Early Medieval Europe provides an indispensable source of information and debate on the history of Europe from the later Roman Empire to the eleventh century. The journal is a thoroughly interdisciplinary forum, encouraging the discussion of archaeology, numismatics, palaeography, diplomatic, literature, onomastics, art history, linguistics and epigraphy, as well as more traditional historical approaches. It covers Europe in its entirety, including material on Iceland, Ireland, the British Isles, Scandinavia and Continental Europe (both west and east).
Issue Information
Issue Information Pages: 323–325 / First Published: 22 August 2019
Original Articles
Gardens and gardening in early medieval Spain and Portugal Wendy Davies Pages: 327–348 / First Published: 22 August 2019
The garden in Umayyad society in al‐Andalus Miquel Forcada Pages: 349–373 / First Published: 22 August 2019
Garden plants in medieval Iberia: the archaeobotanical evidence Leonor Peña‐Chocarro, Guillem Pérez‐Jordà Pages: 374–393 / First Published: 22 August 2019
The case of Tudmīr: archaeological evidence for the introduction of irrigation systems in al‐Andalus Sonia Gutiérrez Lloret Pages: 394–415 / First Published: 22 August 2019
Admirable and delectable gardens: uiridaria in early medieval Italy Caroline Goodson Pages: 416–440 / First Published: 22 August 2019
Book reviews
Mine, métal, monnaie, Melle: les voies de la quantification de l’histoire monétaire du haut Moyen Âge. Edited by Marc Bompaire and Sarah Guillaume. École pratique des hautes études: hautes études médiévales et modernes 111. Paris: Droz. 2018. x + 462 pp. €49. ISBN 9782600057363. Rory Naismith Pages: 441–443 / First Published: 24 June 2019
Graphic Devices and the Early Printed Book. Edited by Michelle P. Brown, Ildar H. Garipzanov and Benjamin C. Tilghman. Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. 2017. 316 pp. with 83 illustrations, 76 colour and 7 b/w plates. $99 (hardback). ISSN 2045 4902. ISBN 9781783272266. Laura E. McCloskey Pages: 443–445 / First Published: 22 August 2019
Medieval Dublin XVI. Proceedings of Clontarf 1014–2014: National Conference Marking the Millennium of the Battle of Clontarf. Edited by Seán Duffy. Dublin: Four Courts Press. 2017. 328 pp. with 4 maps, 5 tables, 19 b/w illustrations and 7 b/w plates. €24.95 (paperback). ISBN 9781846826047. Shane Lordan Pages: 445–448 / First Published: 18 June 2019
Islands in the West: Classical Myth and the Medieval Norse and Irish Geographical Imagination. By Matthias Egeler. Medieval Voyaging 4. Turnhout: Brepols. 2017. xii + 355 pp. €100 excl. tax. ISBN 978 2 503 56938 3. Bernhard Maier Pages: 448–450 / First Published: 17 June 2019
Villa Magna. An Imperial Estate and its Legacies. Excavations 2006–10. Edited by Elizabeth Fentress, Caroline Goodson and Marco Maiuro, with Margaret Andrews (graphics) and J. Andrew Dufton (web publication) et al. Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 23. London: The British School at Rome. 2016. xix + 516 pp. €78; ₤ 90; US $110. ISBN 9780904152746. Digital records of the excavation available at http://archaeologydata. brown.edu/villamagna/ Guy P.R. Métraux Pages: 450–453 / First Published: 18 June 2019
Frisians and their North Sea Neighbours from the Fifth Century to the Viking Age. Edited by John Hines and Nelleke IJssennager. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. 2017. xx + 279 pp. + many illustrations. £75. ISBN 9781783271795. Rolf H. Bremmer Jr Pages: 453–455 / First Published: 18 June 2019
Islands in a Global Context: Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Insular Art, Held at the National University of Ireland, Galway, 16–20 July 2014. Edited by Conor Newman, Mags Mannion and Fiona Gavin. Dublin: Four Courts. 2017. xx + 282 pp. (including 160 b/w figs) + 31 colour plates. €60. ISBN 978 1 84682 568 2. Joseph J. Flahive Pages: 456–458 / First Published: 17 June 2019
The Village World of Early Medieval Northern Spain: Local Community and the Land Market. By Robert Portass. Woodbridge: Boydell Press and Royal Historical Society. 2017. xiv + 225 pp. £50. ISBN 9780861933440 Cullen Chandler Pages: 458–460 / First Published: 17 June 2019
Viking Law and Order: Places and Rituals of Assembly in the Medieval North. By Alexandra Sanmark. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2017. xviii + 302 pp. £75. ISBN 978 1 4744 0229 3 (hardback); 978 1 4744 0230 9 (webready PDF); 978 1 4744 2881 1 (epub). Howard B. Clarke Pages: 460–462 / First Published: 17 June 2019
Rediscovering Sainthood in Italy: Hagiography and the Late Antique Past in Medieval Ravenna. By Edward M. Schoolman. The New Middle Ages Series. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2016. xxvi + 202 pp. £74.99. ISBN 978 1 137 60271 8. Mark Humphries Pages: 462–465 / First Published: 17 June 2019