The recent issue of the Slovanský přehled presents scholar articles (one in English), reviews and other texts from various fields of the history of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
Studie / Studies / Статьи
RADCHENKO Olga VOKS – Travel Guides 1925–1929: from Classic Baedeker to Bolshevik Propaganda s. 315–340 РАДЧЕНКО Ольга ВОКС – Путеводители 1925–1929: от классического Бедекера до большевистской пропаганды
This article traces travel guides for foreigners published in 1925, 1928 and 1929 by the All-Union Society for Cultural Ties Abroad (VOKS), using as a blueprint guides by the German publisher Baedeker. The aim of the article is to analyze the activities of the VOKS, as well other institutional players engaged in the preparation of the first travel guides for the Soviet Union in the 1920s, as elements of external propaganda of the USSR. Specifically, the article will analyze the structure and content of the Soviet travel guides and compare them with the German travel guide for Southern Russia of 1912. The article also concentrates on the planning, the wiring and printing of the texts, on relations with censorship offices, and on the distribution or even the destruction of all the printed copies. The preparation of the article was thanks to a research grant at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Program Erasmus Mundus, 2016.
KORDOVÁ Vlasta Bandenbekämpfung: nacistické potírání nepřátel v týlu východní fronty s. 341–371 “Bandenbekämpfung”: Nazi bandit-fighting behind the Eastern Front КОРДОВА Власта Bandenbekämpfung: нацистское преследование врагов в тылу восточного фронта
The Soviet-led partisan war against the Germans behind the Eastern Front has been the subject of many controversies and inconsistencies in historiography, especially in assessments of consequences of the partisans’ activities. Very often, authors arrive at conclusions that partisan attacks were the main cause of German repressive forces’ harsh interventions against civilians. However, research focusing on analysis of the German repressive apparatus (police and paramilitary forces and the Wehrmacht itself) very clearly illustrates that partisans can hardly be singled out as an isolated subject of research in the overall context of the Nazi offensive against enemies behind the front. The present study aims to analyze the crimes committed by Nazi repressive forces under the central term Bandenbekämpfung, which is usually understood as a synonym for the Nazis’ efforts at stamping out the partisans. The study interprets this term consistently on the basis of its physical forms, and it introduces it as an ideologically burdened concept, directly related to the concept of a war of annihilation (Vernichtungskrieg) waged by Nazi Germany in the USSR.
ŽABA Jakub Junáci a oběti: diskurzivní strategie srbského nacionalismu v 80. a 90. letech 20. století s. 373–397 Heroes and victims: discursive strategies of the Serbian nationalism in the 1980s and 1990s ЖАБА Якуб Юнаки и жертвы: дискурсивная стратегия сербского национализма в 80-90-х гг. ХХ века
This article discusses two discursive figures that provided Serbian nationalism in the period of the Jugoslav crisis in the 1980s and 1990s with a pseudohistorical framework. The first was the Kosovo myth, which was used not only in the Kosovo conflict but also in Bosnia and Hercegovina when Bosnian Muslims/Bosniaks were identified with the mythical Turks. The second mythical figure was the notion of the unprecedented suffering of the Serbian nation in the 20th century, which led to repeated comparisons with European Jews and their fate during the Second World War. The article attempts to deconstruct the moral message of both myths, and the historical context of their origin and function they performed in political conflicts.
MOSKOVIĆ Boris „Jaký to mělo smysl?“ Historikové a debaty o vzniku Československa a Jugoslávie: bilance z konce 80. let 20. století s. 399–448 “What was the point?” Historians and debates on the origin of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia: the balance from the end of the 1980s МОСКОВИЧ Борис „Какой в этом был смысл?“ Историки и дебаты о возникновении Чехословакии и Югославии: итоги конца 80-х лет ХХ в.
The study analyzes the professional and public activities of historians who participated in debates on the founding of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in 1988, which took place on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of these events. It focuses on the forms of historiographical discourse in 1918 and at the end of the 1980s, treating the Czechoslovak and Yugoslav cases separately. It then examines how the specific activities of selected Czech, Slovak, Serbian, and Croatian historians reflected broader circumstances that influenced historical representation in both countries in 1918. In this respect, the study takes into account the changing position and perception of two key dates connected with the founding of the Czechoslovak and Yugoslav states – 28 October and 1 December. It makes note of the differences in perceptions of what essence and meaning the year 1918 was to have in Czechoslovak and Yugoslav history, and above all, it examines in detail the ways these aspects were reflected by historians in both socialist states at the end of the 1980s.
Materiály a Dokumenty / Contributions and documents / Материалы и документы
TSIVOS Konstantinos Počátky řecké revoluce v roce 1821 a její ohlas ve stránkách týdeníku Wlastenský Zwěstowatel s. 449–471 The beginnings of the Greek Revolution in 1821 and the reception in the pages of the weekly Wlastenský Zwěstowatel ЦИВОС Константинос Начала греческой революции в 1821 г. и ее отзвуки на страницах еженедельника Wlastenský Zwěstowatel
This article deals with the perception of the first year of the Greek Revolution by the Czech media, especially the weekly Wlastenský Zwěstovatel. The study very briefly presents the historical framework that led to the Greeks’ national awakening. When tracking the development in 1821 it places emphasis on tracking evens in the Danube region, based on a historical-comparative analysis of the relevant news content with reference to the sources of information used. Another goal of this study is to present new findings on the attitude of Czech society and Czech journalists toward the revolt of a Christian nation that was demanding its freedom and independence form the Ottoman Empire. This has been done with full awareness that the above-mentioned weekly was published at the high tide of Metternich’s absolutism and the main sources of information were Austrian newspapers that Chancellor Metternich had complete control over.
