Words Matter: Our Thoughts on Language, Pseudo-Science, and ‘Race’ 3
The Short and the Long Twentieth Century: German and European Perspectives by Ulrich Herbert 9
Political Religion in the Nineteenth Century: Two New Studies on the German Awakening Movement by Hans-Christof Kraus 25
Mihai Dragnea, The Wendish Crusade, 1147: The Development of Crusading Ideology in the Twelfth Century (Hermann Kamp) 33
Reima Välimäki, Heresy in Late Medieval Germany: The Inquisitor Petrus Zwicker and the Waldensians (Nicholas W. Youmans) 38
Randolph C. Head, Making Archives in Early Modern Europe: Proof, Information, and Political Record-Keeping, 1400–1700 (Marco Cavarzere) 43
Thomas Munck, Conflict and Enlightenment: Print and Political Culture in Europe, 1635–1795 (Christine Haug) 47
Alexander Schunka, Ein neuer Blick nach Westen: Deutsche Protestanten und Großbritannien (1688–1740) (Charlotte Methuen) 57
Stefano Condorelli and Daniel Menning (eds.), Boom, Bust, and Beyond: New Perspectives on the 1720 Stock Market Bubble (Helen Paul) 63
Moritz von Brescius, German Science in the Age of Empire: Enterprise, Opportunity and the Schlagintweit Brothers (Linda Richter) 68
Fabian Klose, ‘In the Cause of Humanity’: Eine Geschichte der humanitären Intervention im langen 19. Jahrhundert (Eve Rosenhaft) 73
Andrew H. Beattie, Allied Internment Camps in Occupied Germany: Extrajudicial Detention in the Name of Denazification, 1945–1950 (Kerstin Schulte) 80
Peter E. Fäßler, Andreas Neuwöhner, and Florian Staffel (eds.), Briten in Westfalen 1945–2017: Besatzer, Verbündete, Freunde? (Daniel Cowling) 86
Reinhart Koselleck/Carl Schmitt, Der Briefwechsel: 1953–1983, ed. Jan Eike Dunkhase (Joshua Smeltzer) 92
Tobias Gerstung, Stapellauf für ein neues Zeitalter: Die Industrie- metropole Glasgow im revolutionären Wandel nach dem Boom (1960–2000) (Jörg Arnold) 96
Almuth Ebke, Britishness: Die Debatte über nationale Identität in Großbritannien, 1967 bis 2008 (Juliane Clegg) 101
Winter School on Global History: Challenges and Opportunities by Debarati Bagchi, Yamini Agarwal, and Dipanwita Donde 107
Panel Discussion: The Languages of Global History by Debarati Bagchi 112