The Institute for Social Movements of Ruhr University Bochum is pleased to announce launch of the latest issue of its journal "Moving the Social - Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements".
The thematic issue 61 (2019) on "Small Worlds: Football at the Grassroots in Europe" contains the following articles:
Table of Content
Editor’s Introduction
Kristian Naglo, Jürgen Mittag, Dilwyn Porter:Defining, Interpreting and Comparing Small Worlds of Football. An Introduction to the Aims and Objectives of this Special Issue
Dilwyn Porter:Researching the History of Grassroots Football in England: Sources and Opportunities
Conor Curran:‘It has almost been an underground movement’. The Development of Grassroots Football in Regional Ireland: the Case of the Donegal League, 1971–1996
Dariuš Zifonun, Kristian Naglo:Core Activity, Event and Crisis: Making the Small Worlds of Amateur Football
Jochem Kotthaus, Karsten Krampe, Nina Leicht, Sina-Marie Levenig, Sebastian Weste:Problematic Possibilities and Choosing between Courses of Action: Findings of an Ethnographic Study on the Parents of Pre-Adolescent, Non-Professional Soccer Players
Nina Degele:Talking Football: Challenging Discrimination and Homophobia
Jürgen Mittag:Protest and Social Movements in Football as an Emerging Field of Research: A Review on Sport Politics Studies between the Local and the Global