Mapping ‘Gabriel’: Space, Identity and Slavery in the Late Sixteenth-Century Indian Ocean Ananya Chakravarti
A Critique of Approaches to ‘Domestic Work’: Women, Work and the Pre-Industrial Economy Jane Whittle
The Mother Tongue: Historical Study of the Celts and their Language(S) in Eighteenth-Century Britain and Ireland Ian B Stewart
A Republican Ecology? Citizenship, Nature and the French Revolution (1795–1799) Jean-Luc Chappey; Julien Vincent
Indo-Persian Travel Writing at the Ends of the Mughal World Arash Khazeni
The Home Experience of German Jews Under the Nazi Regime Guy Miron
The Hijacking of Aeroflot Flight 244: States and Statelessness in the Late Cold War Erik R Scott
Viewpoints: Temporalities
The History of Temporalities: An Introduction Matthew S Champion
A Fuller History of Temporalities Matthew S Champion
The Fetish of Accuracy: Perspectives on Early Modern Time(S) Stefan Hanß
Time and the Modern: Current Trends in The History of Modern Temporalities A R P Fryxell
Time, Space and Islands: Why Geographers Drive the Temporal Agenda David Gange
Time, Temporality and the History of Capitalism Vanessa Ogle