The European Review of Economic History is a major outlet for research in economic history. Articles cover the whole range of economic history papers on European, non-European, comparative and world economic history are all welcome. Contributions shed new light on existing debates, raise new or previously neglected topics, and provide fresh perspectives from comparative research. The Review includes full-length articles, shorter articles, notes and comments, debates, survey articles, and review articles. It also publishes notes and announcements from the European Historical Economics Society.
Estimating long-term socioeconomic inequality in southern Europe: The Barcelona area, 1481–1880 Gabriel Brea-Martínez; Joana-Maria Pujadas-Mora
The shaping of a settler fertility transition: eighteenth- and nineteenth-century South African demographic history reconsidered Jeanne Cilliers; Martine Mariotti
Capital structure and corporate performance in late Imperial Russia Amanda Gregg; Steven Nafziger
The rise of the middle class in Brazil, 1850–1950 María Gómez León
The roots of a dual equilibrium: GDP, productivity, and structural change in the Italian regions in the long run (1871–2011) Emanuele Felice