Holocaust and Genocide Studies Volume 35 (2021), Issue 2
The Italian Catholic Press and the Racial Laws (1938–1943) David I Kertzer; Roberto Benedetti
Rumkowski’s Scapegoat? The Case of Łódź Ghetto Functionary Maks Szczęśliwy at a Rabbinic/Honor Court in Helsinki, 1949–1953 Simo Muir
Stages of the Rohingya Genocide: A Theoretical and Empirical Study Mohammad Pizuar Hossain
Was Quashing the Maji-Maji Uprising Genocide? An Evaluation of Germany’s Conduct through the Lens of International Criminal Law border Klaus Bachmann; Gerhard Kemp
Remembrance and Erasure in the Post-Holocaust United States Michael Topp
Book Reviews
Ghost Citizens: Jewish Return to a Postwar City Lukasz Krzyzanowski Samuel D Kassow
The Secret Diary of Arnold Douwes: Rescue in the Occupied Netherlands Bob Moore and Johannes Houwink ten Cate Robert Braun
Hitler’s Jewish Refugees: Hope and Anxiety in Portugal Marion Kaplan
Philippine Sanctuary: A Holocaust Odyssey Bonnie M. Harris Rebecca L Erbelding
Life and Love in Nazi Prague: Letters from an Occupied City Marie Bader, Kate Ottevanger, and Jan Láníček Jacob Ari Labendz
Lives Reclaimed: A Story of Rescue and Resistance in Nazi Germany Mark Roseman David F Crew
Pius XII. und die Deportation der Juden Roms Klaus Kühlwein Gerald J Steinacher
Europe Against the Jews: 1880–1945 Götz Aly Jonathan C Friedman
German Railroads, Jewish Souls: The Reichsbahn, Bureaucracy, and the Final Solution Christopher R. Browning, Peter Hayes, and Raul Hilberg Lisa M Stallbaumer-Beishline
“Dark, Depressing Riddle”: Germans, Jews, and the Meaning of the Volk in the Theology of Paul Althaus Ryan Tafilowski Björn Krondorfer
The Holocaust and New World Slavery: A Comparative History Steven T. Katz Manus I Midlarsky
Cultural Genocide: Law, Politics, and Global Manifestations Jeffrey S. Bachman Lindsey N Kingston
Extraordinary Justice: Law, Politics, and the Khmer Rouge Tribunals Craig Etcheson John Quigley