Forum: The Financial Crisis and its Legacies. Edited by Alexander Nützenadel Alexander Nützenadel (Berlin): Introduction: The Financial Crisis – is it History?
Catherine Schenk (Oxford): Financial Markets and Banking regulation
Martin Daunton (Cambridge): The Fiscal Costs of the Financial Crisis
Stefano Battilossi (Madrid): Southern Europe and EU-Divergence
Jan-Otmar Hesse (Bayreuth): Trade and Protectionism
Charlotte Bartels (Berlin): Crises and Inequality
Single Articles
Jared Manasek: Refugees, State Legitimization, Bosnia and Hercegowina, 1875–1878
Diana Garvin: Black Markets: The Production of Fascist Racism in East African Marketplace Newsreels
David Alegre: Soviet forests and the war experience of Western Europeans in the German military forces, 1941–44
Thomas Mergel: Die Sozialfigur des Rentiers und die Bedeutung der Arbeit in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts
Veronika Hyden-Hanscho: Transterritorial Family Strategies between Madrid, Brussels and Vienna in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries