Social History of Medicine is concerned with all aspects of health, illness, and medical treatment in the past. It is committed to publishing work on the social history of medicine from a variety of disciplines. The journal offers its readers substantive and lively articles on a variety of themes, critical assessments of archives and sources, conference reports, up-to-date information on research in progress, a discussion point on topics of current controversy and concern, review articles, and wide-ranging book reviews.
Original Articles
Polio Vaccine Struggles: FAIR and the Failed Reintroduction of Inactivated Polio Vaccine, 1975–1985 Baptiste Baylac-Paouly; Jan Hendriks; Stuart Blume
The Consilia by Learned Physicians Pietro Andrea Mattioli and Francesco Partini: Dialectic Relations between Doctrine, Empirical Knowledge and Use of the Senses in Sixteenth-century Europe Alessandra Quaranta
Black Healers, Surgeons and ‘Witches’: Medicine, Mobility and Knowledge Exchange in Swedish St Barthélemy 1785–1815 Fredrik Thomasson
Eucalyptus Acclimatisation for Fighting Malaria: Environmental and Medical Experiments in the Iberian Nineteenth Century Ignacio García-Pereda; Ana Duarte Rodrigues
Antiseptics leave the Clinic—The Introduction of (Puerperal) Prophylaxis in Austrian Midwifery Education (1870s–1880s) Marina Hilber
Towards a Medical Utopia: Medicine, Politics and Citizenship in Post-Unified Italy (1861–1910) Cristiano Turbil
The Sururgia of Nicholas Neesbett: Writing Medical Authority in Later Medieval England Melissa Reynolds
The Ageing Body, Memory-Loss and Suicide in Georgian England Ella Sbaraini
Desirable Bodies and Eugen Sandow’s Curative Institute in Edwardian England Conor Heffernan
Spare Rib, The British Women’s Health Movement and the Empowerment of Misery Zoe Strimpel
Vision Testing in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Britain: Opticians, Medical Practitioners and the Battle for Professional Authority Gemma Almond
Brewers, Booze and Medicine: Industrial Funding of Alcoholic Liver Disease Research in 1980s Britain Ryosuke Yokoe
Household Sanitary Inspection, Mosquito Control and Domestic Hygiene in the Gold Coast [Ghana] from the Late-Nineteenth to the Mid-Twentieth Century Akwasi Kwarteng Amoako-Gyampah
Continuities in State–Society Interactions across Broad Spatio-temporal Realms: Gong Tingxian as Both an Author of Popular Medical Texts and an Imperial Medical Secretary in Early Modern China Sare Aricanli
Book Reviews
Sharon T. Strocchia, Forgotten Healers: Women and the Pursuit of Health in Late Renaissance Italy (I Tatti Studies in Renaissance History) Meredith K Ray
Anne M. Scott and Michael David Barbezat (eds), Fluid Bodies and Bodily Fluids in Pre-Modern Europe: Bodies, Blood and Tears in Literature, Theology and Art Bettina Bildhauer
Theresa A. Vaughan, Women, Food, and Diet in the Middle Ages. Balancing the Humours Paloma Moral de Calatrava
Aleksandra Pfau, Medieval Communities and the Mad: Narratives of Crime and Mental Illness in Late Medieval France Julie Singer
Margaret Delacy, Contagionism Catches On: Medical Ideology in Britain, 1730–1800 Matthew Newsom Kerr
Timothy James Lockley, Military Medicine and the Making of Race: Life and Death in the West India Regiments, 1795–1874 Erica Wald
James Poskett, Materials of the Mind: Phrenology, Race, and the Global History of Science 1815–1920 Carla Bittel
Mari Webel, The Politics of Disease Control: Sleeping Sickness in Eastern Africa, 1890–1920 Rachel Conner; Melissa Graboyes
Arleen Marcia Tuchman, Diabetes: A History of Race and Disease Chris Feudtner
Iwo Amelung (ed.), Discourses of Weakness in Modern China: Historical Diagnoses of the ‘Sick Man of East Asia’ Carlos Rojas
Coreen McGuire, Measuring Difference, Numbering Normal: Setting the Standard for Disability in the Interwar Period Dan Bouk
Mark Jackson and Martin D. Moore (eds), Balancing The Self: Medicine, Politics and the Regulation of Health in the Twentieth Century Louise Morgan
Robert Baker, The Structure of Moral Revolutions: Studies of Changes in the Morality of Abortion, Death, and the Bioethics Revolution Duncan Wilson
Carolyn Merchant. The Anthropocene and the Humanities: From Climate Change to a New Age of Sustainability James Dunk
David Sepkoski, Catastrophic Thinking: Extinction and the Value of Diversity from Darwin to the Anthropocene Henry Cowles
Jonathon Shears, The Hangover: A Literary and Cultural History Mark Hailwood