ŠUMICHRAST, AdamAnalýza historiografie dejín robotníctva v slovenskom štáte (1939 – 1945) v období do roku 1989 (Analysis of the Historiography of the „History of Workers“ in the Slovak State (1939 – 1945) until 1989) pp. 259–292
The paper analyses the historiography of the „history of workers“ in the period of Slovak state (1939 – 1945) until the year 1989. In addition to the general analysis, the aim is to answer the question how far (if at all) may the „history of workers“ be identified with the labor history in historiography before 1989? Secondarily, the study provides a brief description of the thematic publications examined to find out what specific area and themes were elaborated in historiography before 1989 and how particular research trends were developed. Keywords: Historiography; Slovak state; „History of workers“; Labor history; Second World War;
Stúdie a články/Articles/Studien
PRCHLÍK, IvanKterého ukřižovaného vůdce použil jako příklad Seneca. De ira I, 2, 2? (Which Crucified Leader Used Seneca. De Ira I, 2, 2 as an Example?) pp. 293–329
Léon Herrmann’s attempt at identifying the six anonymous leaders presented by Seneca in his De ira as exempla of the victims of anger has met little interest so far. As in the sixth one he wanted us to see Jesus of Nazareth, it is no surprise that his attempt remained neglected as a whole, since his method of discovering new non-Christian testimonies to Jesus and early Christianity has rightly fallen into disrepute as being almost non-scientific. Seneca’s leaders, however, do not draw too much attention even of his modern commentators or translators who only now and then try to identify them and never more than two of them. Herrmann’s attempt and the few reactions to it thus at least increases the number of candidates and some clues are even at hand for better verification of all the identifications as yet suggested of these sixth leaders. Following these clues, there are some conditions, yet certainly very unlikely to have actually occurred, under which Jesus could be considered to have been in Seneca’s mind. Further interesting speculations on the date of the De ira and the conditions of the early Christian community in Rome can be added, yet bearing in mind the very frail basis upon which they rest. Keywords: Non-Christian Testimonies; Jesus; Circumstances of Jesus’ Crucifixion; Beginnings of Christianity in Rome; Seneca's Knowledge of Christianity; the Date of the De Ira;
GÁLIK, ZdenkoHlohovec vo víre vojenských udalostí a ich dôsledky v rokoch 1401 – 1650. Vojenské udalosti, ktoré postihli Hlohovec začiatkom 15. storočia (1401 – 1403) (Hlohovec in the Whirl of the Military Incidents and their Consequences between Years 1401 – 1650) pp. 330–367
The author describes military events which affected Hlohovec in the period between the beginning of the 15th century and the first half of the 17th century. Furthermore, there are mentioned the impacts of military invasions and looting, such as the phenomenon of outlaws, moss-troopers and the declining number of inhabitants. The study also notices the discontent of some noblemen and tycoons with the reign of Sigismund of Luxembourg in the years 1401 – 1403. As in the period Hlohovec castle was conquered twice, the author presents the most common techniques of fortress conquering at the end of the 14th century and the 1st half of the 15th century. Other military events affected Hlohovec during the period of the Hussites invasions in 1430 – 1431. The study also refers to the period of the activities of the Bratríci armies in the area of south-western Slovakia, especially in Svätý Peter (at present a part of Hlohovec) and Veľké Kostoľany. An important part of the study is the Turkish invasion in the area of Hlohovec and the resistance to the Habsburgs in context with the history of Hlohovec. Finally, the study describes the appearance of Hlohovec castle in the period between the beginning of the 15th century to the first half of 17th century, based on written and archaeological sources. Keywords: Town Hlohovec; Castle Hlohovec; House of Ujlaki; House of Thurzo; 15th–17th Century;
HRONČEK, Pavel – WEIS, Karol – PŘIBIL, Martin – LUKÁČ, Marián – HVIZDÁK, LadislavMontánne vodohospodárske systémy v okolí Ľubietovej v 16. až 20. storočí (1950–1951) (Montanistic (Mining) Water Management Systems in the Area of Ľubietová Surroundings from 16th to 20th Century) pp. 368–402
Water has been the main and affordable source of energy for centuries. In order to be able to use water power in the final technical facilities, water works had to be built for this purpose to ensure that the water was collected in the country. The aim of the present study is the reconstruction of the use of water and the reconstruction of water management systems in the historic mining landscape on the example of water management system of Ľubietová surroundings, whose effectiveness was also determined by the existence of so-called Little Ice Age. So far unknown facts, phenomena and contexts that contributed to formation of the water management system in the mountainous country have also been gained through field research. Keywords: Montanistic (Mining) science; Water Management System; Surroundings of Ľubietová;
SOUČKOVÁ, Taťána – VOLFOVÁ, JanaVýslechy svědků ve věci pohraničních sporů na moravsko-slovenském pomezí v 16. – 18. století a jejich interpretace: příklad vršateckého, lednického, trenčínského a brumovského panství (Interpretation of the Testimonies Concerning Border Disputes in the Moravian – Slovak Borderlands in the 16th – 18th Centuries: An Example of the Vršatec, Lednice, Trenčín and Brumov Manors) pp. 403–425
