SLOVANSKÝ PŘEHLED 2021 Ročník 107 Číslo 1
PATEK ArturPolish Refugees in Palestine During the Arab-Jewish Civil War (November 1947–May 1948) s. 9–41 ПАТЕК АртурПольские беженцы в Палестине во время арабо-израильского конфликта (ноябрь 1947–май 1948)
In the years 1940–1948 Palestine was an important centre of the Polish “independence” emigration. In 1945 approximately seven thousand war refugees were staying there. When, towards the end of 1947, a civil war broke out in Palestine, the Poles’ situation became more complicated. There were suspicions that they were involved in the Arab-Jewish conflict and supported one side or the other. This article is an attempt to present how these events unfolded and to identify their roots. The author discusses the following factors: (1) the character of the settlement patterns of the Polish community, which concentrated both in Jewish (Tel-Aviv) and Arab (East Jerusalem, Jaffa) centres; (2) the atmosphere of suspicion, characteristic of every war; (3) the agitation carried out by agents of the Warsaw government, which claimed that the Polish expatriate community was ‘fascist’; (4) the presence of criminal elements among the émigrés. The analysis is based on archival materials from the collections of the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in London, the Polish Library POSK in London, and the Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance in Warsaw. The author also used newspapers published in Palestine and in centres of Polish emigration.
Key words: Polish war refugees in Palestine, Polish-Jewish relations, Polish-Arab relations, Arab-Jewish conflict, Palestinian civil war 1947–1948
CETNAROWICZ AntoniSlovenian historiography of the last thirty years – Slovenian political and cultural relations of Slovenes with Poles, Czechs and Slovaks, and the Slavic idea in the second half of the 19th century s. 43–86 ЦЕТНАРОВИЧ АнтониСловенская историография последних тридцати лет – политические и культурные связи словенцев с поляками, чехами и словаками, а также славянская идея во второй половине XIX в.
The article presents the most important trends of the last thirty years in Slovenian historiography in the field of Slovenian cultural and political relations with western Slavic nations (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks) during the second half of the 19th century. There are analyzed the views of the Slovenian historiography about the broadly defined Slavic idea. The opinions and positions towards various forms of cooperation between Slavs as Austro-Slavism, Pan-Slavism, and Neo-Slavism are presented.1The output and views of the Slovenian historiography are separately discussed in three fields: the Polish-Slovene, the Czech-Slovene, and the Slovak-Slovene relations in the second half of the 19th century.
Key words: Slovenian historiography, Slavic relations, Slovenians and Western Slavs, Slovenian history
POPEK KrzysztofSouthern and Western Slavs in the second half of the nineteenth century in Bulgarian historiography after 1989: Research trends and directions s. 87–115 ПОПЕК КшиштофЮжные и западные славяне во второй половине XIX в. в болгарской историографии после 1989 г.: Исследование тенденций и направлений
This article aims to present the main trends in the Bulgarian research conducted after 1989 into the history of the Southern Slavs (Serbs, Croats, Slovenians, Bosnian Muslims, and Montenegrins) and the Western Slavs (Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks) as well as various forms of cooperation between Slavs as Yugoslavism, pan-Slavism, and Neo-Slavism in 1848–1908. The review allows to recognize trends that have been developing after the fall of communism (Bulgarian relations with Serbs, Croats, and Czechs) and those that have been neglected to a greater or lesser extent1(Polish, Slovak, Slovenian, Bosniak, and Montenegrin issues). While we can easily explain this regress in Slovak, Bosnian, and Slovenian topics – after all, Bulgarians have only limited relationships with these nations – this cannot be said of Polish and Montenegrin issues, with which Bulgarians had strong relationships in the second half of the 19th century.
Key words: Bulgarian historiography, Southern Slavs, Western Slavs, Balkans, second half of 19th century
JANÍČKO MichalThe Position of Slovenian Representatives in Disputes in the Leadership of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia from 1986 to 1988 s. 117–167 ЯНИЧКО МихалПозиция словенских представителей в спорах руководства Союза коммунистов Югославии с 1986 по 1988 год
The study focuses on the large changes in the attitudes of the leading Slovenian politicians in 1986–1988 in the context of discussions at the Presidium of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (LCY). In that period, Slovenian communists moved closer to the ideas of the opposition in their republic and further from the opinions of the other Yugoslav leaders regarding the organisation of the federation. The process is illustrated by three topics, intensely debated in the federal party centre at the time. The first one is the situation in Kosovo and the efforts of Serbia to acquire more powers in both its autonomous provinces, in which it was to a considerable extent supported by Slovenia at least until the export of mass rallies from Serbia to Montenegro in October 1988. The second issue was the activities of the liberal and nationalist opposition in Slovenia, worrying the members of the LCY Presidium but gradually getting more accepted by the Slovenian communists. Finally, the debates on changes to the Yugoslav constitution are presented, with the Slovenian leaders reversing their initial consent to transfer some powers to the federation after negative reactions from the local public.
