Calendar Reform and World Chronology: Pierre De Lille’s Tria Calendaria Parva (1529) Nicolae Virastau Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 441–459.;af=T
Technologies of the Scientific Self: John Tyndall and His Journal Ian Hesketh Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 460–482.;af=T
The Flow of Cognitive Goods: A Historiographical Framework for the Study of Epistemic Transfer Rens Bod, Jeroen van Dongen, Sjang L. ten Hagen, Bart Karstens, and Emma Mojet Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 483–496.;af=T
Introduction Abraham Gibson, Manfred D. Laubichler, and Jane Maienschein Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 497–501.;af=T
Computational History of Knowledge: Challenges and Opportunities Manfred D. Laubichler, Jane Maienschein, and Jürgen Renn Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 502–512.;af=T
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Data in the History of Science Julia Damerow and Dirk Wintergrün Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 513–521.;af=T
Triangulation of History Using Textual Data Kenneth D. Aiello and Michael Simeone Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 522–537.;af=T
Network Analysis for the Digital Humanities: Principles, Problems, Extensions Deryc T. Painter, Bryan C. Daniels, and Jürgen Jost Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 538–554.;af=T
The History of Science and the Science of History: Computational Methods, Algorithms, and the Future of the Field Abraham Gibson and Cindy Ermus Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 555–566.;af=T
Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO) Tianna Helena Uchacz Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 567–569.;af=T
Book Reviews
Petteri Pietikäinen. Madness: A History. Daphne Rozenblatt Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 570–571.;af=T
Iwan Rhys Morus, ed. The Oxford Illustrated History of Science. Floor Haalboom Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 571–572.;af=T
John E. Joseph. Language, Mind, and Body: A Conceptual History. Matthew Lauzon Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 572–574.;af=T
Peter Pesic. Polyphonic Minds: Music of the Hemispheres. Ellen Lockhart Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 574–575.;af=T
Arthur MacGregor, ed. Naturalists in the Field: Collecting, Recording, and Preserving the Natural World from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-First Century. Samuel J. M. M. Alberti Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 576–577.;af=T
Michael Friedman. A History of Folding in Mathematics: Mathematizing the Margins. Anne Por Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 577–578.;af=T
Ben A. Minteer; Jane Maienschein; James P. Collins, eds. The Ark and Beyond: The Evolution of Zoo and Aquarium Conservation. Raf De Bont Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 578–579.;af=T
Michael Ruse. On Purpose. T. D. P. Brunet Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 580–581.;af=T
Robert A. Voeks. The Ethnobotany of Eden: Rethinking the Jungle Medicine Narrative. David Arnold Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 581–582.;af=T
C. Pierce Salguero, ed. Buddhism and Medicine: An Anthology of Premodern Sources. Dominik Wujastyk Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 582–584.;af=T
John Z. Wee, ed. The Comparable Body: Analogy and Metaphor in Ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Greco-Roman Medicine. Rosalie David Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 584–585.;af=T
Richard Carrier. The Scientist in the Early Roman Empire. Cristian Tolsa Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 585–586.;af=T
Andreas Lammer. The Elements of Avicenna’s Physics: Greek Sources and Arabic Innovations. Nicola Polloni Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 586–587.;af=T
Richard J. Oosterhoff. Making Mathematical Culture: University and Print in the Circle of Lefèvre d’Étaples. Abram Kaplan Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 588–589.;af=T
Giuseppe Olmi; Fulvio Simoni, eds. Ulisse Aldrovandi: Libri e immagini di Storia naturale nella prima Età moderna. Gian Battista Vai Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 589–590.;af=T
C. Philipp E. Nothaft. Scandalous Error: Calendar Reform and Calendrical Astronomy in Medieval Europe. Katharina Habermann Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 590–592.;af=T
Raymond Clemens, ed. The Voynich Manuscript. Marieke M. A. Hendriksen Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 592–593.;af=T
Nicolàs de Hilster. Navigation on Wood: Wooden Navigational Instruments, 1590–1731: An Analysis of Early Modern Western Instruments for Celestial Navigation, Their Origins, Mathematical Concepts, and Accuracies. Jim Bennett Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 593–594.;af=T
Ofer Hadass. Medicine, Religion, and Magic in Early Stuart England: Richard Napier’s Medical Practice. Patrick Wallis Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 595–596.;af=T
Flavia Marcacci. Cieli in contraddizione: Giovanni Battista Riccioli e il terzo sistema del mondo. William R. Shea Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 596–597.;af=T
Vittorio Hösle. Vico’s New Science of the Intersubjective World. Luca Tateo Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 597–598.;af=T
J. B. Shank. Before Voltaire: The French Origins of “Newtonian” Mechanics, 1680–1715. Michel Blay Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 598–599.;af=T
Niccolò Guicciardini. Isaac Newton and Natural Philosophy. John Henry Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 599–600.;af=T
Thomas Sonar. The History of the Priority Dispute between Newton and Leibniz: Mathematics in History and Culture. Sylvia Pauw Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 601–602.;af=T
Ori Sela. China’s Philological Turn: Scholars, Textualism, and the Dao in the Eighteenth Century. Martin Hofmann Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 602–603.;af=T
Anne C. Vila. Suffering Scholars: Pathologies of the Intellectual in Enlightenment France. Devin Vartija Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 603–604.;af=T
Laura Miller. Reading Popular Newtonianism: Print, the Principia, and the Dissemination of Newtonian Science. Cornelis J. Schilt Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 604–606.;af=T
Benjamin Wardhaugh, ed. The Correspondence of Charles Hutton (1737–1823): Mathematical Networks in Georgian Britain. Olivier Bruneau Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 606–607.;af=T
