Dear Colleague,
The latest issue of French Politics, Culture and Society has published!
Please visit the Berghahn website for more information about the journal:
Volume 38, Issue 2 French Decolonization in Global Perspective Guest Editor: Jessica Lynne Pearson
Globalizing the History of French Decolonization Jessica Lynne Pearson
An Indochinese Dominion: L’Effort indochinois and Autonomy in a Global Context, 1936–1939 M. Kathryn Edwards
The French Empire Goes to San Francisco: The Founding of the United Nations and the Limits of Colonial Reform Jessica Lynne Pearson
Think Global, Fight Local: Recontextualizing the French Army in Algeria, 1954–1962 Terrence G. Peterson
Le Rallye Méditerranée-le Cap: Racing towards Eurafrica? Megan Brown
Periphery and Intimacy in Anti-Imperial Culture and Politics: From French Others to Othering Frenchness Burleigh Hendrickson
Decolonizing “La Brousse” Rural Medicine and Colonial Authority in Cameroon Sarah C. Runcie
A French Educational Meritocracy in Independent Morocco? Frédéric Viguier