Das Institut für Soziale Bewegungen der Ruhr-Universität Bochum freut sich, die Publikation von "Moving the Social" 64 (2020) bekannt geben zu können.
Die Ausgabe zu "'1968' in Britain" wurde gastediert von Claus-Ulrich Viol und Sebastian Berg (Englisches Seminar der Ruhr-Universität Bochum) und enthält folgende Beiträge.
Table of Contents
Guest Editor’s Introduction
Sebastian Berg and Claus-Ulrich Viol:The Short and the Long 1968 in Britain: An Introduction
Ian Gwinn:Collective and Democratic Experiments in the Politics of Knowledge in Britain since 1968: Reflections on Cultural Studies, History Workshop and Feminism
Sebastian Berg and Claus-Ulrich Viol:Voices of 1968 Fifty Years On
Mica Nava:‘1968’ and the Women’s Liberation Movement in Britain
Anthony Barnett:It Was More Than 12 Months
Logie Barrow:My ‘1968’
Holger Nehring:Challenging the Myths of the Scottish Sixties: Student Protests in the Wake of ‘1968’ at the University of Stirling
Claus-Ulrich Viol:The Role of Britain in the Historiography of 1968: A Review of Discourse(s)
Further Articles
László Dávid Törö:Ferenc Eckhart: Pioneer of Social and Constitutional History Writing in Hungary
Spyros Dimanopoulos, Christos Hadziiossif, Kostas Katsoudas and Nikos Potamianos:Small Business in Distress: Aspects of Petit-Bourgeois Collective Action in Postwar Greece
Rubén Vega:Nothing Compares to the Past: Industrial Decline and Socio-Cultural Change in Asturias
Stefan Berger:What is New in the History of Social Movements: a Review Article