Isis – A Journal of the History of Science Society
Editors: Alexandra Hui and Matthew Lavine
Publication of the History of Science Society
Mind the Gap: Acoustical Answers to Cosmological Concerns in First-Century b.c.e. China Noa Hegeshpp. 645–669.
Mediterraneanizing Europe: The Project of Subaltern Race and the Postimperial Search for Hybridity Marina Mogilnerpp. 670–693.
Pig Mentations: Race and Face in Radiobiology Brad Bolmanpp. 694–716.
The Works of Francis Bacon: A Victorian Classic in the History of Science Lukas M. Verburgtpp. 717–736.
How Western Science Corrupts Class Consciousness: East Germany’s Presence at IIASA Till Düppepp. 737–759.
Introduction: Epistemologies of the Match Hansun Hsiung and Elena Serranopp. 760–765.
Are the Stars Aligned? Matchmaking and Astrology in Early Modern Italy Monica Azzolinipp. 766–775.
A Feminist Physiology: B. J. Feijoo (1676–1764) and His Advice for Those in Love Elena Serranopp. 776–785.
From Harmony to eHarmony: Charles Fourier, Social Science, and the Management of Love Hansun Hsiungpp. 786–794.
Cranial Compatibility: Phrenology, Measurement, and Marriage Assessment Carla Bittelpp. 795–803.
Love Is a Problem of Knowledge Dan Boukpp. 804–806.
Traversing Boundaries: New Digital Project to Study Drugs in Asian History Yan Liupp. 807–810.
Open-Access Resource for Instructors and Students of History of Science in Latin America and the Caribbean Aimee Dávila Hiseypp. 811–814.
Sean Silver, The Mind Is a Collection: A Born-Digital Museum of Eighteenth-Century Thought Sarah E. Naramorepp. 815–818.
Kären Wigen; Caroline Winterer, eds. Time in Maps: From the Age of Discovery to Our Digital Era. Adrien Zakarpp. 819–820.
Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis; Andreas Weber; Huib J. Zuidervaart, eds. Locations of Knowledge in Dutch Contexts. Harold J. Cookpp. 820–822.
Etienne S. Benson. Surroundings: A History of Environments and Environmentalisms. Candis Callisonpp. 822–823.
Felipe Rojas. The Pasts of Roman Anatolia: Interpreters, Traces, Horizons. Andy Merrillspp. 823–824.
Ahmed Ragab. Piety and Patienthood in Medieval Islam. Nancy Khalekpp. 824–826.
Steven R. Gullberg. Astronomy of the Inca Empire: Use and Significance of the Sun and Night Sky. Christopher Heaneypp. 826–827.
Bruce T. Moran. Paracelsus: An Alchemical Life. Megan Piorkopp. 827–828.
John Christopoulos. Abortion in Early Modern Italy. Elizabeth W. Mellynpp. 829–830.
He Bian. Know Your Remedies: Pharmacy and Culture in Early Modern China. Marta Hansonpp. 830–831.
Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino. The Chemical Philosophy of Robert Boyle: Mechanism, Chymical Atoms, and Emergence. Ashley J. Inglehartpp. 831–832.
Francesco G. Sacco. Real, Mechanical, Experimental: Robert Hooke’s Natural Philosophy. Jeremy Robin Schneiderpp. 833–834.
Anna Marie Roos. Martin Lister and His Remarkable Daughters: The Art of Science in the Seventeenth Century. Susanna Bergerpp. 834–835.
Timothy Paul Grove. Christ Came Forth from India: Georgian Astrological Texts of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries. Darin Haytonpp. 835–836.
Sophie Brockmann. The Science of Useful Nature in Central America: Landscapes, Networks, and Practical Enlightenment, 1784–1838. Irina Podgornypp. 836–838.
Yann Piot. Jean-Antoine Nollet, artisan expérimentateur: Un discours technique au Xviiie siècle. Christine Lehmanpp. 838–839.
Andreas Feldtkeller; Uta Zeuge-Buberl. Networks of Knowledge: Epistemic Entanglement Initiated by American Protestant Missionary Presence in Nineteenth-Century Syria. Rana Issapp. 839–841.
Curtis N. Johnson. Darwin’s „Historical Sketch“: An Examination of the „Preface“ to the. Xiaoxing Jinpp. 841–842.
Robert J. Mayhew; Charles W. J. Withers, eds. Geographies of Knowledge: Science, Scale, and Spatiality in the Nineteenth Century. Ashanti Shihpp. 842–843.
Antoine Traisnel. Capture: American Pursuits and the Making of a New Animal Condition. Nicole Welk-Joergerpp. 844–845.
Ken Thompson. Darwin’s Most Wonderful Plants: A Tour of His Botanical Legacy. Kuang-Chi Hungpp. 845–846.
Ashley Elizabeth Kerr. Sex, Skulls, and Citizens: Gender and Racial Science in Argentina (1860–1910). Ricardo Roquepp. 847–848.
David Sepkoski. Catastrophic Thinking: Extinction and the Value of Diversity from Darwin to the Anthropocene. Kate Holterhoffpp. 848–849.
Viktoria Tkaczyk; Mara Mills; Alexandra Hui, eds. Testing Hearing: The Making of Modern Aurality. Coreen McGuirepp. 849–851.
Dean Rickles. Covered with Deep Mist: The Development of Quantum Gravity (1916–1956). Daniela Monaldipp. 851–852.
Matthew Shindell. The Life and Science of Harold C. Urey. Catherine L. Newellpp. 852–853.
James Rodger Fleming. First Woman: Joanne Simpson and the Tropical Atmosphere. Sarah Carsonpp. 853–855.
Karena Kalmbach. The Meanings of a Disaster: Chernobyl and Its Afterlives in Britain and France. Garret J. McDonaldpp. 855–856.