Isis – A Journal of the History of Science Society
Editors: Alexandra Hui and Matthew Lavine
Publication of the History of Science Society
Science in Glass: Material Pathologies in Laboratory Research, Glassware Standardization, and the (Un)Natural History of a Modern Material, 1900s–1930s Kijan Espahangizipp. 221–244
Antarctic Krill and the Temporalities of Oceanic Abundance, 1930s–1960s Alessandro Antonellopp. 245–265
Punch-Drunk Slugnuts: Violence and the Vernacular History of Disease Stephen T. Casperpp. 266–288
United in Scholarship, Divided in Practice: (Re)Translating Smallpox and Measles for Seventeenth-Century Jews Magdaléna Jánošíkovápp. 289–309
Export Furniture and Artisanal Translation in Eighteenth-Century Canton Kyoungjin Baepp. 310–330
Dark Degenerations: Life, Light, and Transformation beneath the Earth, 1840–circa 1900 Andrew Flackpp. 331–351
The Climate Emergency Demands a New Kind of History: Pragmatic Approaches from Science and Technology Studies, Text Mining, and Affiliated Disciplines Jo Guldipp. 352–365
Introduction: Rethinking History of Science in the Anthropocene Lukas M. Verburgt and Elske de Waalpp. 366–376
From the History of Science to Geoanthropology Jürgen Rennpp. 377–385
A Planetary Anthropocene? Views From Africa Iva Pešapp. 386–395
Earth System Science, Anthropocene Historiography, and Three Forms of Human Agency Zoltán Boldizsár Simon and Julia Adeney Thomaspp. 396–406
Between History and Earth System Science Deborah R. Coen and Fredrik Albritton Jonssonpp. 407–416
To the Editors Galina Weinsteinpp. 417–418
In Reply David E. Rowep. 418
Editors’ Note p. 419
We Need to See Things Asif Siddiqipp. 420–424
Katherine McKittrick. Dear Science and Other Stories. Kinjal Davepp. 425–426
Philip Ball. The Elements: A Visual History of Their Discovery. Karoliina Pulkkinenpp. 426–427
Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther. When Maps Become the World. Petra Svatekpp. 427–428
Anna Reser; Leila McNeill. Forces of Nature: The Women Who Changed Science. Bethany G. Andersonpp. 428–429
Christopher Byrne. Aristotle’s Science of Matter and Motion. Jean De Grootpp. 430–431
David Pingree. Picatrix: A Medieval Treatise on Astral Magic. Steven P. Marronepp. 431–432
Petros Bouras-Vallianatos. Innovation in Byzantine Medicine: The Writings of John Zacharias Aktouarios (c. 1275–c. 1330). Orly Lewispp. 432–433
Seb Falk. The Light Ages: The Surprising Story of Medieval Science. J. Rodríguez-Arribaspp. 434–435
Alisha Rankin. The Poison Trials: Wonder Drugs, Experiments, and the Battle for Authority in Renaissance Science. Molly Taylor-Poleskeypp. 435–436
Hannah Marcus. Forbidden Knowledge: Medicine, Science, and Censorship in Early Modern Italy. Daniele Macugliapp. 436–437
Kalle Kananoja. Healing Knowledge in Atlantic Africa: Medical Encounters, 1500–1850. Patrícia Martins Marcospp. 438–439
Timothy M. Harrison. Coming To: Consciousness and Natality in Early Modern England. Emma Gilbypp. 439–440
Zachary Dorner. Merchants of Medicines: The Commerce and Coercion of Health in Britain’s Long Eighteenth Century. Leonard Smithpp. 440–441
Joan Steigerwald. Experimenting at the Boundaries of Life: Organic Vitality in Germany around 1800. Victor D. Boantzapp. 442–443
Jeremy Zallen. American Lucifers: The Dark History of Artificial Light, 1750–1865. Tamara Caulkinspp. 443–444
Steven Turner. The Science of James Smithson: Discoveries from the Smithsonian Founder. Barrie Blatchfordpp. 445–446
Pratik Chakrabarti. Inscriptions of Nature: Geology and the Naturalization of Antiquity. Robyn d’Avignonpp. 446–447
David Trippett; Benjamin Walton, eds. Nineteenth-Century Opera and the Scientific Imagination. Hansjakob Ziemerpp. 447–449
Elizabeth Reis. Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex. Sandra Ederpp. 449–450
Bill Jenkins. Evolution before Darwin: Theories of the Transmutation of Species in Edinburgh, 1804–1834. Evelleen Richardspp. 450–451
James Mussell; Graeme Gooday, eds. A Pioneer of Connection: Recovering the Life and Work of Oliver Lodge. Courtenay Raiapp. 452–454
Rob Boddice. Humane Professions: The Defense of Experimental Medicine, 1876–1914. Sarah E. Naramorepp. 454–455
Jacob Steere-Williams. The Filth Disease: Typhoid Fever and the Practices of Epidemiology in Victorian England. Tabitha Sparkspp. 456–457
Stephen P. Weldon. The Scientific Spirit of American Humanism. Joseph Blankholmpp. 457–458
Neeraja Sankaran. A Tale of Two Viruses: Parallels in the Research Trajectories of Tumor and Bacterial Viruses. Hyung Wook Parkpp. 458–459
Mark Solovey. Social Science for What? Battles over Public Funding for the “Other Sciences” at the National Science Foundation. Audra J. Wolfep. 460
Giovanni Battimelli; Giovanni Ciccotti; Pietro Greco. Computer Meets Theoretical Physics: The New Frontier of Molecular Simulation. Daniele Macugliapp. 461–462
Xiaoping Fang. China and the Cholera Pandemic: Restructuring Society under Mao. Ruth Rogaskipp. 462–463
John Troyer. Technologies of the Human Corpse. Helen MacDonaldpp. 463–465
Noah Tamarkin. Genetic Afterlives: Black Jewish Indigeneity in South Africa. Nurit Kirshpp. 465–466
John H. Evans. The Human Gene Editing Debate. Vivien Hamiltonpp. 466–467