Original Articles
Giants on Clay Feet—COVID-19, infection control and public health laboratory networks in England, the USA and (West-)Germany (1945–2020) Claas Kirchhelle
Treating, Preventing, Feigning, Concealing: Sickness, Agency and the Medical Culture of the British Naval Seaman at the End of the Long Eighteenth Century Sara Caputo
From ‘Immoral’ Users to ‘Sunbed Addicts’: The Media–Medical Pathologising of Working-class Consumers and Young Women in Late Twentieth-century England Fabiola Creed
A ‘Silent’ Pandemic? 1918–1919 Influenza Pandemic in Greece: Evidence from Hermoupolis, Syros Michail Raftakis
Public Health in a Federation: Lessons from the Spanish Influenza in Australia Carolyn Holbrook
Writing the History of Endemic Viral Disease: The Case of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea, c.1945–1980 Abigail Woods
Doctoring the Script: Crime Writing, Order and Medical Authority in the Oeuvre of Dr Augustin Cabanès, 1894–1928 Julie M Powell
Fighting Rubella without Vaccines: The Danish Exception, 1941–1987 Anne Hagen Berg
Birth of the Russian Patient: Somatic Modes of Attention and the Embodied Self in a Mid-Eighteenth-Century Russian Diary Maria Pirogovskaya
Creating the New Soviet Man: The Case of Neurasthenia Anastasia Beliaeva
The Hypnotic Screen: The Early Soviet Experiment with Film Psychotherapy Anna Toropova
Pathologising ‘Refusal’: Prison, Health and Conscientious Objectors during the First World War Max Hodgson
How Chinese Materia Medica Informed Nineteenth-Century British Pharmaceutical Knowledge: The Case of Daniel Hanbury’s Reception and Translation of Bencao Literature Sooyoung An
Book Reviews
Mark Bailey, After the Black Death: Economy, Society, and the Law in Fourteenth-Century England. The Ford Lectures for 2019 Daniel R Curtis
Sara Ritchey, Acts of Care: Recovering Women in Late Medieval Health Book Elizabeth A Lehfeldt
Gerard van Doornum, Ton van Helvoort and Neeraja Sankaran (eds), Leeuwenhoek's Legatees and Beijerinck's Benficiaries: A History of Medical Virology in the Netherlands Floor Haalboom
Yan Liu, Healing with Poisons: Potent Medicines in Medieval China He Bian
Julie Hardwick, Sex in an Old Regime City: Young Workers and Intimacy in France, 1660–1789 Katherine Crawford
Joanne Begiato, Manliness in Britain, 1760–1900: Bodies, Emotion, and Material Culture Holly Furneaux
Violet Fenn, Sex and Sexuality in Victorian Britain Lesley A Hall
Paul Crawford, Anna Greenwood, Richard Bates, Jonathan Memel, Florence Nightingale at Home Sioban Nelson
Sara B. Pritchard and Carl A. Zimring, Technology and the Environment in History Sabine Höhler
Jennifer Lisa Koslow, Exhibiting Health: Public Health Displays in the Progressive Era Julie K Brown
Alice Mauger, The Cost of Insanity in Nineteenth Century Ireland: Public Voluntary and Private Asylum Care Michael Kinsella
Angela Cassidy, Vermin, Victims and Disease: British Debates over Bovine Tuberculosis and Badgers Claas Kirchhelle
Joanna Bourke, Loving Animals: On Bestiality, Zoophilia and Post-Human Love Erica Fudge
Jack Fennell, Rough Beasts: The Monstrous in Irish Fiction, 1800–2000 Deidre Flynn
James F. Stark, The Cult of Youth: Anti-Ageing in Modern Britain David Boyd Haycock
Lara Freidenfelds, The Myth of the Perfect Pregnancy: A History of Miscarriage in America Shannon K Withycombe
Tudor Parfitt, Hybrid Hate: Conflations of Antisemitism and Anti-Black Racism from the Renaissance to the Third Reich Jonathan Schorsch
Marty Fink, Forget Burial: HIV Kinship, Disability, and Queer/Trans Narratives of Care Tamar W Carroll
Karl S. Matlin, Jane Maienschein and Rachel A. Ankeny (eds), Why Study Biology by the Sea?Christine Keiner
Michel Morange, The Black Box of Biology: A History of the Molecular Revolution Nicolas Rasmussen
Maya J. Goldenberg, Vaccine Hesitancy: Public Trust, Expertise and the War on Science Stuart Blume
Mitchell L. Hammond, Epidemics and the Modern World Jim Harris