÝ, redakce srbské části Verica KOPRIVICOVÁ, k vydání připravil Václav ŠTĚPÁNEK (Ivo Pospíšil) s. 422–425
UTIDJIAN Haig, The Art of the Armenian Book through the Ages. Arménské knižní umění v průběhu staletí (Hanuš Nykl) s.426–428
s. 429–443
Balkanista Ladislav Hladký šedesátníkem To the Balkanist Ladislav Hladký as a Sexagenarian (Petr Stehlík) Балканисту Ладиславу Гладкому – шестьдесят (Петр Стеглик) s. 445–447
Profesorka Galina Pavlovna Muraško: 3. 1. 1932 – 16. 6. 2018 Professor Galina Pavlovna Muraško: 3 January 1932 – 16 June 2018 (Emil Voráček) Профессор Галина Павловна Мурашко: 3. 1. 1932 – 16. 6. 2018 (Эмиль Ворачек) s. 447–450
Cena Rudolfa Medka podesáté The Rudolf Medek Prize – Awarded for the Tenth Time (Lukáš Babka) Премия Рудольфа Медека в десятый раз (Лукаш Бабка) s. 450–452
Ustavení nové vědecké společnosti se zaměřením na slavistická, balkanistická a byzantologická studia Establishment of a New Scholarly Society Focused on Slavonic, Balkan, and Byzantine Studies (Radomír Vlček) Учреждение нового научного общества с направлением на изучение славистики, балканистики и византистики (Радомир Влчек) s. 452–453
Významná konference Slovanského ústavu AV ČR: Proměny české slavistiky po roce 1989 A Significant Conference at the Slavonic Institute of the AV ČR: Proměny české slavistiky po roce 1989 [Transformations in Czech Slavic Studies After 1989] (Radomír Vlček) Знаменательная конференция Славянского института АН ЧР: Метамарфозы чешской славистики после 1989 года (Радомир Влчек) s. 453–455
Mezinárodní konference o životě a díle významné ruské historické slavistiky Ludmily Pavlovny Laptěvové (1926–2016) An International Conference on the Life and Works of the Distinguished Russian Historical Slavicist Ludmila Pavlovna Laptyeva (1926–2016) (Radomír Vlček) Международная конференция о жизни и трудах выдающегося русского исторического слависта Людмилы Павловны Лаптевой (1926–2016) (Радомир Влчек) s. 455–458
Ruská revoluce a Západ. Vedecká konferencia v Kutnej Hore 10. apríla 2018 Ruská revoluce and Západ [The Russian Revolution and the West]. A Scholarly Conference in Kutná Hora on 10 April 2018 (Michal Mudroch) Русская революция и Запад. Научная конференция в Кутной Горе 10-го апреля 2018 (Михал Мудрох) s. 458–459
Třináctý ročník pražské Konference mladých slavistů The Thirtieth Annual Prague Conference of Young Slavicists (Marek Příhoda) Тринадцатый год пражской Конференции молодых славистов (Марек Пршигода) s. 459–465
Rok 2017 v Kašubsku The Year 2017 in Kashubia (Dariusz Szymikowski) 2017 год в Кашубии (Дариуш Шимиковски) s. 465–467