Original Articles
AIDS, Antiretrovirals, Brazil and the International Politics of Global Health, 1996–2008 Marcos Cueto; Gabriel Lopes
Positioning AIDS Activism in India: Civil Society Responses Between Development Aid, Global Health and the State, 1989 to 2001 Reiko Kanazawa
Maternal Care and Global Public Health: Bombay and Manchester, 1900–1950 Lisa Trivedi
At the Margins of the Medical? Educational Psychology, Child Guidance and Therapy in Provincial England, c. 1945–74 border= Andrew Burchell
Medical Surveillance and Medical Confidentiality in an Age of Transition: The Debate over Cancer Registration in West Germany Larry Frohman
Certification, Lawsuits and the Role of Epidemiology in the Yokkaichi Asthma Episode in the 1960s and 1970s: Lessons and Legacy Danyang Feng
Wassermann Before Wedding Bells: Premarital Examination Laws in the United States, 1937–1950 Deborah B Doroshow
‘A Tortured Nation Gave Birth to a Lunatic’: The Construction of Insanity in the 1912 Terrorist Attack in Croatia Stella Fatović-Ferenčić; Martin Kuhar
Vagabond Microbes, Leaky Laboratories and Epidemic Mapping: Alexandre Yersin and the 1898 Plague Epidemic in Nha Trang Christos Lynteris
‘No Man’s Land’: Disability, Rehabilitation, Welfare Policy and the British Ex-Service Migrant in Australia, 1918–39 border= Michael Robinson
Saint and Doctors: Gender, Social Class and Spiritual Health in the Egyptian Delta from the 1890s to 1910s Stephanie Boyle
‘The Annexed Photos were Taken Today’: Photographing Patients in the Late-Nineteenth-century Asylum Katherine D B Rawling
Dissecting Violence. Autopsy, Medical Expertise and Criminal Justice in Early Modern Flanders Kevin Dekoster
How Did Eighteenth-century Scottish Surgeons Earn a Living? Ursula Mary Mulcahy
Book Reviews
Louise Cilliers, Roman North Africa: Environment, Society and Medical Contribution Ido Israelowich
Jenni Kuuliala, Saints, Infirmity and Community in the Late Middle Ages Nicole Archambeau
Ruth Mackay, Life in a Time of Pestilence: The Great Castilian Plague of 1596–1601 Kristy Wilson Bowers
Kevin Siena, Rotten Bodies: Class and Contagion in Eighteenth-Century Britain Noelle Gallagher
Michael Bennett, War Against Smallpox. Edward Jenner and the Global Spread of Vaccination Deborah Brunton
Suman Seth, Difference and Disease: Medicine, Race, and the Eighteenth-Century British Empire Manikarnika Dutta
Andrew Mangham, The Science of Starving in Victorian Literature, Medicine and Political Economy Manon Mathias
Nadja Durbach, Many Mouths: The Politics of Food in Britain from the Workhouse to the Welfare State Bryce Evans
Lenore Layman and Gail Phillips (eds), Asbestos in Australia: From Boom to Dust. Cecily Hunter Barry Reay, Trans America: A Counter-History Eric Plemons
Luke Messac, No More to Spend: Neglect and the Construction of Scarcity in Malawi's History of Health Care Thandeka Cochrane
Ramah McKay, Medicine in the Meantime: The Work of Care in Mozambique Christopher M Blakley
C. Pierce Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine: An Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Sources Eliot Tokar
Brian R. Dott, The Chile Pepper in China: A Cultural Biography Chung-Hao Pio Kuo
Chris Bobel, Inga T. Winkler, Breanne Fahs, Katie Ann Hasson, Elizabeth Arveda Kissling, Tomi-Ann Roberts, (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies Camilla Mørk Røstvik
CorrigendumCorrigendum to: No Man's Land? Gendering Contraception in Family Planning Advice Literature in State-Socialist Poland (1950s–1980s) border= Agata Ignaciuk