An Epidemic for Sale: Observation, Modification, and Commercial Circulation of the Danysz Virus, 1890–1910 Lukas EngelmannS. 439-460.
Rethinking Collaboration: Medical Research and Working Relationships at the Iranian Pasteur Institute Elise K. BurtonS. 461-483.
Mistress of the Sciences, Asylum of Liberty: Joseph Priestley, Human Rights, and Science in the Early U.S. Republic Paul RubinsonS. 484-506.
A “Wild Swing to Phantsy”: The Philosophical Gardener and Emergent Experimental Philosophy in the Seventeenth-Century Atlantic World Vera KellerS. 507-530.
The Truth Within: Making Medical Knowledge in the Hay Fever Association of Heligoland, 1899–1909 Ylva SöderfeldtS. 531-547.
Underground Inspirations: Tuber Sciences and Their Histories Francesca BrayS. 548-563.
History of Science Society Virtual Forum, 2020 S. 564-572.
HSS Virtual Forum: Futures Series Patrícia Martins Marcos, Sarah E. Naramore, Myrna Perez Sheldon, Sarah Pickman, Sarah A. Qidwai, and Kathleen SheppardS. 573-581.
Eloge: Howard P. Segal (1948–2020) Alan I MarcusS. 582-583.
Letter to the Editor
Steffen DucheyneS. 584-584.
John HenryS. 584-585.
Crafting Digital Histories of Science: A Review and Tour of Secrets of Craft and Nature in Renaissance France Lan A. LiS. 586-589.
book reviews
Jane L. Stevens Crawshaw; Irena Benyovsky Latin; Kathleen Vongsathorn, eds. Tracing Hospital Boundaries: Integration and Segregation in Southeastern Europe and Beyond, 1050–1970. Leslie ToppS. 590-591.
Lara Freidenfelds. The Myth of the Perfect Pregnancy: A History of Miscarriage in America. Cassia RothS. 591-592.
Jaipreet Virdi. Hearing Happiness: Deafness Cures in History. Beth LinkerS. 592-593.
Sebastian Vehlken. Zootechnologies: A Media History of Swarm Research. Kristoffer WhitneyS. 594-595.
Andrew Jewett. Science under Fire: Challenges to Scientific Authority in Modern America. Donovan O. SchaeferS. 595-596.
Hermann Hunger; John Steele. The Babylonian Astronomical Compendium MUL.APIN. Alexander JonesS. 597-598.
Dag Nikolaus Hasse; Amos Bertolacci, eds. The Arabic, Hebrew and Latin Reception of Avicenna’s Physics and Cosmology. Nicola PolloniS. 598-599.
Hanif Ghalandari. ʿAbd al-Jabbār al-Kharaqī’s Muntaha al-Idrāk fī Taqāsīm al-Aflāk (Ultimate Comprehension of the Subdivision of Celestial Spheres: The First Comprehensive hay’a Work on Ptolemaic Cosmology). Amir-Mohammad GaminiS. 599-600.
Nikolaus Egel, ed. Roger Bacon, Opus Tertium. Yael KedarS. 600-602.
Francesco Paolo de Ceglia. The Body of Evidence: Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine. Ádám MézesS. 602-603.
Christian K. Kleinbub. Michelangelo’s Inner Anatomies. Kira RobisonS. 603-604.
Frances E. Dolan. Digging the Past: How and Why to Imagine Seventeenth-Century Agriculture. Barbara HahnS. 605-606.
Harun Küçük. Science without Leisure: Practical Naturalism in Istanbul, 1660–1732. Abdurrahman AtçılS. 606-607.
Per Pippin Aspaas; László Kontler. Maximilian Hell (1720–92) and the Ends of Jesuit Science in Enlightenment Europe. Eileen ReevesS. 607-609.
Bruno Belhoste; trans. by Susan Emanuel. Paris Savant: Capital of Science in the Age of Enlightenment. Tamara CaulkinsS. 609-610.
Juan Carlos González Espitia. Sifilografía: A History of the Writerly Pox in the Eighteenth-Century Hispanic World. Taylor DysartS. 610-611.
Charles H. Smith; James T. Costa; David A. Collard, eds. An Alfred Russel Wallace Companion. Alison PearnS. 612-613.
Arleen Marcia Tuchman. Diabetes: A History of Race and Disease. Lundy BraunS. 613-614.
Ronald S. Coddington. Faces of Civil War Nurses. Julie A. FairmanS. 614-616.
Christian Reiß. Der Axolotl: Ein Labortier im Heimaquarium 1864–1914. Sophia GräfeS. 616-617.
Nikolai Krementsov. With and Without Galton: Vasilii Florinskii and the Fate of Eugenics in Russia. Asif SiddiqiS. 617-619.
Peter Ayres. Women and the Natural Sciences in Edwardian Britain: In Search of Fellowship. Andre Michael HahnS. 619-620.
Ulrike Kirchberger; Brett M. Bennett, eds. Environments of Empire: Networks and Agents of Ecological Change. Catarina MadrugaS. 620-621.
Jost Lemmerich. Max von Laue—Furchtlos und treu: Eine Biographie des Nobelpreisträgers für Physik. Klaus HentschelS. 622-623.
Arne Schirrmacher. Establishing Quantum Physics in Göttingen: David Hilbert, Max Born, and Peter Debye in Context, 1900–1926. Rita Meyer-SpascheS. 623-624.
Eugenia Lean. Vernacular Industrialism in China: Local Innovation and Translated Technologies in the Making of a Cosmetics Empire, 1900–1940. Victor SeowS. 624-626.
Paul J. Nahin. Hot Molecules, Cold Electrons: From the Mathematics of Heat to the Development of the Trans-Atlantic Cable. Susan ShelangoskieS. 626-627.
Emmanuel Didier; trans. by Priya Vari Sen. America by the Numbers: Quantification, Democracy, and the Birth of National Statistics. Emily Klancher MerchantS. 627-628.
Richard Noakes. Physics and Psychics: The Occult and the Sciences in Modern Britain. Heather WolfframS. 628-629.
Elizabeth Baigent; André Reyes Novaes, eds. Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies. Sarah M. PickmanS. 630-631.
Trisha T. Pritikin; introduction by Karen Dorn Steele. The Hanford Plaintiffs: Voices from the Fight for Atomic Justice. Adrian Monty and Linda Marie RichardsS. 631-632.
_Brian C. Odom; Stephen P. Waring, eds. NASA and the Long Civil Rights Movement. Neil M. MaherS. 632-634.
Antonio Badia. The Information Manifold: Why Computers Can’t Solve Algorithmic Bias and Fake News. Sarah A. BellS. 634-635.
Peder Anker. The Power of the Periphery: How Norway Became an Environmental Pioneer for the World. Peder RobertsS. 635-636.
Danielle Giffort. Acid Revival: The Psychedelic Renaissance and the Quest for Medical Legitimacy. Kim HewittS. 637-638.
Pankaj Sekhsaria. Instrumental Lives: An Intimate Biography of an Indian Laboratory. John MathewS. 638-639.
Isabel Malaquias; Peter J. T. Morris, eds. Perspectives on Chemical Biography in the Twenty-First Century. Evan Hepler-SmithS. 639-640.
Dwaipayan Banerjee. Enduring Cancer: Life, Death, and Diagnosis in Delhi. Durba MitraS. 641-642.
Jennifer Johung. Vital Forms: Biological Art, Architecture, and the Dependencies of Life. Richard DoyleS. 642-643.