SLOVANSKÝ PŘEHLED 2020 Ročník 106 Číslo 2
MAJEWSKI Piotr Maciej„Taky odplata na takýho lumpa musí přijít…“ Udání a oznámení úřadům v okupovaném Brně v letech 1940–1941 s. 227–245 “Payback is also due to a rogue like that …” Denunciations and Reports to Authorities in Occupied Brno 1940–1941 МАЕВСКИЙ Петр М.«Такого негодяя должна постигнуть кара...» Доносительство и оповещение органов власти в оккупированном Брно в 1940–1941 гг.
“Payback is also due to a rogue like that …” Denunciations and Reports to Authorities in Occupied Brno 1940–1941 The article describes the phenomenon of denunciations [udavačství] in occupied Brno in the years 1940–1941 on the basis of source documents from the local police department, which are stored in the Moravian Land Archive. Statistical analysis of these materials demonstrates that this phenomenon was relatively more frequent among Germans than Czechs, which was undoubtedly related to the different attitudes of the two ethnic groups to the authority and regulations of the Nazi Reich. The social origin of those who wrote denunciations demonstrates that such acts were more frequently committed by those among the common people than by representatives of (broadly-conceived) social elites, and this tendency was especially marked among Czechs. Key words: denunciations, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, collaboration, occupation anti-Semitism
SOVILJ MilanZávěr druhé světové války v Jugoslávii, otázka válečných zajatců a nábor nových vojáků očima československých exilových představitelů s. 247–270 The End of the Second World War in Yugoslavia and the Questions of Prisoners of War and Recruitment of New Soldiers in the Eyes of Representatives of the Czechoslovak Exile Government СОВИЛЬ МиланОкончание второй мировой войны в Югославии, вопрос военнопленных и вербовки новых военных глазами ссыльных чехословаков
The End of the Second World War in Yugoslavia and the Questions of Prisoners of War and Recruitment of New Soldiers in the Eyes of Representatives of the Czechoslovak Exile Government This text analyzes some aspects of the end of the Second World War in Yugoslavia from the perspective of the change in the anti-Hitler coalition towards the sides fighting on Yugoslav territory and towards the potential recruitment of prisoners of war in order to deploy them in battles against the German army. Particular attention is dedicated to the opinions of several representatives of the Czechoslovak exile government on these issues, including the question of possible recruitment of new soldiers into the Czechoslovak Army fighting abroad. This can contribute to a better understanding of the Czechoslovak military mission delegated in July 1944 to the headquarters of Josip Broz Tito, the commander of the Yugoslav partisans and communists. However, the complex political circumstances and immediacy of the wartime situation did not provide much space for realizing these goals of the Czechoslovak mission. The article is mainly based in sources of Czechoslovak, Yugoslav, and partially also British provenience, countless written memoirs, and relevant scholarly literature.
CEROPITA MihailBitva na Kosově poli 28. června 1389 v reflexi kosovsko-albánského tisku koncem 80. let 20. století s. 271–280 The Battle of Kosovo Field of 28 June 1389 in the Reflections of the Kosovar-Albanian Press at the end of the 1980s ЧЕРОПИТА МихаилБитва на Косовом поле 28-го июня 1389 в рефлексии косовско-албанской печати в конце 80-х лет ХХ века
The Battle of Kosovo Field of 28 June 1389 in the Reflections of the Kosovar-Albanian Press at the end of the 1980s The question of how the anniversary of the battle on the Kosovo field on 28 June 1389 was presented in the Kosovar Albanian political and cultural milieu at the end of the 1980s has hitherto been an unexamined subject in historiography. This is especially evident in comparison with the relatively widely-studied development of the Serbian view on this historical event against the background of the ideological and political crisis in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. This work attempts to fill in the gap to a certain extent. The article analyzes Kosovar Albanian publications from 1989 that were addressing the anniversary of the battle that took place on Kosovo field on 28 June 1389. The author attempts to answer the question of what the attitudes of the Kosovar Albanian elite were at that time towards the battle itself as well as to it anniversary. The answer to this question can help us understand the causes of the ideological and cultural confrontation between Serbs and Kosovar Albanians that escalated into an armed conflict in the 1990s. Key words: Yugoslavia, Serbia, Kosovo, Kosovo conflict, instrumentalization of history
PREISSOVÁ KREJČÍ Andrea – KOČÍ JanaPříběh 1 340 dětí evakuovaných do České republiky za války v Chorvatsku (1991–1995) s. 281–307 The Story of the 1340 Children Evacuated to the Czech Republic during the War in Croatia (1991–1995) ПРАЙССОВА КРЕЙЧИ Андреа – КОЧИ ЯнаИстория 1 340 детей, эвакуированных в Чешскую республику во время войны в Хорватии (1991–1995)
