Founded in October of 1898, Slavonic Review is a pivotal historical journal published in the Czech Republic and focusing on the history of the nations of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. It initially presented a wide spectrum of information on contemporary political and cultural events in the Slavonic world. It has been a scientific historical journal since the 1960s, with a comprehensive peer review system established in the beginning of the 1990s. In addition to specialized analytical studies, the journal publishes material (source) texts, expert discussions, reviews, reports, and compendia on domestic and foreign historiographic output as well as important information from scientific life. The mission of Slavonic Review is to present the historical evolution of the Czech nation and other lands within the studied region in broad international-political and cultural contexts while at the same time serving as a platform for historians of different generations and methodologies to meet and exchange opinions. The journal is open to researchers from the Czech Republic and abroad. Contributions are published in Czech, Slovak, and English.
MOKRYK Radomyr The Sixtiers: Ukrainian Generation of the Thaw and its Historical Experience s. 11–34 The study focuses on the Ukrainian generation of the Thaw known as “the Sixtiers”. Gradual development of their worldview is mapped on the examples of their reflections on crucial political and cultural events that took place during the Thaw from 1953 till 1965 and formed the historical experience of the younger generation during the defined period. The article is concentrated on five key events: Stalin’s death in 1953, the Secret speech in 1956, the Kurenivka tragedy in 1961, the fire in Public library in Kyiv in 1964 and the mass arrests of Ukrainian intelligentsia in 1965. The reflexion of the Sixtiers on these events is traced according to their diaries, letters, published texts and recorded interviews. The study also maps the approaches of the Soviet officials during these events that are shown with a help of archival KGB files. On the basis of these sources the article maps gradual development of the worldview of the Sixtiers and their shift from relatively loyal Soviet citizens to opposition minded intellectuals and dissidents. Key words: The Sixtiers, Thaw, dissident, the Secret speech, Kurenivka tragedy, cultural colonialism
NENIČKA Lubomír Organizace péče o řecké a makedonské děti v Československu v letech 1948–1952: její specifika a reflexe The Organization of Care for Greek and Macedonian Children in Czechoslovakia in the Years 1948–1952: Specific Aspects and Reflections s. 35–65 The Greek emigration to communist countries was characterized by a large proportion of children who were evacuated during the height of the Greek Civil War. In the individual countries they were placed into children’s homes, where they remained even in the years after the arrival of adult refugees from Greece. These homes were also established in Czechoslovakia as early as 1948, and several dozen of them were built within a short period. The goal of this study is to demonstrate how the political dimension affected the organization of the care provided for children from Greece in these children’s homes. The article attempts to answer the following questions: which specific factors influenced the level of care for children from Greece in the initial period of their stay, and how was these factors’ influence reflected on the Czech side? The construction of the homes was complicated by problems caused by the lack of suitable buildings and disagreements with Greek officials. And the homes’ operation was affected by insufficient staffing, which was often criticized by the supervisory authorities. The difficulty of organizing assistance for Greek children in the first stage of their stay in Czechoslovakia was strongly affected by an emphasis on its political dimension and by the low degree of cooperation between key actors who were responsible for its provision. Key words: Greek emigration, Communist Party, social care, children’s homes
