Science, Medicine and the Creation of a ‘Healthy’ Soviet Cinema Anna Toropova
From Nordic Romanticism to Nordic Modernity: Danish Tourist Brochures in Nazi Germany, 1929–39 Frederik Forrai Ørskov
Glorious Brothers, Unsuitable Lovers: Moroccan Veterans, Spanish Women, and the Mechanisms of Francoist Paternalism Stephanie Wright
Sex, Military Brothels and Gender Violence during the Italian Campaign in the USSR, 1941–3 Raffaello Pannacci
Forbidden Words, Banished Voices: Jewish Refugees at the Service of BBC Propaganda to Wartime Germany Sheer Ganor
The Workhouse Dresden-Leuben After 1945: A Microstudy of Local Continuities in Postwar East Germany Markus Wahl
Race, Migration, and Fears of Communism in 1948 Morocco Margaret Andersen
Studying an Occupied Society: Social Research, Modernization Theory and the Early Israeli Occupation, 1967–8 Omri Shafer Raviv
Literature Review
Landslides, Shocks, and New Global Rules: The US and Western Europe in the New International History of the 1970s Michele Di Donato
Book Reviews
Matthew P. Llewellyn and John Gleaves, The Rise and Fall of Olympic Amateurism Martin Polley
Emerald M. Archer, Women, Warfare and Representation: American Servicewomen in the Twentieth Century Melissa A. McEuen
Daniel Gorman, International Cooperation in the Early Twentieth Century David Brydan
Rob Skinner, Modern South Africa in World History: Beyond Imperialism Abraham Mlombo
Matteo Albanese and Pablo del Hierro, Transnational Fascism in the Twentieth Century: Spain, Italy, and the Global Neo-Fascist Network Effie G. H. Pedaliu
Emily Mason, Democracy, Deeds and Dilemmas: Support for the Spanish Republic Within British Civil Society, 1936–1939 Scott Ramsay
Rita Chin, The Crisis of Multiculturalism in Europe: A History Emmanuel Comte
Dayna L. Barnes, Architects of Occupation: American Experts and the Planning for Postwar Japan Tehun Ma
Benjamin G. Martin, The Nazi-Fascist New Order for European Culture Mary-Ann Middelkoop
Johannes Due Enstad, Soviet Russians under Nazi Occupation: Fragile Loyalties in World War II Seth Bernstein
David Lowe, Cassandra Atherton and Alyson Miller (eds), The Unfinished Atomic Bomb: Shadows and Reflections Malcolm Craig
Celia Donert, The Rights of the Roma: The Struggle for Citizenship in Postwar Czechoslovakia Ari Joskowicz
Quinn Slobodian, Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism Michael Franczak
Daniel Bessner and Nicholas Guilhot (eds), The Decisionist Imagination: Sovereignty, Social Science, and Democracy in the 20th Century Chris Renwick
Evan Smith and Matthew Worley (eds), Waiting for the Revolution: The British far left from 1956 Daniel Frost
Matthew Broad, Harold Wilson, Denmark and the Making of Labour European Policy, 1958–82 Mathias Haeussler
Raymond A. Patton, Punk Crisis: The Global Punk Rock Revolution Matthew Worley
Patrick William Kelly, Sovereign Emergencies: Latin America and the Making of Global Human Rights Politics Alfonso Salgado
Laurent Warlouzet, Governing Europe in a Globalizing World : Neoliberalism and its Alternatives following the 1973 Oil Crisis Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol
Robert Saunders, Yes to Europe! The 1975 Referendum and Seventies Britain Lindsay Aqui