Slovanský přehled 105 (2019), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Slovanský přehled 105 (2019), 1
Weiterer Titel 

Prague 2019: Academia
three times yearly
100 CZK



SLOVANSKÝ PŘEHLED / SLAVONIC REVIEW. Journal for the History of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe
Czech Republic
Historický ústav AV CR, v. v. i.; Published by the Institut of History, Prague; Adress: Prosecká 76, 190 00 Praha 9, Tel.: 532 290 509, E-mail:
Jiří Friedl

číslo 1




Nesplněná očekávání západní levice. Konference tří internacionál v Berlíně 1922
s. 7–34
Несбывшиеся ожидания западных левых. Конференция трех интернационалов 1922 в Берлине
The Unfulfilled Expectations of the Western Left: The Conference of the Three Internationals in Berlin 1922

The aim of this study is to evaluate the brief stage of attempts by western European socialist movements to establish cooperation with the Moscow-based Communist International, which since its inception had also been a tool for Soviet foreign policy. In the beginning of the 1920s, a period with an unstable political situation in many of the Central European countries, these efforts may have played a significant role in the future development of the Versailles system. For Soviet foreign policy at the time was oriented against the Versailles system and at the same time they were attempting to surmount the barrier for commercial and economic cooperation with the industrially-developed West. The accessibility of western markets was essential for the renewal of the Soviet economy, which was in a state of chaos after the First World War and the bloody civil war. Moscow therefore purposefully exploited every possible channel for improving its position while at the same time still declaring its orientation towards worldwide socialist revolution. The leadership of the Soviet state was not very invested in cooperation with Western socialist; on the contrary, the political trials in Soviet Russia led to the toughening of repressive measures against ideological opponents. And it is for this reason, among others, that for central European countries it was important to be well informed about Soviet intelligence activities, and by extension also about the activities of the Comintern.
Key words: Comintern, Socialist International, II ½ International, Commission of Nine, Soviet foreign policy¨

s. 35–48
Ohlas sovětského řešení národnostní otázky v meziválečném Československu
Отзвуки советского решения национального вопроса в межвоенной Чехословакии

The Response of the Soviet Solution of the National Question in Interwar Czechoslovakia
The Soviet solution for national issues was remarkable: for the first time in Russian history, complicated federal and autonomous structures were created. In the first half of the twentieth century – an era characterized predominantly by strident nationalism – the official proletarian internationalism of the regime was something altogether different. Czechoslovakia, too, sought inspiration for tackling its national minority issues in the beginning of its First Republic in the Soviet model.
Key words: Russia, Czechoslovak minority policy, legal status of minorities

s. 49–63
The attitude of Poland and Polish society toward the 1999 Kosovo refugees
Отношение Польши и польского общества к беженцам из Косова в 1999 г.
The attitude of Poland and Polish society toward the 1999 Kosovo refugees

In 1999 the NATO intervention in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia took place. During 78 days NATO bombed Yugoslavia in order to halt Slobodan Milosevic’s policy against Albanians living in Kosovo. By the end of the intervention, more than 850 000 people from Kosovo had become refugees. They predominantly spread across the Balkan states but some of them also were taken outside the region – to Germany, Turkey, Norway, Italy, Canada, the US and to Poland as well. The aim of this paper is to investigate the situation of Kosovo refugees in Poland in 1999. I begin by explaining the situation of people living in Kosovo during the NATO intervention. Next, I will present the issue of refugees in Polish law at the time of the Kosovo crisis. After that, I will also examine the attitude of Poles towards these refugees. What is more, understanding the official narrative about them is crucial in explaining the country’s policy too. Finally, I will summarize my paper with some conclusions regarding the need for further research.
Key words: Kosovo, Poland, refugee crisis, NATO intervention, Balkans

ŽÍLA Ondřej
s. 65–85
Mezi bratrstvím a jednotou a nacionalismem: Národní klíč v socialistické a daytonské Bosně a Hercegovině
ЖИЛА Ондржей
Между братством и единством и национализмом: Национальное устройство в социалистической и «дейтонской» Боснии и Герцеговине
Between Brotherhood and Unity and Nationalism: The National Key in Socialist and Post-Dayton Bosnia and Hercegovina