Lissa L. Roberts; Simon Werrett, eds. Compound Histories: Materials, Governance and Production, 1760–1840. Patrick Anthony Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 607–608.;af=T
Stefan Bargheer. Moral Entanglements: Conserving Birds in Britain and Germany. Santos Casado Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 608–610.;af=T
Emily Ogden. Credulity: A Cultural History of US Mesmerism. John Warne Monroe Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 610–611.;af=T
Efram Sera-Shriar, ed. Historicizing Humans: Deep Time, Evolution, and Race in Nineteenth-Century British Sciences. Douglas A. Lorimer Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 611–613.;af=T
John V. H. Dippel. To the Ends of the Earth: The Truth behind the Glory of Polar Exploration. Adrian Howkins Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 613–614.;af=T
Myron Echenberg. Humboldt’s Mexico: In the Footsteps of the Illustrious German Scientific Traveller. Tobias Kraft Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 614–616.;af=T
Kim Helsvig; Jan Eivind Myhre, eds. Making a Modern University: The University of Oslo, 1811–2018. Vera Schwach Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 616–617.;af=T
Stephen Case. Making Stars Physical: The Astronomy of Sir John Herschel. Ian S. Glass Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 617–618.;af=T
Manuella Meyer. Reasoning against Madness: Psychiatry and the State in Rio de Janeiro, 1830–1944. Matthew M. Heaton Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 618–620.;af=T
Frederick B. Churchill. August Weismann: Development, Heredity, and Evolution. Manfred D. Laubichler Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 620–621.;af=T
Lee T. Macdonald. Kew Observatory and the Evolution of Victorian Science, 1840–1910. Daniel Jon Mitchell Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 621–622.;af=T
Alexander Pechenkin. The History of Research on Chemical Periodic Processes. Howard G. Barth Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 623–624.;af=T
Ralph Jewell. The Weather’s Face: Features of Science in the Story of Vilhelm Bjerknes and the Bergen School of Meteorology. Matthias Heymann Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 624–625.;af=T
Dennis L. Durst. Eugenics and Protestant Social Reform: Hereditary Science and Religion in America, 1860–1940.; Karin Alejandra Rosemblatt. The Science and Politics of Race in Mexico and the United States, 1910–1950. Marius Turda Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 625–627.;af=T
Mark Blacklock. The Emergence of the Fourth Dimension: Higher Spatial Thinking in the Fin de Siècle. Andre Michael Hahn Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 628–629.;af=T
Élisabeth Roudinesco. Freud in His Time and Ours. Robert Kenny Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 629–630.;af=T
Jean-Marc Ginoux. History of Nonlinear Oscillations Theory in France (1880–1940). Fernando Q. Gouvêa Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 630–631.;af=T
Joeri Bruyninckx. Listening in the Field: Recording and the Science of Birdsong. Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 632–633.;af=T
Daniel A. Stolz. The Lighthouse and the Observatory: Islam, Science, and Empire in Late Ottoman Egypt. Adam Mestyan Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 633–634.;af=T
Christian Bracco. Quand Albert devient Einstein. James Evans Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 634–636.;af=T
Kathleen L. Sheppard, ed. My Dear Miss Ransom …”: Letters between Caroline Ransom Williams and James Henry Breasted, 1898–1935. Jeffrey Abt Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 636–637.;af=T
Mark S. Morrisson. Modernism, Science, and Technology. Michael H. Whitworth Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 637–638.;af=T
Yasu Furukawa. Chemists’ Kyoto School: Gen-itsu Kita and Japan’s Chemistry. Nobumichi Ariga Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 639–640.;af=T
Christian Bonah; David Cantor; Anja Laukötter, eds. Health Education Films in the Twentieth Century. Andreas Killen Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 640–641.;af=T
Henri Poincaré. Science and Hypothesis: The Complete Text. Katherine Dunlop Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 641–642.;af=T
Diana Dolev. The Planning and Building of the Hebrew University, 1919–1948: Facing the Temple Mount. Tal Golan Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 643–644.;af=T
Ze’ev Rosenkranz, ed. The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein: The Far East, Palestine, and Spain, 1922–1923. Richard Crockatt Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 644–645.;af=T
Maurizio Meloni. Political Biology: Science and Social Values in Human Heredity from Eugenics to Epigenetics. Manfred D. Laubichler Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 645–646.;af=T
Dirk van Delft; Ton van Helvoort. Beelden zonder weerga: De elektronenmicroscoop van Ernst Ruska tot Ben Feringa. Friso Hoeneveld Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 646–648.;af=T
Brian E. Crim. Our Germans: Project Paperclip and the National Security State. Mark Walker Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 648–649.;af=T
Jörg Matthias Determann. Space Science and the Arab World: Astronauts, Observatories, and Nationalism in the Middle East. Asif Siddiqi Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 649–651.;af=T
Shelley McKellar. Artificial Hearts: The Allure and Ambivalence of a Controversial Medical Technology. Todd M. Olszewski Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 651–652.;af=T
Lee Alan Dugatkin; Lyudmila Trut. How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog): Visionary Scientists and a Siberian Tale of Jump-Started Evolution. Marga Vicedo Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 652–654.;af=T
Rebecca Reich. State of Madness: Psychiatry, Literature, and Dissent after Stalin. Dan Healey Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 654–655.;af=T
Iina Kohonen. Picturing the Cosmos: A Visual History of Early Soviet Space Endeavor. W. Henry Lambright Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 655–656.;af=T
Alexander C. T. Geppert, ed. Limiting Outer Space: Astroculture after Apollo. David Baneke Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 656–657.;af=T
Paul Richards. Ebola: How A People’s Science Helped End an Epidemic.; Debora Diniz. Zika: From the Brazilian Backlands to Global Threat. Stuart Blume Isis, Vol. 110, No. 3: 658–660.;af=T