Early Medieval Europe provides an indispensable source of information and debate on the history of Europe from the later Roman Empire to the eleventh century. The journal is a thoroughly interdisciplinary forum, encouraging the discussion of archaeology, numismatics, palaeography, diplomatic, literature, onomastics, art history, linguistics and epigraphy, as well as more traditional historical approaches. It covers Europe in its entirety, including material on Iceland, Ireland, the British Isles, Scandinavia and Continental Europe (both west and east).
Issue Information
Issue Information Pages: 1–3 /First Published: 06 January 2021
The early medieval secular: spectrum and strategies Conor O'Brien Pages: 5–11 / First Published: 06 January 2021
Original Articles
After Augustine, after Markus: the problem of the secular at the end of antiquity Robin Whelan Pages: 12–35 / First Published: 06 January 2021
A secular shift in Carolingian history writing? Robert A.H. Evans Pages: 36–54 / First Published: 06 January 2021
Nemo militans Deo implicat se saecularia negotia: Carolingian interpretations of II Timothy II.4 Gerda Heydemann Pages: 55–85 / First Published: 06 January 2021
Pope Leo of Bourges, clerical immunity and the early medieval secular Charles West Pages: 86–108 / First Published: 06 January 2021
Book reviewsCompelling God: Theories of Prayer in Anglo‐Saxon England. By Stephanie Clark. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2018. x + 326 pp. $85 (hardback and Ebook). ISBN 9781487501983 Helen Appleton Pages: 109–111 First / Published: 01 December 2020
Eusebius and Empire: Constructing Church and Rome in the Ecclesiastical History. By James Corke‐Webster. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2019. xvii + 346 pp. £90. ISBN 978 1 108 47407 8 Richard Flower Pages: 111–113 / First Published: 01 December 2020
Fifty Early Medieval Things: Materials of Culture in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. By Deborah Deliyannis, Hendrik Dey and Paolo Squatriti. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 2019. x + 246 pp. + 16 b/w and 61 colour figures. $29.95 (paperback); $95 (hardcover); $14.99 (ebook). ISBN 9781501725906 (paperback); 9781501725890 (hardback); 9781501730290 (ebook) Carolyn Twomey Pages: 114–116 / First Published: 06 January 2021
Rethinking Authority in the Carolingian Empire: Ideals and Expectations during the Reign of Louis the Pious (813–828). By Rutger Kramer. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 2019. 277 pp. €105. ISBN 9789462982642 Josh Timmermann Pages: 116–119 First Published: 25 November 2020
Les ports des mers nordiques à l’époque viking (VIIe–Xe siècle). By Lucie Malbos. Collection Haut Moyen Âge 27. Turnhout: Brepols. 2017. 453 pp. + 31 b/w illustrations, 5 b/w tables. €85. ISBN 978 2 503 57580 3. Bjørn Bandlien Pages: 119–121 / First Published: 06 January 2021
City of Saints. Rebuilding Rome in the Early Middle Ages. By Maya Maskarinec. The Middle Ages Series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2018. x + 290 pp. $55. ISBN 978 0 812 25008 4 Roland Steinacher Pages: 121–124 / First Published: 06 December 2020
Writing Sounds in Carolingian Europe: The Invention of Musical Notation. By Susan Rankin. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 2018. xxiii + 404 pp. £90 (hardback). ISBN 9781108421409 Arthur Westwell Pages: 124–126 / First Published: 29 November 2020
The Book of Llandaf as a Historical Source. By Patrick Sims‐Williams. Studies in Celtic History 38. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press. 2019. xiv + 211 pp. £75. ISBN 978 1 78327 418 5 Barry J. Lewis Pages: 127–129 / First Published: 01 December 2020
Dark Age Nunneries: The Ambiguous Identity of Female Monasticism, 800–1050. By Steven Vanderputten. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. 2018. xiii + 309 pp.; 11 b&w figures, 3 maps. $115 (hardback); $32.95 (paperback). ISBN 1501715968 Kathryn Maude Pages: 129–131 / First Published: 25 November 2020
Les Royaumes de Bourgogne jusqu'en 1032 à travers la culture et la religion (Besançon, 2–4 octobre 2014). Edited by Anne Wagner and Nicole Brocard. Culture et société médiévales 30. Turnhout: Brepols. 2018. 412 pp. + 83 b/w ill. + 21 colour ill. €85. ISBN 978 2 503 57583 4 Becca Grose Pages: 131–134 / First Published: 29 November 2020