This contribution is dedicated to the insufficiently researched phenomenon of what are called “national keys”: principles the Yugoslav communists applied in their efforts at rigorously promoting a policy of brotherhood and unity. The goal of this text is to analyze the deepening contrast in the approaches to solving the league-wide crisis between the Bosnian communists. This group – even at in the twilight days of Tito’s Yugoslavia – were overseeing the policy of “brotherhood and unity” that had been in effect until that time, while representatives of the political parties that had newly formed in the 1990s were drawing on a nationalist principle based along ethnic-confessional lines. The essay analyzes both, across a backdrop of the culminating political and economic difficulties in the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina in the 1980s. This work focuses on analysis of the modifying central premises for the peaceful existence of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina; i.e., on the transformation in understanding and utilization of the national key and on the essential consensus in constitutional questions between the three Bosnian-Herzegovinian ethnic groups in the era of socialism and in the period after the end of the Bosnian war (the second half of the 1990s).
Key words: Bosnia and Hercegovina, national key, consensus, coexistence, Brotherhood and Unity, nationalism


KOVALJOV Michail – AFIANI Vitalij
s. 87–104
Archivní dědictví Antonije Florovského: o historii formování a perspektivách studia
КОВАЛЕВ Михаил — АФИАНИ Виталий
Архивное наследие Антония Флоровского: о истории формирования и перспективах исследования
The Archival Legacy of Anthony Florovsky: On the History of Formation and Proposals for Further Study

This article is devoted to analysis of the archival legacy of the eminent Russian and Czechoslovak historian Professor Anthony Florovsky (1884–1968). His personal papers were scattered among archives in various countries, with the bulk of these documents stored in the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow and the Slavic Library in Prague. The authors of this article explore these collections and assess the composition of the documents and their significance for modern historians, and they determine that the proposed importance of these materials for those studying the history of Russian-Czech relations is substantiated. Their research into the history of the formation of Florovsky’s personal archive also details the circumstances that led to the division of documents between Prague and Moscow and the authors conclude that this division was the result of a confluence of circumstances. The article thus justifies the need for further study into the archival legacy of Professor Florovsky, which should be undertaken jointly by Russian and Czech scholars.
Key words: A.V. Florovsky, Russian-Czech relations, archives


Bogumił GROTT – Olgierd GROTT (ed.), Przedhitlerowskie korzenie nazizmu czyli dusza niemiecka w świetle filozofii i religioznawstwa
(Rafał Łętocha)
s. 105–109

Jiří FRIEDL – Tomasz JUREK – Miloš ŘEZNÍK – Martin WIHODA, Dějiny Polska
(Piotr Pałys)
s. 109–113

Tadeusz RUZIKOWSKI (ed.), Pion walki z podziemiem niepodległościowym RBP/MBP 1944–1954,
(Adam Zítek)
s. 113–116

Monika KOKALJ KOČEVAR, Mobiliziranci v nemško vojsko z Gorenjske v letih 1943–1945
(Milan Sovilj)
s. 116–124

Argyro KARTSONAKI, Breaking Away: Kosovo’s Unilateral Secession
(Mihail Ceropita)
s. 124–128
Roger BOYES – Suzy JAGGER, New State, Modern Statesman: Hashim Thaçi – A Biography
(Mihail Ceropita)
s. 129–131
Petr KALETA, Lužičtí Srbové v lidové sněmovně: nástin politického života v srbské Lužici v době NDR
(Jan Krajčirovič)
s. 131–134

Jiří NĚMEC, Eduard Winter 1896–1982. Zpráva o originalitě a přizpůsobení se sudetoněmeckého historika
(Jaroslav Šebek)
s. 134–137

s. 139–145


Mezinárodní kongres slavistů v Bělehradě
International Congress of Slavists in Belgrade
(Ladislav Hladký)
Международный конгресс славистов в Белграде
(Ладислав Гладки)
s. 147–148

Čtrnáctý ročník pražské Konference mladých slavistů
The Fourteenth Annual Prague Conference of Young Slavic Scholars
(Marek Příhoda)
Четырнадцатый год пражской Конференции молодых славистов
(Марек Пршигода)
s. 149–155

Mezinárodní vědecká konference Společná historie? Padesát let zkušeností Poláků, Čechů a Slováků v podmínkách nezávislosti, okupace a totalitárních režimů, Vratislav 4. – 5. října 2018
The international scholarly conference “Mutual History? Fifty Years of the Experiences of Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks, and the Conditions of Independence, Occupation and Totalitarian Regimes”, Wrocław, 4 – 5 October 2018
(Jiří Friedl)

Международная научная конференция Общая история? Пятьдесят лет опыта поляков, чехов и словаков в условиях независимости, оккупации и тоталитарных режимов, Вратислав 4-го и 5-го октября 2018 г.
(Иржи Фридл)
s. 155–157

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