Historický časopis 66 (2018), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historický časopis 66 (2018), 4
Weiterer Titel 

Veda, vydavateľstvo 2018: Slovak Academic Press
Anzahl Seiten
208 S.
€ 5,00



Historický časopis
SVK 813 64 Bratislava, Klemensova 19
Fabriciusová, Miroslava




Necpalskovici a Justovci. Prevzatie turčianskych majetkov v 15. storočí
(The Necpaly family and the Justs. Take-over of the Turiec estates in the 15th century)
S. 577-598.

The Necpaly family ancestors had acquired their first possession in the County of Turiec (village of Necpaly) in 1287. However their biggest property acquisition was connected with Ladislav of Necpaly. This leading person of the family in the 15th century had received possession of Žabokreky, Jahodníky, Horné Vrútky and the Blatnica castle estates in the form of deposit and donations. After the extinction of the family male line the ownership relations in its Turiec estates became very complicated. The Blatnica and Necpaly estates originally formed a single property entity until the middle of the 15th century. The financial problems of Blažej of Necpaly (nephew of Ladislav) after a tragic event in the family when his closest relatives ended up in Turkish captivity and the subsequent extinction of this family in the male line were the causes of the fact that at the end of the Middle Ages the Blatnica dominion was divided between several owners: the Korom family, the Justs, the Záblatský, the Balaša or the Zápoľský and the Erdődy families. As for the inheritance of the Necpaly family, the villages of Necpaly, Žabokreky and Horné Vrútky in Turiec County remained mostly in the hands of the Justs who lived there and used the name of the village of Necpaly as their family name, but smaller portions passed to the Komorovský and Záblatský families.
Key words: The Necpaly and the Just noble families. Inheritance. Necpaly, Blatnica castle estates. County of Turiec. Middle Ages.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2018.66.4.1

Dlhá cesta k právnej emancipácii ženy v rodinných a majetkových vzťahoch
(The long road to the legal emancipation of women in family and property relations)
S. 599-628.

The authors discuss the legal emancipation of the Slovak or Hungarian woman in family and property relations (as both these relations determine the status of each human individual) which took place in two stages; Firstly, it was while the first original medieval law, which was preserved even in the modern concept of the patriarchal family and subordinate position of women, was effective. Secondly, it was during the century when modern law was born, namely from 1848 to 1948, when women became independent and emancipated in both social and legal relations. The authors identify the key legal norms that helped to create and configure the milestones on the slow and long road to female emancipation and transformation of the social and legal awareness of Slovak society. The ambition of the authors is to point out the general conclusions about the status of Slovak woman, reached after reviewing the legal norms, court decisions and jurisprudence.
Key words: Woman. Law. Status. Property Rights. Emancipation. Women’s Rights. Gender Equality. Equality of Rights. Kingdom of Hungary. Czechoslovak Republic.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2018.66.4.2

“Ladies and gentelmen,all aboard!” Travelling in the northern Adriadic until the Second world war
S. 629-648.

The article presents the forms of travelling characteristic of the northern Adriatic that formerly belonged to a unified but multicultural area from the Congress of Vienna in 1815 until 1941. The article focusses on the travelling of the local population and tourists by maritime transport services (the Austrian Lloyd founded in 1836 was the largest transport company of the Habsburg Monarchy) and the railway, and later by road motor transport. According to the available sources (the printed tourist guides are an important source for studying tourism development), we also explained the institutional support for tourism development and strategic development aspects by the Austro-Hungarian and later the Italian (fascist) government. The latter achieved significantly lower results in Istrian tourism due to anti-Slavic actions and other political circumstances, economic depression and the spread of epidemic diseases.
Key words: History of tourism. Northern Adriatic. Transport. Travel. Printed tourist guides. Special interest tourism.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2018.66.4.3

Snahy o obmedzenie vysokoškolského štúdia žien v období slovenského štátu
(Attempts to limit university study by women in the time of the Slovak state)
S. 649-670.

The movement away from the democratic political principles of the Czechoslovak State during the period of autonomy and after the declaration of the Slovak State was also reflected in changes in the status of Slovak women in the political and social life of the country. This study focuses on the restriction and limitation of the education of girls and women in the wartime Slovak Republic. A very common argument for this policy of the Slovak conservative ruling elites was to achieve an idealized image of the Slovak woman as mother and housewife and to solve the social problems of the new State.
Key words: Women. Slovak Republic 1939-1945. Education. Slovak University (Universitas Slovaca Istropolitana) in Bratislava.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2018.66.4.4

Přístup československé diplomacie k Izraeli v letech 1960–1967
(The attitude of czechoslovak diplomacy towards Israel in 1960–1967)
S. 671-700.

