Original Articles
Open Access Atmospheric architecture: Gregory of Tours’s use of the fear of God in Tours Cathedral and the Basilica of St Martin Catherine-Rose Hailstone Pages: 325-349
Open Access The lost Missal of Alcuin and the Carolingian sacramentaries of Tours Arthur Westwell Pages: 350-383
The importance of coinage in the Carolingian world Simon Coupland Pages: 384-407
Alfredian military reform: the materialization of ideology and the social practice of garrisoning Georgina Pitt Pages: 408-436
Bonding over a death: signalling in the funeral episode of Ibn Faḍlān’s Risala Declan Taggart Pages: 437-460
Book reviews
Du royaume goth au Midi mérovingien. Actes des XXXIVe Journées d’Archéologie Mérovingienne de Toulouse, 6, 7 et 8 Novembre 2013. Edited by Emmanuelle Boube, Alexis Corrochano and Jérôme Hernandez. Mémoires 56. Bordeaux: Ausonius. 2019. 560 pp. €60. ISBN 2356132465. ISSN 1283 2995. Oriol Dinarès Cabrerizo Pages: 461-463
Lyon dans l’Europe Carolingienne: Autour d’Agobard (816–840). Edited by François Bougard, Alexis Charansonnet and Marie‐Céline Isaïa. Collection Haut Moyen Âge 36. Turnhout: Brepols. 2019. 382 pp., 21 b/w ill. + 28 colour ill. €80. ISBN 978 2 503 58235 1. Rutger Kramer Pages: 463-466
Understanding Religious Change in Africa and Europe: Crossing Latitudes. The Christianization of Jukun of Nigeria and Celtic Irish in Early Medieval Europe. By Nathan Irmiya Elawa. Cham: Springer. 2020. xxiii + 183 pp. €88.39. ISBN 978 3 030 42180 9. Roy Flechner Pages: 467-469
The Moral Economy of the Countryside: Anglo‐Saxon to Anglo‐Norman England. By Rosamond Faith. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2020. xi + 235pp. £19.99. ISBN 978 1 108 72006 9. Leonie V. Hicks Pages: 469-471
The Hibernensis. Edited by Roy Flechner. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Canon Law 17. Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press. 2019/20. 2 vols: I Study and edition, 640 pp.; II Translation, commentary and indices, 550 pp. £135. ISBN 9780813231938. Steven A. Schoenig S.J. Pages: 471-474
L’empreinte chrétienne en Gaule du IVe au IXe siècle. Edited by Michèle Gaillard. Turnhout: Brepols. 2014. 551 pp. ISBN 9782503550442. Hope Williard Pages: 474-476
Cultural Encounters on Byzantium’s Northern Frontier, c. 500–700: Coins, Artifacts and History. By Andrei Gandila. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2018. xix + 376 pp. £ 90. ISBN 9781108666374. Francesco Borri Pages: 477-479
In the Manner of the Franks: Hunting, Kingship, and Masculinity in Early Medieval Europe. By Eric J. Goldberg. The Middle Ages Series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2020. viii + 339 pp. + 63 b/w figures. £74. ISBN 978 0 8122 5235 4. Robert Pecksmith Pages: 479-481
Confronting Crisis in the Carolingian Empire: Paschasius Radbertus’ Funeral Oration for Wala of Corbie. By Mayke de Jong and Justin Lake. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2020. xx + 244 pp. + 2 maps. £80 (hardback); £19.99 (paperback). ISBN 978 1 5261 3482 0 (hardback); ISBN 978 1 5261 3484 4 (paperback). Matthew Bryan Gillis Pages: 481-483
The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris. Edited by Gavin Kelly and Joop van Waarden. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2020. xviii + 838 pp. £195, $255. ISBN 978 1 4744 6169 (hardback); ISBN 978 1 4744 6170 (webready PDF); ISBN 978 4744 6171 9 (epub). Mark Vessey Pages: 484-486
Emotional Monasticism: Affective Piety in the Eleventh‐Century Monastery of John of Fécamp. By Lauren Mancia. Artes Liberales. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2018. xx + 267 pp. £80. ISBN 978 1 5261 4020 3. Benjamin Pohl Pages: 486-488
Migranten und Stadtgeselleschaft im frühmittelalterlichen Rom. Griechische Einwanderer und ihre Nachkommen im diachronen Vergleich. By Philipp Winterhager. Europa im Mittelalter 35. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. 2020. ix + 429 pp. €109.95. ISBN 978 3 11 067871 0. Veronika Unger Pages: 488-490
Neighbours and Strangers: Local Societies in Early Medieval Europe. By Bernhard Zeller, Charles West, Francesca Tinti, Marco Stoffella, Nicolas Schroeder, Carine van Rhijn, Steffen Patzold, Thomas Kohl, Wendy Davies and Miriam Czock. Manchester: Manchester University Press. xviii + 289 pp. with 22 figures and maps. ISBN 978 1 5261 3981 8 (hardback). John Blair Pages: 491-492