The Spring 2021 issue of the Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington) has been published. All articles are available for open-access download at:
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Shipping Rocks and Sand: Ballast in Global History Roland Wenzlhuemer
Automobile Tourism, Road Building, and Nature in the United States and Brazil, c. 1915-1935 Mario Peters
Airborne Asylum: Migration by Airplane in (West) Germany, 1945-1980s Carolin Liebisch-Gümüş
Let’s Talk Data, Bias, and Menstrual Cramps: Voicing GerWOMANness in the Nineteenth Century and Today Jana Keck
Fourth Annual Bucerius Young Scholar Forum. Histories of Migration: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives Isabella Löhr, Christiane Reinecke, and Andrea Westermann
Racism in History and Context: A Virtual Panel Series on the Historical Relationship between Crisis and Racism Frank Kell
2020 Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize New Staff Publications Staff Changes GHI Fellowships and Internships GHI Fellowship Recipients, 2020/21 GHI Research Seminar and Colloquium, Summer & Fall 2020 GHI Calendar of Events GHI Library