Disenchanting Heaven: Interfaith Debate, Sacral Kingship, and Conversion to Islam in the Mongol Empire, 1260–1335 Jonathan Brack
From Written Record to Bureaucratic Mind: Imagining a Criminal Record Margaret McGlynn
Family Standards of Living Over the Long Run, England 1280–1850 Sara Horrell; Jane Humphries; Jacob Weisdorf
Concerts and Inadvertent Secularization: Religious Music in the Entertainment Market of Eighteenth-Century Paris Andrei Pesic
Civil Death, Radical Protest and The Theatre of Punishment in the Reign of Alexander II Daniel Beer
Renovating Christian Charity: Global Catholicism, the Save the Children Fund, and Humanitarianism During The First World War Patrick J Houlihan
Internationalizing Colonial War: on the Unintended Consequences of the Interventions of the International Committee of the Red Cross in South-East Asia, 1945–1949 Boyd van Dijk