How did the Feudal Economy Work? the Economic Logic of Medieval Societies Chris Wickham
Managing Food Crises: Urban Relief Stocks in Pre-Industrial Holland border Jessica Dijkman
Fair Trade and the Political Economy of Brandy Smuggling in Early Eighteenth-Century Britain David Chan Smith
The Ottoman Postmaster: Contractors, Communication and Early Modern State Formation Choon Hwee Koh
The Politics of Musical Standardization in Nineteenth-Century France and Britain Edward Gillin; Fanny Gribenski
Contesting ‘Permit-and-Licence Raj’: Economic Conservatism and the Idea of Democracy in 1950s India Aditya Balasubramanian
Enchantment in an Age of Reform: Fortune-Telling Fever in Post-Mao China, 1980s–1990s Emily Baum