HLAVAČKA Milan „Abbé“ Scipio Piattoli ve Slovanském přehledu podruhé s. 473–510 “Abbé” Scipio Piattol510i in Slavonic Review for the second time ГЛАВАЧКА Милан „Аббат“ Сципионе Пиаттоли в Славянском обозрении во второй раз
This contribution offers an edition of a document that is now kept in the Austrian state archive in the Viennese neighborhood of Erdberg. It was written in connection with the arrest of Polish aristocratic patriots in July 1794 in Karlovy Vary, Prague, and Vienna; however, it only reached its present length in 1885. At that time, confidential orders were issued by Eugen Lippich, the government secretary of the Ministry of Trade in Vienna, for the archivists to quickly process all the files from the Prague governor’s archives concerning the arrest and imprisonment of Scipio Piattoli. They were also to find out whether his correspondence that was seized by the police, and above all else, the diary that Scipio Piattoli kept during his almost six years of imprisonment in Josefov and in Prague, were still there in the archives. Scipio Piattoli was imprisoned because he played an important role as a mediator between the Polish king and the opposition during the Great Sejm that voted for the Constitution of 3 May 1791. He actively supported the Kościuszko Uprising by establishing diplomatic relations with French revolutionaries. After the suppression of the Kościuszko Uuprising by Russian and Prussian troops in November 1794, almost all of the Polish aristocrats who were detained in Austria were released from prison. However, only abbé Scipio Piattoli, from whom the Vienna and Prague police had promised to gain confidential information about an alleged pan-European organization of revolutionaries, was detained until May 1800. Scipio Piattoli the lived the rest of his years in the court of the Duchess of Courland.
Recenze / Reviews / Рецензии
Grzegorz GĄSIOR, Polityka narodowościowa państwa na czechosłowackim Śląsku Cieszyńskim w latach 1920–1938 (Jiří Friedl) s. 511–517
Jaromír MRŇKA, Limity lidskosti. Politika a sociální praxe kolektivního násilí v českých zemích 1944–1946 (Tereza Richtáriková) s. 517–520
Jindřich DEJMEK (ed.), Cirkulární telegramy Československého ministerstva zahraničních věcí z let komunistického režimu (1956–1989). Díl první, Cirkulární telegramy MZV 1956–1967/68, svazek I/1 (1956–1963); svazek I/2 (1963–1968) (Miroslav Šepták) s. 520–523
Pavel BOČEK a kolektiv, Moskva – Třetí Řím. Od ideje k symbolu (Radomír Vlček) s. 523–530
Dalibor VÁCHA, Návrat domů. Českoslovenští legionáři na cestě z Ruska do vlasti 1919–1920 (Eva Hauerová) s. 530–533
John R. LAMPE – Ulf BRUNNBAUER (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Balkan and Southeast European History (Tereza Juhászová) s. 534–537
Marenglen KASMI, Marrëdhëniet shqiptaro-gjermane në shekullin XX (1900–1945) (Matěj Křepinský) s. 537–547
Maroš MELICHÁREK, Národy juhovýchodnej Európy v siločiarach medzinárodnej politiky 1856–1913 (Peter Pavonič) s. 547–550
Rumjana DAMJANOVA – Severina Nikolova GEORGIEVA (eds.) et al., Boris Jocov. Biobibliografija (Marcel Černý) s. 550–555
Rebecca HAYNES, Moldova: A History (Mihail Ceropita) s. 555–557
Zprávy / Notices / Сообшения s. 559–566
Zprávy z vědeckého života / Reports from the scholarly life / Cообщения из научной жизни
Zemřel profesor Włodzimierz Borodziej (1956–2021) Professor Włodzimierz Borodziej passed away (1956–2021) (Jiří Friedl) Умер профессор Влодзимеж Бородзей (1956–2021) (Иржи Фридл) s. 567–570
Za Vlastislavem Lacinou In memoriam Vlastislav Lacina (Lubomír Slezák) В память Властислава Лацины (Любомир Слезак) s. 570–573
Za Jaroslavem Vaculíkem (1947–2021) In memoriam Jaroslav Vaculík (1947–2021) (Radomír Vlček) В память Ярослава Вацулика (1947–2021) (Радомир Влчек) s. 573–575
Zemřel prof. PhDr. Ivan Dorovský, DrSc., (1935–2021)¨ Professor Ivan Dorovský passed away (1935–2021) (Ladislav Hladký) Умер проф. PhDr. Иван Доровский , DrSc., (1935–2021) (Ладислав Гладки) s. 575–577