Die Ausgabe 63 (2020) von "Moving the Social – Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements", publiziert vom Institut für Soziale Bewegungen der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und dem Klartext Verlag Essen, ist mit folgenden Beiträgen erschienen:
Table of Contents
Guest Editor’s Introduction
Sabrina Zajak, Jenny Jansson, Ilse Lenz and Geoffrey Pleyers:Cross-Movement Mobilization and New Modes of Solidarity in Times of Crisis in the Global North and South
Janet M. Conway and Anabel Paulos:Feminism, Food Sovereignty and Cross-Movement Mobilisation Against Neoliberal Globalisation in Latin America: Intertwined Genealogies
Juliana R. Luiz, Priscila Delgado de Carvalho and Marco Antonio Teixeira:Cross-Movement in Latin America: Lessons from the Mercosur Confederation of Family Farming Organisations (Coprofam)
Kei Takata:Connecting with the First or the Third World?: Two Paths Toward the Transnational Network Building in the Japanese Global Sixties
Supurna Banerjee:Solidarities in and through Resistance: Rethinking Alliance-Building through Protests in Plantations in India
Beatrice Halsaa:The (Trans)National Mobilisation of Sámi Women in Norway
Further Articles
Philipp Reick:Toward a History of Urban Social Movements
Jürgen Kocka:Social History as Commitment. On the Occasion of Klaus Tenfelde’s 75 th Birthday (tansl. by Vivian Strotmann)
Philipp Reick:Studies of Growth and Decline: New Books on the History of the Western Working Class
Kevin J. Callahan:A Decade of Research on the Second International: New Insights and Methods