The Journal of Contemporary History (JCH) is a quarterly peer-reviewed international journal publishing articles and book reviews on twentieth-century history (post-1930), covering a broad range of historical approaches including social, economic, political, diplomatic, intellectual and cultural. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
ArticlesOne Voice Many Languages, Colonial Radio in India Indira Baptista Gupta
Cultural Intervention in the Spanish Civil War: A Comparative Analysis of Nazi and Fascist Propaganda Mercedes Peñalba-Sotorrío
The French Press in Wartime London, 1940–4: From the Politics of Exile to Inter-Allied Relations Iain Stewart
Blowing Against the Winds of Change: Settlers Facing Decolonization in Eritrea, 1941–52 Emanuele Ertola
Spreading the Culture of Economic Growth: Productivity Missions and the Americanization of the German Economy Jan Stöckmann
From Multiracialism to Africanization? Race, Politics, and Sport in Decolonizing Kenya Kara Moskowitz
Teaching about Fascism(s): The Relationship between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany in Italian, West German, and East German Textbooks, 1950–60 Daniela R.P. Weiner
The Representation of the British Government in Zimbabwean Nationalist Propaganda, 1965–80 Hugh Pattenden
Anti-Inflationary Commitment in the Post-Bretton Woods Era: Italy's Road to Stability-Oriented Monetary Policies, 1975–81 Roberto Ventresca
Book ReviewsBook Reviews: Epidemic Empire: Colonialism, Contagion, and Terror, 1817–2020 by Anjuli Fatima Raza Kolb Edna Bonhomme
Book Review: Migrant City: A New History of London by Panikos Panayi Charlotte Faucher
Book Review: Internationalists in European History. Rethinking the Twentieth Century by David Brydan and Jessica Reinisch (eds) Haakon A. Ikonomou
Book Review: Between Containment and Rollback. The United States and the Cold War in Germany by Christian F. Ostermann Laura Fasanaro
Book Review: Labour Women in Power: Cabinet Ministers in the Twentieth Century by Paula Bartley Helen Glew
Book Review: Project Europe: A History by Kiran Klaus Patel Katja Seidel
Book Review: West Germany and the Iron Curtain: Environment, Economy, and Culture in the Borderlands by Astrid M. Eckert Stefanie Eisenhuth
Book Review: Flowers Through Concrete: Explorations in Soviet Hippieland by Juliane Fürst Hannah Proctor
Book Review: A History of the Republic of Biafra: Law, Crime and the Nigerian Civil War by Samuel Fury Childs Daly Egodi Uchendu
Book Review: Embers of Empire in Brexit Britain by Stuart Ward and Astrid Rasch (eds) David Killingray