The article aims to describe the mutual political and diplomatic relations between Czechoslovakia and the State of Israel in 1960–1967. The period of the 1960s in Czechoslovakia was characterized by a partial liberalization and relaxation of the communist regime in various areas such as politics, economy, culture and so on. This process culminated in the well-known Prague Spring of 1967–1968. By using concrete examples, the author explains whether these changes were reflected by Czechoslovak diplomacy in its attitude towards Israel in any way. Special attention is given to Czechoslovak views on Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem in 1962, and to the events of the Six Days War in 1967 that led to the official dissolution of Czechoslovak-Israeli diplomatic relations.
Key words: Cold War. Czechoslovakia. Diplomacy. Israel. Foreign policy.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2018.66.4.5

Americký kongres a československé menové zlato 1980 – 1981
(The American Congress and Czechoslovak Monetary Gold 1980–1981)
S. 701-724.

The history of the Czechoslovak monetary gold began to be written at the end of the 1930s at the time of the mutilation and break up of the Czechoslovak Republic. The gold was forcibly and illegally seized by Nazi Germany. At the end of the Second World War, the American army of occupation found it in salt mines at Merkers in Germany with gold from other countries. It was only in 1982 that an adequate part was returned to the vaults of the State Bank of Czechoslovakia in Prague.
Soon after the Second World War, the USA, Great Britain and France established the Tripartite Commission for the Restitution of Monetary Gold on the basis of decisions by the Paris Reparations Conference. Its task was to secure the just and proportional return of recovered gold to all the affected countries including Czechoslovakia. During the following decades of the Cold War, gold was a regular subject of conflict, dispute and negotiations, especially between Washington and Prague. The agreements reached were cancelled by one side or the other, and they repeatedly went back to the beginning. This study is directed towards the period 1980–1981, when the United States Congress significantly intervened in the question of the return of the Czechoslovak gold.
Key words: Tripartite Commission for the Restitution of Monetary Gold. Lester Wolff. Compensation for nationalized property. Czechoslovak monetary gold, the US Congress and Czechoslovakia, 1980–1981.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2018.66.4.6


Postoj Luthera k islamu v jeho Armádnej kázni proti Turkovi (1529/30)
(Luther’s attitude to the Islam and his Army Sermon against the Turk (1529/30))
S. 725-742.

The historical and theological analysis of Luther’s Army Sermon against the Turk (1529/30), published after the Siege of Vienna – led by the Ottoman sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (d.1566) –, is dedicated to clarifying the ambivalent image of ‘Islam’ in the context of the medieval apocalyptic imagination and confessional exclusivism. This article formally clarifies the character of the language of the sermon and its terminology, which was shaped by religious and social stereotypes. The structure of the sermon is divided into two parts, where the first part deals with the teaching and the second part is an admonition of the addressees. Luther uses the biblical prophecies (Dan, Ezek, Rev), examples of figures from both the Old (Uriah the Hittite) and the New Testament, as well as saints of folk piety (Saint Maurice, d.287) in order to create relevant arguments concerning the defensive war against the Ottoman Empire, which the article compares to Erasmus’ position in 1529.
Keywords: Luther, Ottoman Empire, Siege of Vienna, Islam, Apocalypse.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/histcaso.2018.66.4.7


HORSKÝ Jan, Teorie a narace. K noetice historické vědy a teorii kulturního vývoje (Juraj Šuch) S. 743

DVOŘÁKOVÁ Daniela a kol., Stredoveké hrady na Slovensku. Život, kultúra, spoločnosť (Matej Harvát) S. 745

DEMMEL József, Panslávi v kaštieľoch. Zabudnutý príbeh slovenského národného hnutia (Peter Šoltés) S. 750

ŠTOFANÍK Jakub, Medzi krížom a kladivom. Recepcia sociálneho myslenia v katolíckej cirkvi v prvej polovici 20. storočia (Miloslav Szabó) S. 755

ZAVACKÁ Marína, Ľudácka prevýchova. Mária Janšáková v Ilave roku 1939 a jej Cela č. 20 (Miroslav Palárik) S. 758


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