The Story of the 1340 Children Evacuated to the Czech Republic during the War in Croatia (1991–1995) This study treats the evacuation of children from war-afflicted Croatia, specifically from Daruvar, to the Czech Republic in the early 1990s. It was not only the children of ethnic Czechs living in Daruvar, but also all children in the war-torn region without regard to their nationality who were able to be registered for the transports hat were organized by Czech ethnic organizations – the League of Czechs and Slovaks in Yugoslavia [Svaz Čechů a Slováků v Jugoslávii] and the Czech Primary School J. A. Komenský – with the help of the government of the Czech Republic. The goal of this study is to reflect, on the occasion of the approaching thirty-year anniversary of the departure of these children from Daruvar, on the role of the Czech minority in Croatia during the period of the war, in relation to the effectuated evacuation of these children, and also upon the person of Lenka Janotová, who was the president at that time of the League of Czechs and Slovaks in Yugoslavia, which had initiated the entire operation, organized it, and who substantially ensured the smoothness of its running. It is mainly thanks to her that about 1340 children and mothers with small children were rescued from the greater township area of Daruvar, and they spent nearly five months (from September 1991 to January 1992) in Czech asylum, accompanied by teachers and other caregivers. We reflect upon this historical episode on the basis of study of source materials stored in the archive of the League of Czechs in the Republic of Croatia, and through analysis of witness narratives acquired through oral history methodology. Key words: Czech minority in Croatia, compatriots, war in Croatia, asylum, Lenka Janotová, Czech Republic, Croatia
JAKOUBEK Marek„Přínos Čechů Bulharsku“ – ztracený (a nalezený) příspěvek k české přítomnosti v Bulharských dějinách s. 309–350 “The Contribution of Czechs to Bulgaria” – Lost (and Found) Contribution to the Czech Presence in Bulgarian History ЯКОУБЕК Марек„Вклад чехов в Болгарию“ – утерянное (и найденное) упоминание чешского присутствия в истории Болгарии
“The Contribution of Czechs to Bulgaria” – Lost (and Found) Contribution to the Czech Presence in Bulgarian History The basis for this contribution is the archival document Přínos Čechů Bulharsku (The Contribution of Czechs to Bulgaria), composed in 1968 by an unknown ethnic Czech. The manuscript was filed in the archives of the Czechoslovak Club of T. G. Masaryk in Sofia when it was discovered by the author of this edition in 2019. In keeping with the title, or rather the overall intention of his study, the unknown author of the document attempts to create a complex overview of positive cases of “contributions of Czechs to Bulgaria”, with emphasis on mentioning as many as possible of the Czechs who had been active in Bulgarian territory and in some way excelled and contributed to the country’s development. Owing to the extraordinary (and personal) familiarity of the author with the issue of Czechs living in Bulgaria, his work contains an abundance of references to the activities of Czechs in this country, including a great deal of information about people and facts that had previously only been partially known of, or had been entirely unknown. The text is supplemented with introductory comments by the editor on the question of the identity of the author of the text, an editorial commentary on the process of rendering the manuscript into a published format, and continuous explanatory footnotes. Key words: Bulgaria, Czech minority, Balkans, Czechs abroad
Reakce Alexandra Goguna na recenzi Vlasty Kordové (Alexandr Gogun) s. 351–352
William W. HAGEN, Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland, 1914–1920 (Jan Kutílek) s. 353–359
Jochen BÖHLER, Civil War in Central Europe, 1918–1921: The Reconstruction of Poland (Jan Kutílek) s. 359–364
Анатолий П. САЛЬКОВ, Национально-территориальные конфликты в Центрально-Восточной Европе во внешней политике СССР (1938–1949 гг.) (Kirill Ševčenko) s. 365–367
Michał OSTAPIUK, Komendant „Bury“. Biografia kpt. Romualda Adama Rajsa „Burego“ 1913–1949 (Adam Zítek) s. 368–377
Paweł MACHCEWICZ, Muzeum (Jiří Friedl) s. 377–381
Za profesorem Markem Kazimierzem Kamińským (18. 3. 1948 – 20. 6. 2020) Marek Kazimierz Kamiński Passed Away (Jiří Friedl) s. 391–394 В память профессора Марка Казимежа Каминьского (18. 3. 1948 – 20. 6. 2020) (Иржи Фридл)
Devadesátiny historika Michala Reimana The historian Michal Reiman’s ninetieth birthday (Lenka Vlčková Kryčerová) s. 394–396 Девяностолетие историка Михала Раймана (Ленка Влчкова Кричерова)
Osmdesátiny Rudolfa Fišera, odborníka na dějiny střední Evropy a Třebíčska The eightieth birthday of Rudolf Fišer, expert on the history of central Europe and Třebíčsko (Vladimír Goněc) s. 396–398 Восьмидесятилетие Рудольфа Фишера, эксперта в истории Центральной Европы и области Тршебича (Владимир Гонец)