Pnyx, digital-only, double-blind peer-reviewed, is an Open Access journal for Classical Studies, Archaeology, and their Receptions. The journal publishes two issues per year and welcomes submissions from scholars, academics, and researchers based across the world in the field of Classical Studies (broadly defined); it provides free language editing services and full Open Access licence without any publication fees. Pnyx is an initiative from the community for the community. We take pride in our international Advisory Board that brings together a mosaic of languages, identities, cultures, and expertise, and whose numbers are tilted in favour of female and non-Anglophone representation. We work collaboratively with authors and reviewers to promote fairness and equality in publishing research in our field. The language of publication is English (the only language we are comfortable editing), as one of the aims of the journal is to provide an inclusive platform for wider dissemination. Because we value all languages, authors are encouraged to provide a long summary of their paper in their preferred language.
David Lewis, Attic Deme Harbours, the Rural Economy, and State Oversight of Maritime Trade: The Incident at Φωρῶν Λιμήν ([Dem.] 35.28-29) (81-101)
Alka Starac, The Migration of Free Roman Citizens and a Barbarian King to Histria: Origins, Status, Rights, and Professions (102-136)
Manolis Spanakis, Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and the Early Christian Concept of ‘True Light’ in the Metaphrasis Psalmorum (138.9-23) of Apollinaris of Laodicea (137-162)
Bernardo Berruecos Frank, Villerías’ Latin Translation of Alessandra Scala’s Greek Epigram to Poliziano and the Translation Wars in Mexico (163-191)