Original ArticleIntroduction Matthias M. Tischler Pages: 497-498
Special Issue Articles
Western Europe in the age of Abbot‐Bishop Oliba: persistence and transformation after the Carolingians Patrick Geary Pages: 499-513
Documentary culture in Catalonia and England, c.975–1050 Adam J. Kosto Pages: 514-535
Open Access Law‐books, concomitant texts and ethnically framed legal pluralism on the fringes of post‐Carolingian Europe: northern Italy and Catalonia around 1000 Stefan Esders Pages: 536-557
From Rome to Ripoll, Rioja, and beyond: the Iberian transmission of the Latin Tiburtine Sibyl and Oliba of Ripoll and Vic’s Europe‐wide network of knowledge transfer and learning Matthias M. Tischler Pages: 558-576
The art of the biblical prologue in medieval Catalonia: visual connections and interpretation in the Ripoll Bibles Erika Loic Pages: 577-605
Faith and society on the border: reinterpreting the Roda d’Isàvena Passio Imaginis Domini in an Iberian context Ekaterina Novokhatko Pages: 606-629
Book reviews
Beyond the Reconquista. New directions in the History of Medieval Iberia (711–1085). Edited by Simon Barton† and Robert Portass. Leiden: Brill. 2020. xii + 289 pp. €99. ISBN 978 90 04 31513 6. Álvaro Carvajal Castro Pages: 630-633
Gerhard von Augsburg: Vita Sancti Uodalrici Die älteste Lebensbeschreibung des heiligen Ulrich. Lateinisch‐Deutsch mit Kanonisationsurkunde von 993. Edited and translated (into German) by Walter Berschin and Angelika Häse. Editiones Heidelbergenses 24. 2nd (revised) edition. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag. 2020. €46. ISBN 9783825346997. Levi Roach Pages: 633-635
The Cartulary‐Chronicle of St‐Pierre of Bèze. Edited by Constance Brittain Bouchard. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2019. 448 pp. $82.70. ISBN 9781487506155. Steven Vanderputten Pages: 635-637
Gaelic Influence in the Northumbrian Kingdom: The Golden Age and the Viking Age. By Fiona Edmonds. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer. 2019. xvii + 300 pp. + 4 b/w illustrations, 12 maps and 7 tables. ISBN 978 1 78327 336 2. Clare Stancliffe Pages: 637-640
Using and Not Using the Past after the Carolingian Empire c. 900–1050. Edited by Sarah Greer, Alice Hicklin and Stefan Esders. London and New York: Routledge. 2020. xi + 308 pp. $160 (hardback); $46.95 (paperback). ISBN 9780367002510 (hardback); ISBN 9780367002527 (paperback). Laura Wangerin Pages: 640-642
Viking‐Age Trade: Silver, Slaves and Gotland. Edited by Jacek Gruszczyński, Marek Jankowiak and Jonathan Shepard. London and New York: Routledge. 2021. xix + 498 pp. ISBN 978 1 1382 9394 6. Viking Silver, Hoards and Containers: The Archaeological and Historical Context of Viking‐Age Silver Coin Deposits in the Baltic c. 800–1050. By Jacek Gruszczyński. London and New York: Routledge. 2019. xviii + 381 pp. ISBN 978 0 8153 7336 0. Rory Naismith Pages: 642-645
The Year 1000: When Explorers Connected the World – and Globalization Began. By Valerie Hansen. [s.l.]: Viking. 320 pp. £20. ISBN 024135126X. Søren Michael Sindbæk Pages: 645-647
Minting, State, and Economy in the Visigothic Kingdom. From Settlement in Aquitaine through the First Decade of the Muslim Conquest of Spain. By Andrew Kurt. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 2020. 421 pp. €129. ISBN 978 94 6298 164 5. Céline Martin Pages: 647-649
‘Procesos Judiciales en las sociedades medievales del norte peninsular (siglos IX–XI) /Judicial Processes in Early Medieval Societies in Northern Iberia (9th–11th Centuries)’. Database, PRJ Project, PRrocesos Judiciales en las sociedades medievales del norte peninsular, http://prj.csic.es/. Simon Doubleday Pages: 650-652
Hinkmar von Reims, De iure metropolitanorum. Studien und Edition. By Matthias Schrör. Libelli Rhenani 80. Cologne: Erzbischöfliche Dom‐ und Diözesanbibliothek. 2020. 162 pp.; 1 b/w and 7 colour figures. €18. ISBN 978 3 939160 88 5. Andreas Öffner Pages: 652-654
After Alfred: Anglo‐Saxon Chronicles and Chroniclers, 900–1150. By Pauline Stafford. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2020. xvii + 376 pp. £75. ISBN 978 0 19 885964 2. Susan Irvine Pages: 654-656
Attone di Vercelli, Polipticum quod appellatur Perpendiculum. Critical edition, translation, and commentary by Giacomo Vignodelli with a study of the author’s compositional technique by Luigi G.G. Ricci. Edizione nazionale dei testi mediolatini d’Italia 54. Florence: SISMEL – Edizione del Galluzzo. 2019. 2 volumes: I, vi + 338 pp.; II, 302 pp. €120. ISBN 978 88 8450 901 7. Maureen C. Miller Pages: 657-658
History, Scripture, and Authority in the Carolingian Empire: Frechulf of Lisieux. By Graeme Ward. British Academy Monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2022. 276 pp. $90. ISBN 9780197267288. Josh Timmermann Pages: 658-661