Keywords: Yugoslavia, Slovenia, communists, nationalism
KŘEPINSKÝ Matějs. 169–200 Úloha pelasgického tématu při konstruování mýtu o původu albánského národa The Role of the Pelasgian Theme in Constructing the Myth of the Origin of the Albanian Nation КРШЕПИНСКЙ МатейРоль темы пеласгов при конструировании мифа о происхождении албанского народа
This study discusses the perspective of influential representatives of the Albanian national movement on the origin of their nation and the role of the Pelasgian theme from the second half of the 19th century until 1912. Five personalities from the Albanian national movement who had written key texts on historical subjects and other works in which the ethnogenesis of the Albanians is mentioned were chosen for the study of this issue. The authors selected include Girolamo de Rada, Pashko Vasa, Naim Frashëri, Sami Frashëri and Thimi Mitko. On the basis of the content analysis of their works, which include poetry as well as prose, the construction and structure of the earliest phase of national history is described in detail with reference to authors who used the Pelasgian origin thesis for the Albanians from Conrad Malte-Brun and Johann Georg von Hahn. The works of these pioneers in the field of Albanian studies can be described as the main source of inspiration and information in the texts analyzed. During the process of forming the narrative of the national origin Malte-Brun’s and Hahn’s works stood in for the missing medieval and early modern Albanian historiography. The study also describes the use of Albanian language as an important element of the argument about the Albanians’ Pelasgian origin and the perspective of the above-mentioned personalities on the origin of the endonym “shqiptar”.
Key words: national movement, ethnogenesis, Pelasgians, Albanians, Albanian language, Johann Georg von Hahn, Conrad Malte-Brun, Thimi Mitko, Girolamo de Rada, Pashko Vasa, Naim Frashëri, Sami Frashëri
Grzegorz MOTYKA, Volyň 1943. Genocidní čistka – fakta, analogie, historická politika (David Svoboda) s. 201–211
Patrick O’MEARA, The Russian Nobility in the Age of Alexander I (Zbyněk Vydra) s. 212–216
Jaromír MAREK, Interhelpo: Tragický příběh československých osadníků v Sovětském svazu (Juraj Benko) s. 216–224
Nadia ZAVOROTNA, Scholars in Exile. The Ukrainian Intellectual World in Interwar Czechoslovakia (Lukáš Babka) s. 224–228
Jacek Witold WOŁOSZYN, Niepodległościowa konspiacja młodzieżowa na ziemiach polskich w latach 1944/45–1956 (Adam Zítek) s. 229–232
Robert ADAM – František MARTÍNEK – Petr PÍŠA – Magdaléna POKORNÁ – Lucie RYCHNOVSKÁ (eds.), Karel Havlíček. Korespondence III 1845–1847 (Matěj Matela) s. 232–237
Saša BRAJOVIĆ, Lujo Davičo. Fragmenti života (František Šístek) s. 237–243
Margarita MATIJEVIĆ, „Izmedju partizana i pristojnosti“. Život i doba Svetozara Rittiga (1873.–1961.) (Jan Pelikán) s.244–248
Sebina SIVAC-BRYANT, Re-Making Kozarac. Agency, Reconciliation and Contested Return in Post-War Bosnia (Michal Petrov) s.248–253
„Zmrtvýchvstání“ bulharisty Vladimíra Síse: přehled „sísovské literatury“ z posledních desetiletí (Marcel Černý) s. 253–264
Devadesátiny PhDr. Mirjam Moravcové, DrSc. PhDr. Mirjam Moravcová, DrSc. celebrates her 90th birthday (Ladislav Hladký) 90-летие PhDr. Мирьям Моравцовой, DrSc. (Ладислав Гладкий) s. 275–280
Zemřel Lev Abramovič Mnuchin (1938–2020) Lev Abramovič Mnuchin has passed away (1938–2020) (Lukáš Babka) Скончался Лев Абрамович Мнухин (1938–2020) (Лукаш Бабка) s. 280–282
Za Jitkou Křesálkovou (1924–2020) In remembrance of Jitka Křesálková (1924–2020) (Lukáš Babka) В память Йитки Кршесалковой (1924–2020) (Лукаш Бабка) s. 282–284
Patnáctý ročník pražské Konference mladých slavistů The fifteenth annual Conference of Young Slavists in Prague (Marek Příhoda) Пятнадцатый год пражской Конференции молодых славистов (Марек Пршигода) s. 284–290
Druhý ročník konference Studentské dialogy o východní Evropě (Brno – Olomouc – Praha) The second annual Student Dialogues on Eastern Europe conference (Brno – Olomouc – Praha) (Marek Příhoda) Второй год конференции Студенческие диалоги о Восточной Европе (Брно – Оломоуц – Прага) (Марек Пршигода) s. 290–295
The 5th International and Interdisciplinary Conference in Balkan Studies Balkan Express 2019: Living together, Tolerance, Coexistence, Reconciliation. Prague, 8–9 November 2019 (František Šístek) 5-я Международная и междисциплинарная конференция Балканских исследований Балкан Экспресс 2019: Совместная жизнь, Терпимость, Сосуществование, Примирение. Прага, 8–9 ноября 2019 (Франтишек Шистек) s. 295–299
Mezinárodní konference Kominterna a střední Evropa. Nástroj zahraniční politiky Sovětského svazu International conference The Comintern and Central Europe: A Foreign Policy Instrument of the Soviet Union (David Hubený) Международная конференция Коминтерна и Центральная Европа. Инструмент внешней политики Советского союза (Давид Губеный) s. 299–300
Ženy na cestách (Podstata, důvody a důsledky migrace žen v 19. a 20. století) – 10. 11. listopadu 2020 Women on the Move (The Essence, Reasons, and Consequences of the Migration of Women in the 19th and 20th Centuries, 10–11 November 2020 (Jiří Friedl) Женщины в пути (Суть, причины и последствия миграции женщин в XIX-XX вв.) – 10-11 ноября 2020 (Иржи Фридл) s. 300–303
Konference „Promýšlet Evropu dvacátého století: idea šťastného domova“ Conference Rethinking Twentieth Century Europe: The Ideal of a Happy Home (Jakub Marša) Конференция Продумать Европу двадцатого столетия: идея счастливого дома (Якуб Марша) s. 303–304