The aim of the study is to newly reflect on the issue which has not been fully analysed within Moravian and Slovak historiography. Testimonies of the witnesses involved in border disputes over exact delineation of the borderline between Moravia and the Kingdom of Hungary in 16th – 18th centuries represent highly valuable material which has a potential of versatile interpretation. We focus on testimonies from a particular area of Vršatec, Lednica, Trenčín and Brumov manors using historical – anthropological approach. Despite the fact that we regard the witnesses as capable of providing credible information, the sources are critically analysed and compared to older publications on the topic. The study reflects on the problematic of specific border signs such as stone circles and their reflection in the testimonies, furthermore the most important aspects of the process of near-border agricultural colonization are described and examined. Keywords: Interrogation; Witnesses; Border Disputes; Moravia; Kingdom of Hungary; 16th – 18th centuries;
IVANIČ, PeterCollection of Road Toll in Southwestern Slovakia in the Middle Ages on the Basis of Written Sources (Collection of Road Toll in Southwestern Slovakia in the Middle Ages on the Basis of Written Sources) pp. 426–455
Road toll research is one of the marginal topics of Slovak historiography. Toll fees included both a "dry" toll paid for roads and a bridge ("water") toll paid next to fords, on the bridges, ferries and in the ports. Fees were originally part of the Royal Regal Right. This paper deals with the issue of road tolls collected in the southwestern Slovakia, were several important roads were situated in the Middle Ages. Based on the preserved written sources, the author managed to document a dense network of toll stations in the examined area. Most of them are documented in written sources only in the 14th and 15th century. One can assume that some of them existed in the older period. The amount of the fee is mentioned only in few cases. Several major toll stations (e.g. in Starý Tekov) were claimed by several owners and the documents testify long-standing disputes. Keywords: Toll; Road; Monarch; Hungary;
KRÁLOVIČ, TomášPerzekúcia Rómov v slovenskom štáte v rokoch 1939–1945 – problematika pracovných útvarov vo fondoch Okresného, Župného a Policajného úradu v Nitre (Roma Persecution in the Slovak State 1939–1945 – Labour Camp Issues in Regional, County and Police Office Funds in Nitra) pp. 456–474
Given paper deals with Roma persecution in the period of the Slovak state in 1938–1945. It primarily comes from archival documents present in regional, county and police office funds in State archive in Nitra. We can mainly find there nationwide orders of the Ministry of the Interior and some regional documents as well. The introductory part of the paper is devoted to general issues of the Roma holocaust in Slovakia and its current research. The second part brings information of the selection of Roma people and so-called asocial people to labour camps. The third part is devoted to camps and forced labour in the Slovak state. Keywords: Roma People; Holocaust; Persecution; Orders; Labour Camps; Slovak State; Nitra;
MARŤÁK, MichalMartin Mičura ako minister (1920 – 1922) (Martin Mičura as Minister (1920 – 1922)) pp. 475–487
Martin Mičura is a distinguished personality of Christian politics and traditions in modern history. He was Minister of the Czechoslovak Government, Member of the National Assembly, Chairman of the Czechoslovak People's Party in Slovakia, President of the High Court in Košice, Main court in Bratislava and Chairman of the Supreme Court in Slovakia. The aim of the paper is to evaluate its work as Minister of the Czechoslovak Government with full power for the administration of Slovakia and to point out the important problems that it had to face as such. Keywords: Martin Mičura (1883 – 1946); Biography; Minister for the Governance of Slovakia (1920 – 1922); Slovak Politics (1920 – 1922);
PETRANSKÝ, Ivan A.Perzekúcie nemeckých drevorubačov v Modre v rokoch 1945 – 1950 (Persecution of German Woodcutters in Modra in Years 1945 – 1950) pp. 488–507
The paper is devoted to the development of a community of German woodcutters (called “mountain people” or “Huncokars”) living in forests near the town of Modra in the years 1945 – 1950, in locality called Piesok. During this period, the people's democratic regime in the restored Czechoslovakia carried out extensive persecution of Germans, including their expulsion. The paper deals with the preparation, implementation and consequences of anti-German measures in relation to the mountain people of Modra, their specifics and differences from the measures against other German inhabitants of the region. Keywords: History of Modra; Huncokars; Mountain People; Persecution of Germans; Modra-Piesok;
ŠTĚPÁNEK, Pavel. Kapitoly z dějin česko-španělských styků a vztahů (Ján Jakubej), pp. 508–512
BŘEZINOVÁ, Gertrúda. Šperk zo skla a sapropelitu u Keltov na Slovensku (Ondrej Šály), pp. 513–514
PINTÉR, Beáta. Zobor-vidék története. Dejiny Podzoboria (Mária Molnárová), pp. 514–515
PALÁRIK, Miroslav – MIKULÁŠOVÁ, Alena – HETÉNYI, Martin – ARPÁŠ, Róbert. The City and Region Against the Backdrop of Totalitarianism. Images from the Life in the Slovak Republic (1939–1945), Illustrated by the City of Nitra and Its Surroundings (Viktória Rigová), pp. 515–516
Kronika/Chronicle/Chronik, pp. 517–520
Publikačná etika časopisu Studia Historica Nitriensia / Publication Ethics of the Studia Historica Nitriensia Journal / Veröffentlichung Ethik des Zeitschrifts Studia Historica Nitriensia, pp. 521–525
Pokyny pre autorov/Instructions for the authors/Hinweise für Autoren, pp. 526–530*