Journal of Urban History 46 (2020), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
Journal of Urban History 46 (2020), 3
Weiterer Titel 
Special Section: Urban History, Arnold Hirsch and the Second Ghetto Thesis Redux

Thousand Oaks 2020: Sage Publications
Six times a year: January, March, May, July, September, November.
Individual: One Year £70/US$102



Journal of Urban History
United States
Morawski, Paul

Journal of Urban History (JUH), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, provides scholars and professionals with the latest research, analyses, and discussion on the history of cities and urban societies throughout the world. JUH presents original research by distinguished authors from the variety of fields concerned with urban history. Each insightful issue offers the latest scholarship on such topics as public housing, migration, urban growth, and more.


Table of Contents

Special Section Introduction
Introduction: Urban History, Arnold Hirsch, and the Second Ghetto Thesis Redux
Timothy J. Gilfoyle

Special Section Articles

Places Created and Peopled: “Black Women: Where They Be . . . Suffering?”
Rhonda Y. Williams

The Banality of Segregation: Why Hirsch Still Helps Us Understand Our Racial Geography
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

Money and the Ghetto, Money in the Ghetto
Destin Jenkins

In the Shadow of the Second Ghetto
Lilia Fernandez

The Southern Side of Chicago: Arnold R. Hirsch and the Renewal of Southern Urban History
N. D. B. Connolly

White Rage, White Liberals, and the Making of the Second Ghetto
Simon Balto


Making a Modern Barrio: Infrastructure and Progress in Mexico City, 1900–1903
Andrew Konove

Mirrored Imaginaries: Urban Chroniclers in Buenos Aires and Montevideo, 1910–1936
Daniel Richter

Backlash on the Border: Conservatism and the Rise of the New Economy in the San Diego–Tijuana Corridor
Daniel Elkin

Spatial Forms of Ethnic Coexistence in Ottoman Cyprus: The Role of Urban Form in Patterns of Everyday Life
Nadia Charalambous

“Minimum Dwelling” All’italiana: From the Case Popolari to the 1929 “Model Houses” of Garbatella
Aristotle Kallis

Port Said and Ismailia as Desert Marvels: Delusion and Frustration on the Isthmus of Suez, 1859–1869
Lucia Carminati

Review Essays

Looking at Urban History through Art, and Vice Versa
Rebecca Zurier

Rethinking the Taxonomies of Civil Rights Work
Karissa Haugeberg

Harnessing the Market in Premodern Europe
Maarten Prak

Control the Water, Control the City: New York City, Environmental Disasters, and Currents of Change
Erica A. Morin

At the Intersection of Race, Class, Gender, and Highway Politics
Roger Biles and Mark H. Rose

Nuanced Examinations of Eighteenth-Century Boston
Joshua P. Canale

Why Desegregation Matters: Educational Inequality and the Pursuit of Democracy
Walter C. Stern

Settler Colonialism, Race-Making Criminalization and State Violence
Mike King

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