Social History of Medicine is concerned with all aspects of health, illness, and medical treatment in the past. It is committed to publishing work on the social history of medicine from a variety of disciplines. The journal offers its readers substantive and lively articles on a variety of themes, critical assessments of archives and sources, conference reports, up-to-date information on research in progress, a discussion point on topics of current controversy and concern, review articles, and wide-ranging book reviews.
Original Article
The Saint as Medicator: Medicine and the Miraculous in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Italy border Jenni Kuuliala
Sources and Resources
Sources and Resources John Bradmore and the Case of the Bitten Man: A Tantalising Link Between Three Medieval Surgical Manuscripts S. J. Lang
Original Articles
„My Master and Friend“: Social Networks and Professional Identity in American Medicine, 1789–1815 Sarah E. Naramore
The Global Politics of Medical Reform in Britain and Jamaica in the Early Nineteenth Century Aaron Graham
Stella Chess and the History of American Child Psychiatry Laura D. Hirshbein
A „forgettable minority“? Psychiatric Institutions and the Intellectually Disabled in Ireland, 1965–84 border David Kilgannon
The Forgotten Life of Annie Reay Barker, M.D border Sophie Almond
Medicine as a Lens to Examine Cross-Cultural Encounters: A Study of Medical Missionary Samuel Hayward Ford’s Writings in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand Kate Tilson
Professional Migration, Occupational Challenge, and Mental Health: Medical Practitioners in New Zealand, 1850–1890s Alannah Tomkins; Catharine Coleborne
Getting Cold Feet in the First World War: Leaky Boots, Trench Foot and Vernacular Medicine Among British Soldiers Georgia McWhinney
Who Died in Captivity? Mortality Among Italian Prisoners During World War One Alessio Fornasin
Opiates and the „Therapeutic Revolution“ in Japan Judith Vitale
When Dead Bodies Talk: Colonial and Ritual Autopsies in French-Ruled Africa (1918–1945) Ruth Ginio
Adaptation to the New Normal—Maternal Employment in the Framework of Psychosomatic and Stress Discourse in Finland from the 1950s to the Early 1970s Mikko Myllykangas; Eve-Riina Hyrkäs
„The NHS … Should not be Condemned to the History Books“: Public Engagement as a Method in Social Histories of Medicine border Jennifer Crane
Book Reviews
Sara Ritchey and Sharon Strocchia, eds., Gender, Health, and Healing, 1250–1550 Alisha Rankin
Robert Muchembled, Smells: A Cultural History of Odours in Early Modern Times Annette Kern-Stähler
The Domestic Herbal: Plants for the Home in the Seventeenth Century by Margaret Willes Seth Stein LeJacq
Gavin Weightman, The Great Inoculator: The Untold Story of Daniel Sutton and His Medical Revolution Peter Razzell
Elizabeth A. Williams, Appetite and Its Discontents. Science, Medicine and the Urge to Eat, 1750–1950 Anita Guerrini
Tamara Venit Shelton. Herbs and Roots: A History of Chinese Doctors in the American Medical Marketplace Emily Baum
Jennifer S. Kain, Insanity and Immigration Control in New Zealand and Australia, 1860–1930. Mental Health in Historical Perspective Series Marjory Harper
Justin Barr. Of Life and Limb: Surgical Repair of the Arteries in War and Peace, 1880–1960 W Bruce Fye
René Alexander D. Orquiza, Jr, Taste of Control: Food and the Filipino Colonial Mentality Under American Rule Theresa Ventura
Zhou, Xun. The People’s Health: Health Intervention and Delivery in Mao’s China, 1949–1983 Wayne Soon
Clement Masakure, African Nurses and Everyday Work in Twentieth-Century Zimbabwe Barry Doyle
Rene Almeling, GUYnecology: The Missing Science of Men's Reproductive Health Georgia Grainger
Rohan Deb Roy and Guy N. A. Attewell (eds), Locating the Medical: Explorations in South Asian History Matheus Alves Duarte da Silva
Jan Verplaetse, Blood Rush: The Dark History of a Vital Fluid Douglas Starr