The Journal of Contemporary History (JCH) is a quarterly peer-reviewed international journal publishing articles and book reviews on twentieth-century history (post-1930), covering a broad range of historical approaches including social, economic, political, diplomatic, intellectual and cultural. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Editorial Statement Richard J. Evans, Mary Neuburgerpp. 211–211
Special Section: The UN and the Colonial World Guest Editor: Giusi Russo
The UN and the Colonial World: New Questions and New Directions Giusi Russopp. 212–217
Colonial Exceptions: The International Labour Organization and Child Labour in British Africa, c.1919–40 Sacha Hepburn, April Jacksonpp. 218–241
Liberal Internationalism, Decolonization, and International Accountability at the United Nations: The British Dilemma Robert D. Venosapp. 242–267
‘Hidden Motives’? African Women, Forced Marriage and Knowledge Production at the United Nations, 1950–62 Rhian Elinor Keysepp. 268–292
Gatekeepers to Decolonisation: Recentring the UN Peacekeepers on the Frontline of West Papua’s Re-colonisation, 1962–3 Margot Tudorpp. 293–316
Creating Destinations for a Better Tomorrow: UN Development Aid for Cultural Tourism in the 1960s Marie Huberpp. 317–340
‘The Franco Way’: The American Right and the Spanish Civil War, 1936–9 Austin J. Clementspp. 341–364
Outwitting the Gestapo? German Communist Resistance between Loyalty and Betrayal Udo Grashoffpp. 365–386
Japanese Internment of Allied Civilians in the Second World War China: Perspectives on the Enemy Aliens Protection Mechanism Chan Yangpp. 387–411
Mina All New: An Unmarried Mother on Italian Television in the Early 1960s Emma Barronpp. 412–432
‘Wars Begin in the Minds of Men’: Psychiatry and the Cold War Antinuclear Movement Paula A. Michaelspp. 433–454
Disenchanting Socialist Internationalism: Polish Workers in Czechoslovakia and East Germany, 1962–91 Ondřej Klípapp. 455–478
Socialist Construction for Siberia: Comecon Cooperation and the Making of Ust'-Ilimsk Forest Industrial Complex in the USSR, 1970s and 1980s Elena Kochetkova, Aleksei Popovpp. 479–498
Book reviews
Book Review: House of Government: A Saga of the Russian Revolution by Yury Slezkine Christopher Readpp. 499–501
Book Review: A Brief History of Fascist Lies by Federico Finchelstein Roger Eatwellpp. 501–502
Book Review: Dying for the Nation: Death, Grief and Bereavement in Second World War Britain by Lucy Noakes Jacinta Mallonpp. 502–504
Book Review: People Must Live By Work: Direct Job Creation in America, from FDR to Reagan by Steven Attewell pp. 504–505
Book Review: Yellow Star, Red Star: Holocaust Remembrance After Communism by Jelena Subotić Claire E. Aubinpp. 505–507
Book Review: The August Trials: The Holocaust and Postwar Justice in Poland by Andrew Kornbluth Ewa Stańczykpp. 507–509
Book Review: Inventing the Myth: Political Passions and the Ulster Protestant Imagination by Connal Parr Marc Mulhollandpp. 509–510