The American Catholic Bishops and the Northern Ireland “Troubles” Margaret M. Scull pp. 281–302
Charitable Activities in the Sixteenth Century: Early Theatine Identity under Carafa Andrea Vanni pp. 303–322
Towards a History of the First Catholic Religious Women Born in Africa or of African Descent (1703–1939) Philippe Denis pp. 323–345
On the Front Lines of a Religious Cold War: The Korean War and Transforming Protestantism in Korea Paul S. Cha pp. 346–367
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Howes, Hetta Elizabeth: Transformative Waters in Late‐Medieval Literature – From Aelred of Rievaulx to the Book of Margery Kempe. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2021; pp. ix + 210. Annie Sutherland pp. 376–377
Ibrahim, Ayman S.: Conversion to Islam: Competing Themes in Early Islamic Historiography. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021; pp. xxi + 291. Jamsheed K. Choksy pp. 377–379
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