In Appreciation: Dr. Richard Breitman, Editor-in-Chief Lisa Moses Leff
Holocaust Survivors and the Restitution of Jewish Private Property in Two Polish Cities, 1945–1948 Lukasz Krzyzanowski
Visual Clues to the Holocaust: The Case of the Deportation of Jews from Northern Greece Nadège Ragaru; Maël Le Noc
Trade, Jews, and the Soviet Economy in Western Belorussia, 1939–1941 Yanina Karpenkina
“This rug, handmade by a resident of the old age home, should serve as evidence of the willingness and ability of elderly people to work”: Elderly Survival Strategies in the Łódź Ghetto Elizabeth C Strauss
In the Shadow of the Gas Chambers: Social Dynamics and Everyday Life around the Killing Center at Bełżec (1941–1944) Jan Burzlaff
Book Reviews
Wobec “niespotykanego w dziejach mordu”: Rząd RP na uchodźstwie, Delegatura Rządu RP na Kraj, AK a eksterminacja ludności żydowskiej od “wielkiej akcji” do powstania w getcie warszawskim Adam Puławski Piotr J Wróbel
Survival on the Margins: Polish Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Union Eliyana R. Adler William W Hagen
The Construction of Testimony: Claude Lanzmann's Shoah and Its Outtakes Erin McGlothlin, Brad Prager, and Markus Zisselsberger Jay Geller
Memory Passages: Holocaust Memorials in the United States and Germany Natasha Goldman Daniel P Reynolds
Die Schweizer KZ-Häftlinge: Vergessene Opfer des Dritten Reichs Balz Spörri, RenéStaubli and Benno Tuchschmid La fuite en Suisse: Les Juifs à la frontière franco-suisse durant les années de“la Solution finale, Ruth Fivaz-Silbermann Hannah Starman
Comrades Betrayed: Jewish World War I Veterans under Hitler Michael Geheran Brian E Crim
Law, History, and Justice: Debating German State Crimes in the Long Twentieth Century Annette Weinke Kenneth F Ledford
Social Mendelism: Genetics and the Politics of Race in Germany, 1900–1948 Amir Teicher Mitchell B Hart
Postcards from Auschwitz: Holocaust Tourism and the Meaning of Remembrance Daniel P. Reynolds Brett Ashley Kaplan
Modern Antisemitism in the Peripheries: Europe and Its Colonies (1880–1945) Raul Cârstocea and Éva Kovács Jeffrey Kleiman
Africans and the Holocaust: Perceptions and Responses of Colonized and Sovereign Peoples Edward Kissi Raffael Scheck
Unconscionable Crimes: How Norms Explain and Constrain Mass Atrocities Paul Morrow Roger W Smith
Recently Published Works in Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Robert Rozett
Peter Hayes ; Alan Steinweis
Gwen Walker