The Path to Pistoia: Urban Hygiene Before the Black Death G Geltner
The Legality of Prisoner of War Labour In England, 1648–1655 Sonia Tycko
Slave Hounds and Abolition in the Americas Tyler D Parry; Charlton W Yingling
Paternal Rights, Child Welfare and the Law in Nineteenth-Century Britain and Ireland Ben Griffin
Letters of the Labouring Poor: The Art of Letter Writing in Colonial India Arun Kumar
Terrorism and Ressentiment in Revolutionary Russia Susan K Morrissey
The Medium is the Message: The Screen Life of the Cuban Revolution, 1959–1962 Jennifer Lambe
The United States As A Developing Nation: Revisiting The Peculiarities Of American History Stefan Link; Noam Maggor
‘Bliss was it in that Dawn’ … or was it? Charles S Maier