Research Article
Changes in the South Korean academic labor market and labor struggle Kyung–Pil Kim pp.: 531–547
Manganese mining in Corral Quemado: extractivism Processes that resulted in manganese madness among miners (Coquimbo region, Chile, 1941–1969) Bernardo Arriaza & Damir Galaz–Mandakovic pp.: 548–567
Skilled labour in colonial economies. Recruitment, education and employment in construction companies in German colonial West Africa, c. 1902–1912 Nina Kleinöder pp.: 568–583 Review
Vietnamese indentured labourers: The intervention of the French colonial government in regulating the flow of Vietnamese labourers to the Pacific Islands in the early twentieth century Nguyen Thi Trang pp.: 584–603
The post–indenture of Chi, New South Wales, Australia, 1857–1908 Peter Gibson pp.: 604–617
China’s employment policy since 1949: retrospect, present, and future directions Tingting Qian, Jiale Bian & Shejian Liu pp.: 618–635
The impact of digital economy on employment polarization: an analysis based on Chinese provincial panel data Xuan Zhang, Feiyang Lin, Yue Wang & Mingliang Wang pp.: 636–651
Labour relations in the online ride–hailing industry: evidence from China Xiaotao Li, Richel L. Lamadrid & Li Zhou pp.: 652–668
Managing strikes and racial issues in the South China Morning Post Yizheng Zou pp.: 669–678