KOŠŤÁLOVÁ Petra Křesťanství na Kavkaze v raném středověku: upevnění arménské a gruzínské identity a apoštolská tradice Christianity in the Caucasus in the early Middle Ages: Consolidation of Armenian and Georgian Identity and the Apostolic Tradition s. 67–92 In late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, the Caucasus represented an important crossroads of civilization, which brought together Judaism, Christianity, and even early Islam. The Christianity in the Caucasus has one of the oldest church structures in the world: the Armenian Apostolic Church (Hay Aṙak'elakan Yekeghetsi) is often classified in the same category as the pre-Chalcedonian ancient Eastern oriental churches, and in the early Middle Ages the Georgian churches (sakartvelos martlmadidebeli ek‘lesia) developed into the current that we later become familiar with as Orthodoxy. Both the Armenian and the Georgian church traditions show a similar development during the 4th – 7th centuries CE, and they rely on the apostolic tradition as their fundamental argument for their own independence (autocephaly; i.e., having their “own head”). These “self-governing” churches have their own highest patriarch (later, the term catholicos was adopted for this function), and their autocephaly was later reaffirmed in the context of the 11th century and the Crusades. A textual analysis of the surviving primary sources from this period, in comparison with the numerous secondary sources, reveals not only common sources of inspiration, but also a multi-layered phenomenon of period religions polemics. In the local conception, Caucasian “holy cities” such as Mtskheta and Etchmiadzin were a “new Zion” that oscillated between the image of Jerusalem and Constantinople. The resulting picture indicates a very early construction of a religious identity which continued to manifest itself with practically unchanged features through the course of the Middle Ages, as well as into the early and later modern periods, as a cornerstone of future “national” identity. Key words: Armenia, Georgia, southern Caucasus, identity, religion, Apostolic tradition
SZUMIŁO Mirosław The Secret Support of the Polish Church for male religious orders in Czechoslovakia (1956–1965). An overview. s. 93–116 The aim of this study is to present first ten years of secret cooperation between male religious congregations in Poland and Czechoslovakia, initiated after the political “thaw” in 1956. This phase ended with establishment of direct contacts between Polish hierarchs and Slovak ecclesiastical emigration during the Second Vatican Council, which, in turn, opened up new prospects for cooperation. As all communication, contacts and support given were usually held in deep conspiracy, it is difficult to find written sources on the matter, and witnesses are usually deceased. Therefore, the main source of information are documents produced by the communist security apparatus (investigations into individual orders or prosecutions of arrested monks). They are supplemented by written accounts and memoirs. Considering the state of preserved sources, I focus here on a few of the most active congregations in this regard: the Redemptorists, Capuchins, Jesuits, Society of the Divine Word. Keywords: Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Catholic Church, male religious orders
PELIKÁN Jan Političtí vězni v Jugoslávii počátkem 80. let 20. století Political Prisoners in Yugoslavia in the Early 1980s s. 117–160 This study is one of the pilot attempts at analyzing the state, intensity, and development of institutional political repression in Yugoslavia in the first years after the death of president Josip Broz Tito in May 1980. It is primarily based in a detailed analysis of two compendious internal documents produced for the top leaders of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), which register persons imprisoned for political reasons in Yugoslavia in November 1980 and November 1982. On the basis of a detailed analysis of these two voluminous documents, it registers the numbers of political offenders and the categories of crimes they were imprisoned for. It captures the regional affiliations of persons who were imprisoned for political reasons, as well as their ethnic identities, gender, and ages. It shows what changes had taken place in these indicators in 1982 in comparison with the situation two years ago. Key words: Yugoslavia, imprisonment, political persecution, Kosovo, Albanians, emigration, verbal offense, enemy propaganda
Krasimira MARCHOLEVA, Istorija na pražkoto studentsko družestvo „Bălgarska sedjanka“ (1880–1954) (Marcel Černý) s. 161–171
Mariusz MAZUR, Antykomunistycznego podziemia portret zbiorowy 1945–1956. Aspekty mentalno-psychologiczne (Adam Zítek) s. 171–175
Goran MARKOVIĆ, Česká škola neexistuje (Milan Sovilj) s. 176–181
Irina MARIN, Peasant Violence and Antisemitism in Early Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe (Pavel Cibulka) s. 181–184
Hrvoje KLASIĆ, Mika Špiljak. Revolucionar i državnik (Michal Janíčko) s. 184–194
Pavel KOSATÍK, Slovenské století (Tereza Richtáriková) s. 194–199
Třetí ročník konference Studentské dialogy o východní Evropě (Brno – Olomouc – Praha) The third annual conference Student Dialogues on Eastern Europe (Brno – Olomouc – Prague) (Marek Příhoda) s. 209–213
Konference Promýšlet Evropu 20. století: Kontinent (ne)svobody Conference Thinking About 20th Century Europe: The Continent of (Un)Freedom (Jakub Marša) s. 214–217