Social History of Medicine is concerned with all aspects of health, illness, and medical treatment in the past. It is committed to publishing work on the social history of medicine from a variety of disciplines. The journal offers its readers substantive and lively articles on a variety of themes, critical assessments of archives and sources, conference reports, up-to-date information on research in progress, a discussion point on topics of current controversy and concern, review articles, and wide-ranging book reviews.
Original Articles
A Sixteenth-century Physician and His Patients: The Practice Journal of Hiob Finzel, 1565–1589 Michael StolbergPages 221–240,
Roy Porter Student Prize Essay Figuring Pictures and Picturing Figures: Images of the Pregnant Body and the Unborn Child in England, 1540–c.1680 Rebecca WhiteleyPages 241–266,
Reading Plague in Seventeenth-century London Vanessa HardingPages 267–286,
The Pugs and the Elephant: Dr Botkin and the Professional and National Identity of Physicians in the Russian Court Elina SopoPages 287–309,
Industrial Fatigue and the Productive Body: the Science of Work in Britain, c. 1900–1918 Steffan BlayneyPages 310–328,
‘Long Live the Bottle’: The Rise of the French Bottle-feeding Industry in the Nineteenth Century Gal VenturaPages 329–356,
Truby King’s Women: Four Australian Case Studies Philippa Mein SmithPages 357–376,
Behind Asylum Walls: Studying the Dialectic Between Psychiatrists and Patients at Montreal’s Saint-Jean-de-Dieu Hospital during the first half of the Twentieth Century Isabelle Perreault; Marie-Claude ThifaultPages 377–394,
A Chemical Revolution as Seen from below: The ‘Discovery’ of Neuroleptics in 1950s Paris Benoît MajerusPages 395–413,
Book Reviews
Alison Klairmont Lingo (ed), Stephanie O’Hara (trans), Louise Bourgeois: Midwife to the Queen of France: Diverse Observations Timothy D WalkerPages 414–415,
Steven King, Sickness, Medical Welfare and the English Poor, 1750–1834 Samantha WilliamsPages 415–417,
Erin Sullivan, Beyond Melancholy: Sadness and Selfhood in Renaissance England Christopher TilmouthPages 417–418,
John Chircop and Francisco Javier-Martinez (eds), Mediterranean Quarantines, 1750–1914. Space, identity and power Alex Chase-LevensonPages 418–420,
Hans Pols, Nurturing Indonesia. Medicine and Decolonisation in the Dutch East Indies Leo van BergenPages 420–421,
Isabel Blázquez Ornat, El Practicante: El Nacimiento de una Nueva Profesión Sanitaria en España Agata IgnaciukPages 421–423,
Liping Bu, Public Health and the Modernization of China, 1865–2015 Mary Augusta BrazeltonPages 423–424,
Leslie Topp, Freedom and the Cage: Modern Architecture and Psychiatry in Central Europe, 1890–1914 Sarah MarksPages 424–426,
Tania Woloshyn, Soaking up the Rays Fabiola CreedPages 426–428,
Ida Milne, Stacking the Coffins: Influenza, War and Revolution in Ireland, 1918-19 Niall JohnsonPages 428–429,
Angela Ki Che Leung and Izumi Nakayama (eds), Gender, Health and History in Modern East Asia Ka-Che YipPages 429–431,
Katerina Gardikas, Landscapes of Disease. Malaria in Modern Greece Vassiliki TheodorouPages 431–432,
Henry Berman and Hannah Dashefsky, Teens and Their Doctors: The Story of the Development of Adolescent Medicine Andrew BurchellPages 433–434,
Shelley McKellar, Artificial Hearts: The Allure and Ambivalence of a Controversial Medical Technology Lesley A SharpPages 434–436,
Richard A. McKay, Patient Zero and the Making of the AIDS Epidemic Victoria A HardenPages 436–437,
Peter Cryle and Elizabeth Stephens, Normality: A Critical Genealogy Efram Sera-ShriarPages 438–439,