Original Articles
The building projects and the Histories of Gregory of Tours John Merringtonpp. 159–184
Gregory’s forgotten rebel: the portrayal of Basina by Gregory of Tours and its implications Rachel Singerpp. 185–208
Teudefred and the king. On the manuscript Carcassonne G 6 and the intertwining of localities and centre in the Carolingian world Christoph Haack, Thomas Kohlpp. 209–235
Einhardian geography and the tenth-century Abodrites Chris Halstedpp. 236–265
Wives, concubines, or slaves? Peter Damian and clerics’ women Fiona Griffithspp. 266–290
Book reviews
Assassin des pauvres. L’église et l’inaliénabilité des terres à l’époque carolingienne. By Gaëlle Calvet-Marcadé. Collection Haut Moyen Âge 30. Turnhout: Brepols. 2019. 358 pp. ISBN 978-2-503-57793-7. Ian Woodpp. 291–294
Monarchs and Hydrarchs: The Conceptual Development of Viking Activity across the Frankish Realm (c. 750–940). By Christian Cooijmans. London: Routledge. 2020. 292 pp. £ 120 (hardback); £33.29 (eBook). ISBN 9780367202149. Robert Evanspp. 294–295
Iconophilia. Politics, Religion, Preaching, and the Use of Images in Rome, c. 680–880. By Francesca Dell’Acqua. Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Studies. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. 2020. xxvii + 386 pp. + 104 b/w figures and 32 colour plates. £ 130/£ 39.99. ISBN 978 0 415 79372 0 (hardback); ISBN 978 1 315 21091 9 (ebook). John Osbornepp. 296–298
Liturgical Past in Byzantium and Early Rus. By Sean Griffin. Studies in Medieval Life and Thought Fourth Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. x + 275 pp. £ 75. ISBN 978-1-107-15676-0. Andrey Vinogradovpp. 298–300
Die Krieger der Karolinger. Kriegsdienste als Prozesse gemeinschaftlicher Organisation um 800. By Christoph Haack. Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde 115. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. 2020. x + 273 pp. € 109.95. ISBN 9783110626148. Laury Sartipp. 300–302
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, Volume XIII: Derbyshire and Staffordshire. By Jane Hawkes and Philip Sidebottom with Martin Biddle. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press for the British Academy. 2018. xii + 365pp. + 665 b/w plates + 50 b/w and colour figures. £ 100. ISBN 9780197266212. Victoria Thompson Whitworthpp. 302–305
Visions of Kinship in Medieval Europe. By Hans Hummer. Oxford Studies in Medieval European History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2018. 380 pp. £ 69. ISBN 9780198797609. Alex Travespp. 305–307
The Chronology and Canon of Ælfric of Eynsham. By Aaron J. Kleist. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer. 2019. xxii + 347 pp. £ 75. ISBN 9781843845331 Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen (hardback); ISBN 9781787445383. Inka Timosaaripp. 307–309
La Corte del Califa. Quatro años en la Córdoba de los Omeyas. By Eduardo Manzano Moreno. Barcelona: Crítica. 2019. 475 pp. incl. 28 b/w + colour illustrations. € 24.90 (hardback). ISBN 978-84-9199-028-4. Roger Collinspp. 309–312
Rome in the Eighth Century. A History in Art. By John Osborne. British School at Rome Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2020. xx + 291 pp. £ 75 (hardback). ISBN 978-1-108-83458-2. Marios Costambeyspp. 312–314
Presbyter. Moral, Mobilität und die Kirchenorganisation im Karolingerreich. By Steffen Patzold. Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters 68. Stuttgart: Hiersemann. 2020. 599 pp. € 196 (hardback). ISBN 9783777220239. Julia Barrowpp. 314–317
Social Inequality in Early Medieval Europe: Local Societies and Beyond. Edited by Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo. Collection Haut Moyen Âge 39. Turnhout: Brepols. 2020. 360 pp. + 97 b/w figures. € 80. ISBN 978-2-503-58565-9 Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen; ISBN 978-2-503-58566-6. Wendy Daviespp. 317–319
The Eulogius Corpus. By Kenneth Baxter Wolf. Translated Texts for Historians 71. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2019. xxii + 412 pp. £ 35 (paperback). ISBN 978-1-789-62121-1. Jamie Wood pp. 319–322